Chapter 5

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“I'm not going anywhere until you explain to me what's going on!"

Samael sighed for the umpteenth time, massaging his temples. We had been going back and forth for almost an hour now, me asking him to explain my situation and him telling me I'd know everything in Hell. I had trusted him so far, letting him take me out of my home, fly me to an unknown destination, and keep me here without a valid reason. But I had to draw the line somewhere.

And apparently, I could put my foot down when it came to Hell.

“I told you-”

I cut him off. “You're not listening to me!” I walked back and forth between the sofa and the armchair, trying to dispel the tension that started coiling around my bones. Abbadon watched us with an amused smile, stifling a laugh every time I yelled at Samael. She seemed entertained by this dynamic, and not at all fazed by the idea that we were going to hell. Literally. But why would a demon be afraid of their own home?
“I'm not going anywhere with you until you tell me everything.”

“Sienna…” he sounded tired, defeated , and a part of me felt sorry for putting him through my temper tantrum. But I was afraid, and I wasn't going to just let him cart me off to god knows where just because I felt guilty.

“Samael, you have to understand,” I said, coming to a stop in front of him. He straightened up, pulling me between his legs immediately. His habit confused me. We haven't known each other for a full day, yet he always had to be touching me in one way or another. It was nothing that made me uncomfortable, just small touches here and there, holding my hand or playing with my hair, but it seemed to calm him down somehow. “Up until a few hours ago I had no idea any of you existed. You can't just expect me to drop everything and follow you just because you told me to.”

He looked at Abbadon for a split second, an unspoken question in his gaze before he turned back to me. “You didn't mind coming here, why is this so different?”

“Because, you're not taking me to the Bahamas, Samael. You're dragging me down to Hell. It would be insane If I just agreed to that, no questions asked.”

“I would never let anyone hurt you, Sienna.”

“That's not the point though!” I threw my hands in the air, frustrated by his habit of dodging my questions. I walked away from him, a small part of me already missed his touch. “I want to know why I have to go in the first place. Why are these angels after me? How do you all know who I am?”

Abbadon stood up, coming to stand in front of me. She put her hands on my shoulders, her eyes softening as she looked at me. “I understand that you're confused, Sienna, and probably scared too.” She threw a purposeful look at Samael behind me, then continued: “We will tell you everything you need to know, once we're home and we know you're safe.”

A thought popped into my head, and I took a step away from her. “You want to tell me somewhere where I can't run away.”

Samael stood up, and I turned to him abruptly. I moved away from both of them, feeling like a cornered wild animal. “That's it, isn't it? You don't want to explain anything here because you're worried I might leave. But I have nowhere to run to if I'm in hell.”

Abbadon's face slipped into an emotionless mask, all thoughts and emotions disappeared behind a blank wall. She turned around, returning to her spot on the couch and leaving me to face Samael alone. He, however, looked torn. He tried reaching for me, but I stepped away, my back meeting the metal door with a small thud.

“I would never hurt you, Sienna.” He sounded hurt, his voice a low whisper.

“Then tell me the truth.”

“It's a long story.”

“I have time.”

“That's the thing though,” he said, his voice rising with fear and frustration. “We don't have much time left. I led them right to your doorstep earlier, they won't lose you again.”

I blinked, confused. What was he talking about?
Samael must have noticed my apprehension. He shoved a hand through his hair, agitation rolling out of him in waves. He started pacing, rolling his shoulders back and forth as if itching to release his wings again.

“I had been looking for you for so long, that when I found you, I almost didn't believe it. I thought you were a figment of my imagination, or another cruel punishment. But when I became certain it was you, I didn't realize they were trailing me until it was too late. I led them to you, and I almost lost you again.” He turned to me, his eyes wild. “I can't lose you again,” He muttered.

“I don't understand,” I whispered, shaking my head back and forth. I took a tentative step towards him. “How do you know who I am? How long have you been looking for me?”

Samael tilted his head to the side, a sad smile on his face. “Centuries.” The word was so low, I almost believed I wasn't meant to hear it.

“How?” I ignored the fact that he only answered one of my questions, grasping at whatever information I can extract out of him. “I'm only 24 years old. This doesn't make any sense.”

“You're not.” He turned away from me, heading for the stairs.

I followed behind him, eager to hear more of what he had to say, even if I thought he was insane. “I think I'd remember my own age correctly, Samael.”

“Would you?” He asked, climbing up the spiral staircase without looking back at me.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I yelled, finally getting his attention. He stopped in the middle of the steps, turning back to me with a tormented look in his golden eyes. He seemed so sad, so miserable, that I wanted to run up to him and hug him. But I was confused, and scared, and I needed answers.

“Your memories are not your own, Sienna. None of what you remember is real.”

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