Chapter 6

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Maia slowly walked towards the backstage door. Andrew assured her she was on "the list" and wouldn't have any problems like yesterday, but she couldn't help but feel apprehensive. The man's only acknowledgment of Maia's existence was a single side step, blocking the door.

"Hi, um, how are you?" Maia tried to be polite, unsure of the proper etiquette when entering a concert as a VIP. "I was told to come through this door? Andrew – or Hozier I guess, said he put me on the list? Maia Stephens."

The man pulled out his cell phone and started scrolling, slightly disappointing Maia that she wasn't on a physical list. He nodded, then stepped back and opened the door for her. "Third door on the right."

"Thanks..." Maia shot the man a side eye as she walked through the doors looking for the right door to who knows what.

She would've easily been able to find him without any direction. The sound of faint voices and laughter floated through the hallway and filled her ears. Standing in front of the loudest door, the third on the right, Maia took a deep breath and then turned the handle.

The group was so focused on their acapella jam session that they didn't even notice her enter. She shut the door behind her, careful not to make any noise before leaning against the door and watching them. The were stomping, clapping, and vocalizing. It was incredible, Maia found herself thinking, how they were able to anticipate and follow each other without written sheet music. Although, she supposed that's what happened when you spent as much time together as Andrew made it sound.

She slipped her phone out of her pocket, desperately wishing she had brought her camera, and took a few pictures of the group. She took a few steps, trying to find a new angle, when she kicked one of the chairs in the room and hissed a few curse words.

Andrew found her, leaning against the door with her arms tucked behind her back. An ear-to-ear grin broke across his face. He made his way across the room, quickly given his long legs, and engulfed her into a hug. "I wasn't sure if you'd come still," he whispered into her shoulder.

A slight look of confusion crossed her face as he pulled back, grin spreading across his face again. "Of course I'd be here," she ducked her head, hoping to hide the redness spreading up her neck and into her face.

"Here," he placed a hand on her lower back and guided her toward the group that was pretending not to watch their greeting. "You have to meet everybody,"

He went through everybody's name and role in the band, Maia doing her best to commit it to memory. Andrew suddenly pulled her in front him, squeezing her shoulders. "This is Maia, she's a teacher near here."

"Substitute teacher," Maia corrected gently, wanting the ground to swallow her up. They all looked at her, murmuring niceties, Maia shrugged her shoulders out of his grip and slid back to his side. "I didn't mean to interrupt; I should've come later."

"Absolutely not," He led her to one of the couches in the dressing room and sat down next to her while the others went back to their various conversations. "We do this before shows. Helps us get into the right sound. We're probably all about to go finish getting ready by ourselves."

Maia nodded, but looked down, picking at her cuticles.

"I feel terrible about how I left today," He muttered, covering her hand with his. The feeling sending a jolt through Maia's spinal cord. "I really did have to go though, and if I stayed any longer I would've-"

"Alright guys," Kristen, one of the backup singers, spoke. Maia jerked her hand back to her lap. "I'm going back to my room. See y'all in a bit."

One by one, the rest of the band filed out of the room to their respective areas to finish getting ready, leaving Andrew and Maia frozen on the couch.

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