Chapter 1

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Maia picked at her fingernails, coated with a thick layer of...something blue, as she watched the other party goers from the wall. Her watch read 11:38 pm. Almost over. She scrolled through social media, unsurprised that nothing had changed in the last 3 minutes.

Lauren stood in the middle of the room, laughing and flipping her hair over her shoulder as another drink miraculously appeared in her hand. She'd always lit up any room she walked into, with people swarming her before she could even make introductions. Maia lifted her phone and snapped a quick photo of Lauren holding up a shot of something with others, just before downing it with ease. Maia sent the photo to her friend, already making mental notes of captions Lauren could – and would – ask for tomorrow when asking about tonight.

Swallowing the last of her drink, Maia headed into the kitchen to get one more before the clock struck 12 and the new year was ushered in. She had made a deal with Lauren to stay until midnight ("Unless you finally decide to have fun!"), and at this point, that was the most she could promise. Maia debated rewatching one of her favorite sitcoms or starting something new when she returned home, when the door of the fridge tried to close around her.

"Hello?" She knocked the door back with her shoulder, eyebrows furrowing and blood heating her cheeks as she turned to see the person totally oblivious of an open fridge door.

Turned and looked up at the oblivious – and tall – man trying to trap her in the fridge.

"Oh shit," the man cursed and pulled the door wide open with one hand and grabbing her arm with the other. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there."

"Clearly," Maia snapped, keenly aware of all the people now staring at her. "It's fine, don't worry about it."

"No, no, wait," He gripped her upper arm again. "Let me get you a drink, I'm really sorry."

Maia raised her eyebrows a twinge at his accent. "I already have one," She gently raised the can she held.

"Right, yes," He stammered, running his hand through his long, curly hair. "Well, let me at least open it then."

Maia cocked her head just a bit to the side and felt a smile play on her lips. "You want to open my beer for me, in payment for trying to lock me in the fridge?"

The stranger laughed again, "I guess that's what I'm asking, isn't it?" He released Maia's arm and gestured towards the can.

Maia exhaled sharply, but handed him the can anyway. She let a small chuckle escape her lips at the hiss of the can opening, and at the closed lip grin he lent her as he handed it back to her.

"I'm Andrew," he extended his hand.

"Maia," She took his hand, then caught another glimpse of everybody's stares. "Thanks for...opening my drink. Nice to meet you." She unceremoniously dropped his hand before ducking her head and walking out of the kitchen.

The noise of music flooded Maia's head and crowded her thoughts as she bobbed and weaved through the crowd, trying to find another corner to hide in until midnight. 11:51. So close.

She ran her hands through her hair, accidentally pulling a few strands out of her braid in the process as she rested her back against the wall. When somebody getting a drink from the fridge became a main attraction, Maia didn't know. All she knew was the pit in her stomach she felt as everyone's eyes turned to her.

"Want to be out in the action for midnight?" The man – Andrew – materialized beside her.

Maia was unable to fight the eyeroll that came with the flinch. "Sure, something like that."

"Did you come here with someone?" He asked, oh so casually leaning against the pillar next to her.

"Yes," she turned to him, ready to tell him off, but felt her attitude disappear as he raised his eyebrows. "My best friend, Lauren," She nodded to where Lauren now stood, holding hands and dancing with someone new. Maia shook her head lightly and took a drink, turning her head back to Andrew.

Andrew laughed, a light, airy sound. "So," he turned to Maia, "You need a New Year's Kiss as well then?"

Maia's cheeks heated again. She ducked her head, looking at her watch. 11:58. She tilted her head back up to him, ready to tell him thanks, but no thanks, but found herself unable to speak under the gaze of his green eyes. "I-um, oh-"

"Come on, I still owe you for trying to crush you in the fridge." Andrew ran his hands down her arms, squeezing her hands.

"Oh, well, yeah okay." Maia stammered, unable to look away from his eyes.





Andrew wrapped his hands around Maia's waist, laughing a bit as he smiled down at her.




Maia gingerly placed her arms over Andrew's shoulders, interlacing her fingers behind his head.




"Happy New Year!!!" The crowd shouted.

Maia couldn't hear the hoops and hollers of celebration as Andrew firmly, but gently placed his lips on hers, kissing her again, and again, and once more.

Andrew pulled away from her, smiling at her pinked lips. "Happy New Year," He whispered.

"Happy New Year," Maia whispered back.

"Happy New Year, Maia!" Lauren giggled as she pulled Maia into a tight – almost too tight – embrace. "I'm so glad you came..." Lauren slurred against her friend's shoulder.

"Okay, alright, Jesus stand up." Maia snickered as she helped Lauren regain her footing. "I guess this is my cue to leave." She smiled up at Andrew.

"Here," he handed her his phone. "Follow yourself."

Maia typed in her social media handle and paused, looking at all the pictures on her feed. All pictures she took, that she was proud of. Smiling softly, she hit follow and handed Andrew his phone back – just as Lauren's head fell against Maia's shoulder.

"Alright, I seriously have to get her home now," She threw Lauren's arm over her shoulder. "Nice to meet you Andrew."

"Lauren, I'm not playing, if you don't take your makeup off you're going to kill me in the morning so just put the damn rag on your face and scrub." Maia snapped as she took her own makeup off. "Christ, I'll just do it myself." She took the washcloth from Laurens hands and finished removing the black smudges off her face.

"Alright, alright there you go." Maia helped Lauren stumble into bed. She threw a blanket over her and turned the light off. "Goodnight, take some aspirin in the morning." She said before exiting the room and walking down the hallway.

Maia changed into a pair of pj's and settled into bed, not even realizing the Instagram notification on her phone:

Hozier followed you.

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