Chapter 13

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Maia sat crisscrossed in a chair on Andrew's balcony, overlooking the city. She'd stayed the night in his room, again, after falling asleep during the movie Andrew chose. Those nights were becoming more and more common, and although nothing went further, Maia couldn't help but miss waking up in his arms when they inevitably checked out and went back to the tour bus. There had been a moment last night where Maia almost had hope that something would finally happen between them. She'd choked on the popcorn they ate, and after catching her breath, Andrew put his hand on her cheek and made sure she was okay. He held her too long for it to be platonic, in Maia's opinion, but he never gave her any indication of wanting to close that gap between them. So, Maia just nodded, whispered that she was fine, and turned back towards the movie.

A comforting presence appeared behind her and a to-go cup of coffee entered her periphery. She took it gladly, letting the taste of the sweet latte warm her from the inside out.

"You're an angel," Maia sighed, leaning her head back on Andrew's torso. "Thank you," She smiled at him as he took a seat next to her, a matching cup in his hand.

"People watching?" He asked, voice still thick with sleep. He hadn't even put his contacts in yet.

Maia nodded, taking another hearty gulp of her drink. "I love this city, being by the water. If I ever left the mountains it'd have to be close to the ocean or a river or something."

"Didn't know you'd been here before," Andrew murmured, following her eyes to the trolley that was unloading passengers.

"My mom and I used to come every year in the fall until I left school. She was so mad that first year I didn't even think about bringing it up, then she would ask how Lauren was enjoying her classes the second the weather shifted, and after that..." She trailed off, watching the red streetcar depart. "I guess I just didn't want to ask anymore."

Andrew let the silence linger, daring to steal glances to his left. The copper tones in her hair caught the morning light perfectly, especially in the bun she had on the top of her head. She still slept in his t-shirt, every night, today styled with a pair of his boxers.

"Maybe we could come back and you could show me around. After the tour, when we have more time."

Her heart almost exploded at his words. She couldn't face him, she feared she'd implode. Smile spreading across her face, she laughed lightly, "I'd really love that."

The two sat in silence finishing their coffee, Maia taking advantage of her last moments of calm before meeting David today. She'd grown comfortable with her routine while on tour, and despite Andrew's reassurances that David was relaxed, laid-back, Maia couldn't help but worry that she had bucked the system too much in his absence.

"Crazy to think that this would've been the first time we saw each other since Denver. I probably wouldn't even be on the plane yet," Maia mused.

"That was the first thing I thought of when we woke up. Don't think I could've survived that. Probably would've had you on a flight out every week if you would've let me."

Maia threw her head back in laughter. "I hate that you're not joking! That would've been a crazy amount of money to spend on me!"

"Not if it meant getting to see you," He cleared his throat and Maia ducked her head. "I definitely got the better deal, letting David put you on the payroll and the like."

They both jumped at the sound of Maia's alarm going off in the room.

"I guess I should probably go back to my room and get ready. Probably shouldn't be late when meeting the boss for the first time."

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