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Sorry for late update munchkins!)



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After ensuring Siya was alright, I received a call from Kabir. His voice was urgent as he said, "I've located the girl involved in the attack. She's the one who misled us, allowing that scoundrel to abduct your sister."

Rage consumed me. I wanted to make her suffer, to make her plead for an end to her life for the agony she caused Siya. "I'll make her regret it," I vowed silently.

On my way, I called Aarohi, "Aarohi, tell Neil to join us. I might lose control," I admitted, my anger simmering just below the surface.

"We're here," Kabir's voice snapped me back to reality. I exited the car and approached the house. I knocked forcefully, but there was no response. Impatient, I barged in, only to be stopped cold by the sight before me.

It was My Chandni, My 'little moon', looking pale and out of place in the intruder's house.

Kabir joined me, adding to the shock. "She's the one, sir"

"No, it can't be," I protested in my mind "She saved me once; she can't be behind this. She doesn't even belong here. Why would she harm Siya?"

Questions swirled in my mind, each one echoing my disbelief and the turmoil within.

Caught in a tumultuous battle between the reality before me and the memories of a distant past, my attention was abruptly seized by a shadowy figure behind the window. Clutching a remote, it cast a sinister red beam towards an unseen object. "What could it be?" I pondered, my thoughts shattered by Kabir's pressing inquiry, "Sir, what should we do now?"

With resolve, I decided to seek the truth from Akshara herself. As I approached her, I found her adrift in thought. A snap of my fingers brought her back, and I questioned, "Where were you lost?" Her response, "AAPKE KHAYAALON MAI," sent my heart into a frenzy of rhythms, yet I managed to maintain a stoic facade and pressed on with my questions.

But then, she did something utterly unexpected-she pecked my cheeks. "Am I dreaming again?" I questioned inwardly. "No, this time it's real," my subconscious assured myself. Still reeling from her touch, I noticed a peculiar detail-the dupatta she wore was marked by a blinking red light at the edge. "Could my suspicions be true?" I thought, realizing the grave danger. There was something in her dupatta, a device that could ignite at any moment with the press of that remote's button.

I couldn't afford to be gentle with her, not with that lurking threat. "I'm sorry, angel, but I must be harsh," I resolved silently. In a swift motion, I grabbed the vase beside me and hurled it at the television, shattering the screen into a millions of pecies.

The sudden voice startled Akshara, and I could see the wheels turning in her head, the seeds of overthinking being sown. But right now my priority was her safety. With a heart heavy with unspoken words, I watched as the shadow retreated. I gave chase, fury fueling my steps, but it was too late. The figure vanished into a car marked with a golden cage emblem-an emblem that tugged at the edges of my memory.

"Where have I seen this before?" I pondered, but there was no time for reflection. Akshara needed protection, and I couldn't leave her vulnerable. The realization hit me like a thunderbolt-she was my Akshara. The ring I had found four years ago, now snug in my pocket, was hers. It gleamed in her presence, recognizing its true owner. Yet, I withheld it, a secret kept close to my chest and wore it around my neck.

I commanded Kabir, "Ensure Aria stays in my palace. She'll be under my watch." As I can't say AKSHARA'S name in front of him , with that decree, I left, my mind already in the dungeon where a traitor awaited punishment. He dared to betray me, and now he would face the consequences.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──


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In a dimly lit room, the sound of heavy breathing and the occasional whimper filled the air. A man sat hunched over in a chair, his face and body covered in bruises and cuts. His eyes were wide with fear as he stared at the figure standing before him.

And he is none other than the cruel king THE ABHÍMANYU RAICHAND, His fists clenched at his sides, his jaw set in a hard line. He spoke in a low, menacing voice.

"You thought you could betray me and get away with it, didn't you?" Abhimanyu's words were like ice, sending shivers down the man's spine.

"I-I didn't mean to," the man stammered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I was desperate, I needed the money-"

Abhimanyu's eyes flashed with anger. "Desperate or not, you crossed a line that cannot be uncrossed. You sold my project details to my enemies, putting everything I've worked for at risk."

The man's eyes widened in realization as he saw the fury in Abhimanyu's eyes. He knew there was no escaping the punishment that was coming.

Abhimanyu's lips curled into a cruel smile as he reached for a metal rod that lay on a nearby table. The man's eyes widened in terror as he saw the glint of metal in Abhimanyu's hand.

"You will pay for your betrayal," Abhimanyu said, his voice cold and unforgiving. "You will suffer for what you've done."

The man's screams echoed through the room as Abhimanyu unleashed his wrath upon him, each blow more brutal than the last. The sound of flesh meeting metal filled the air, mingling with the man's cries of pain.

As the man's body slumped in the chair, broken and bloodied, Abhimanyu stood over him, his chest heaving with exertion. The room was silent, save for the man's ragged breathing.

"You should have known better than to betray me," Abhimanyu said, his voice devoid of emotion. "This is the price you pay for your treachery."

The man still stammered, trying to save himself, but Abhimanyu would hear none of it. He turned to his bodyguards, a group of fierce and loyal men who would do anything he asked of them.

"Throw this man in the cage," Abhimanyu commanded. "My children are still hungry, and they deserve a meal."

The bodyguards hesitated, looking at each other with uncertainty. But they knew better than to defy Abhimanyu. With a nod from their leader, they seized the man and dragged him towards the cage, where hungry lions and tigers prowled.

The man screamed in terror, pleading for his life as he was thrown into the cage. The beasts roared and circled, sensing fresh meat in their midst. Abhimanyu watched with a cold satisfaction as the man's screams were drowned out by the sounds of tearing flesh and crunching bones.

As the man's cries grew fainter, Abhimanyu turned away, his heart as cold and unyielding as ever. He knew that in his world, there was no room for mercy or forgiveness. Only power and the will to wield it.

And as the last echoes of the man's screams faded into the night, Abhimanyu knew that he had once again proven himself to be the most feared and ruthless man in the city. And no one would dare to cross him again.

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