Chapter 4

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Flying was a terrifying affair.

After his revelation, Samael decided that my pace was too slow, and that we needed to get to wherever we were going a whole lot faster. So, without much delay, he hoisted me up in his massive arms, cradled my head against his chest, and told me to close my eyes before he soared high into the night sky.
In the back of my mind, I wondered if anyone was awake at this hour, and if they noticed the man with the huge wings flying above them. Would they be as afraid as I was when he burst through my window? Or would they chuck it up to a weird dream or a late night hallucination?

After a few minutes of silence, with nothing but the steady beat of Samael's wings around me, I decided to open my eyes. I wasn't afraid of heights, nor did flying in an airplane ever terrify me, but something sbout being suspended mid-air with nothing but the arms of a stranger keeping me from meeting an untimely demise made my stomach churn.
Once the initial shock dispersed, however, I was surprised that a feeling of ease took over. I watched the buildings pass by, the few cars that lined the streets looking like ants from the distance. City lights illuminated our way, glowing softly as Samael flew us all the way across.

I had tried to ask him where he was taking me a few times already, but every time I was met with silence, or noncommittal answers that left me with more questions. I should be freaking out about this, a part of me knew that. A part of my brain, the corner that stored logic and sanity, recognised the absolute absurdity of my situation. I was flying above the city, in the embrace of a half naked angel who called himself a fallen one, after being attacked by other angels who wanted me dead. Nothing about this made sense, and for all intents and purposes, I should be losing my mind right now.
And yet.
I was completely calm.
Nothing about this whole thing even fazed me. Why was that? Why wasn't I scared out of my wits by now? Why wasn't I screaming and clawing at this man and demanding he put me down and leave me alone? Where did this eerie calmness come from?
I sighed, resting my head under Samael's chin and letting his heartbeat lull me to sleep. Wherever he was taking me, it better have a comfortable bed.

“There you are, I was beginning to think they finally got to you.”

I blinked open my eyes at the sound of a metal door creaking open, the faint light of dawn disappearing behind massive concrete walls. Samael put me down, keeping his arms around me as I inspected the new place. The space was an industrial style loft with exposed bricks, wooden beams and a smooth carpet on the floor. I rubbed the remnants of sleep away from my eyes, eyeing the leather couch that sat facing a spiral staircase.

“By the looks of that blood on your chest, it seems like it was a close call.”

I snapped my eyes away from the loft and toward the woman, flaming red hair and bright green eyes stared back at me. She stood in front of us, arms crossed as she seized Samael up and down. Her cheeky grin made him grunt, and she rolled her eyes at his reaction.
“So,” she said, her gaze cutting to me. “You finally found her.”
The woman took a few steps forward, coming to a stop right in front of me. She was probably my height, but the heels she wore made her tower over me, looking down on me with an indecipherable glint In her eyes.

“Who are you?” I asked, tired of being in the dark. “Where am I? The second question was meant for Samael, who hadn't moved from his spot behind me.

“I'm Abbadon,” she said, holding her hand out for me to shake. “And you are in our safe house.”

I knew enough about Angel Lore to get by. I was by no means religious, but my parents used to tell me stories about the kingdom of heaven when I was younger. The story of the fall was their favorite, and even though they weren't religious either, they thought of it as fascinating mythology. I wasn't an expert on all of the angels and their names, but I knew enough to recognise that name.
I was in the presence of a demon.

Shaking Abbadon's hand earned me a chuckle from her, and a pat on my shoulder from Samael. It was like they expected me to run for the hills, but I stood my ground and surprised them both.
“Nice to meet you, I'm Sienna.”

“I know.” Abbadon winked before turning away and heading for the sofa. She patted the spot next to her after she sat down, ushering for me to join her.

“Why am I here?” I asked , tucking my legs under me on the sofa. Samael laid down on one of the armchairs opposite me, his long body spilling out of his seat. He was still half naked, and I found myself shamelessly eyeing his toned muscles.

“You ran into our little friends out there, right? Abbadon asked, crossing one long leg over the other. Honestly, were all divine creatures this gorgeous?

I nodded, my mind flashing back to the three angels back at my apartment building.

“That's why you're here, so we can keep you safe.”

“Why are they after me though? Up until a few hours ago I had no idea they existed.”

“Well, Lu-”

“It's a long story.” Samael interrupted her, and she gave him a puzzled look before she smiled, nodding once. “I'll tell you all about it later, but for now, you should get some rest before we leave.”

“We're leaving again?” I rubbed my face with my palms, feeling the exhaustion seep into my bones. “We just got here.”

Samael nodded, his gaze sympathetic. “I know, but it's not safe here. We can't stay long.”

I wondered what about this concrete fortress made it unsafe. Did the angels have a tracking system they could use to get to us?

“Where are we going then?”

“The only place angels can't cross into.” Abbadon smiled, placing a comforting hand in mine.
“We're going to hell.”

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