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The night of the deb ball, Clarissa walked in with her mother, neither of them speaking as Clarissa walked to where Luke stood. 

"Hi." Clarissa says as she hugged him. "Thank you for coming." Clarissa says softly as a woman with a clipboard walked over.

"Name?" The woman questions as Clarissa stood there. "Clarissa Marquis." The girl says. "Preparation room is up the stairs and to the right." The woman says as she leads the girl away.

"Good luck, kid." Luke says as Clarissa sent him a thumbs up. 

Alessandra walked over, her arms crossed. "Why are you here Luke?" The woman questions which made the man turn. 

"Here to support Clarissa." Luke says, Alessandra giving him a look. "Why?" Alessandra questions. "Cause the one person she wants support from ignores her." Luke says as he walks to where the escorts were supposed to be.

Clarissa was dressed in her mother's dress, putting all of her accessories on as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Hang your dress there, put your makeup on over there. You'll have to make do with a non-lighted mirror. The lighted ones went to the girls that were here before dawn." The woman's voice says, Clarissa turning and seeing Rory.

"Listen up ladies, everyone must be beautiful and ready to go by 7:30." The woman continues as Rory sets her stuff next to Clarissa's.

"I can't believe we have an hour and a half." Rory whines to her friend, not liking the large amount of time they had.

"Right-" "I know, I am never gonna be ready in time. God only knows if the swelling on my nose is gonna go down. I had to go and inherit my father's nose. I'm Libby." The blonde next to Clarissa and Rory says.

"Rory." Rory says. "Clarissa." The girl says as she starts to put her lipstick on, looking in her mirror.

"Uh, which one should I wear? I've thought about this all month, and I cannot decide." Libby says, Clarissa turning to the option of lipsticks in her hands.

"Oh, well, that's a tough one." Rory says awkwardly.

"I know. This is red red, and this is orange red. The wrong one and I will end up looking like a hooker. Or a teacher." Libby says, Clarissa nodding as she wiped the excess from the corner of her lips.

"That's a lot of pressure." Rory continues.

"The two minutes you are standing on those stairs tonight will determine the social status for the rest of your life." Libby states, Clarissa peering at Rory from the corner of her eye, Rory doing the same.

"What if you trip?" Clarissa questions plainly as she puts her silver rings on.

"I mean, not that you would. You wouldn't. I might. Probably will actually. Could be a real Cirque du Soleil kind of night." Rory says, trying to get the attention off her friend.

"You should not even joke about stuff like that." Libby says directed at Clarissa who shrugged. "Ow. There's a head under there, you know." Libby exclaimed to the woman who was brushing her hair.

Clarissa lined up as she held her feathered fan in her hands. "Hey." Luke says as he turned to the girl.

"You look like a proper lady." Luke says as Clarissa smacked him with her fan. "Don't even say that." Clarissa says as she interlocks arms with him, grinning ahead.

"Clarissa Marquis. Daughter to Anthony Marquis and Alessandra Marquis." The woman calls as Clarissa walked down the stairs with Luke, making eye contact with her godmother and grinning.

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