Chapter 12

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Wings spread, swords drawn, three angels stood under the streetlights in front of my house. By the time I noticed them, it was too late to run, not that I could have gotten far anyway.

Micheal stepped out from behind them, his face covered with the shadows of the night.

“I thought you weren't going to come.”

Azazel stood behind me, his arm around my neck as I struggled to get out of his grip. “I always keep my word, brother.”

The three angles sneered, bristling at his words. I recognised them from the last time we were here, when Lucifer beat them up and threatened to kill them if they touched me again. They were staring at me with unconcealed fury, their hands clutching their weapons in a vice grip.

“Hand her over, then.” Micheal moved forward, his eyes trained on me. 

“Not before you give me what I'm owed.”

Michael smirked, shaking his head. “You are owed nothing, Azazel. You chose to rebel, and thus you fell.” He tsked, and Azazel's grip on my neck tightened. “However, the Throne is Gracious, and All forgiving, and you will have a chance to plead your case. After you hand her over.”

The Throne.

The portrait back in Hell blinked in and out of my mind's eye, the bright light tugging at a hazy memory. Golden wings flashed in my vision once again, endless screams bellowing in my ears. My heart picked up its pace, sweat breaking across my forehead.

“Why?” I whispered, struggling to speak against his hold on me. “Why would you do this to me?”

“For a chance to live.” Azazel loosened his grip on me before pushing me forward.  I stumbled on the rocks, almost falling over. I steadied myself, turning back to the traitor.

“How could you do this to Lucifer?” I seethed, my fists clenched by my side. I was aware of the fact that I was strongly outnumbered, and my heart broke once I knew there was no one coming to save me this time. Lucifer had no idea where I was, and even if he figured out I left Hell, it would be too late by then.

“He chose you,” Azazel said, his voice conveying no emotion. “Over The Throne, over Heaven, over life itself. He always chose you.” He leaned over, pushing my shoulder back. “Now it's my turn to choose.”

At the sound of gravel crunching behind me, I spun around, watching as Michael advanced. The three angels followed suit, weapons drawn as they surrounded me from all sides.

“You can go now,” Michael said, dismissing Azazel with a nod. “We will be in touch.”

Shadows danced around us, the familiar hiss of the portal being summoned breaking the silence of the night. I saw it open, and all rational thought vanished from my head. I dove for the black door, the panic rising with every step I took. Azazel disappeared through it, and just as I was inches away from following him, a sharp sword collided with the skin of my neck. I felt blood trickle down, the sting of the wound throbbing faintly, but all I could focus on was the portal.

“No!” I screamed, watching as it disappeared into thin air, as if it was never there at all.

“Careful,” Michael said. “You don't want to hurt yourself.”

I looked down at the weapon held against me, tracing it all the way up to the hand that held it. One of the angels looked back at me, a glimmer of barely unrestrained violence shining in his eyes. I remembered him, he was the one Lucifer pummeled into the ground the first time I met him.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked again, this time focusing back on the archangel. “I don't remember anything, can't you just let me go?”

Michael shook his head, and for the first time since I met him, the mask of indifference fell from his face. He looked troubled, almost regretful. “It's not about what you remember anymore, it's about keeping you and Lucifer apart.”

“Why?” I asked, the pain in my voice clear to my own ears. My stomach sank, the lump in my throat growing with every second I held my tears back.
“What did we do? Why are you torturing us?”

“He chose you,” Michael said, repeating what Azazel said a few minutes ago.

Echoes of distant screams erupted in my head again, the sound making my head hurt. Images blurred my vision, and I shut my eyes to escape the pain, but they didn't stop.
I stood in the garden, a gorgeous tree engulfing me in its shade. Red apples glistened in the sunlight, a snake weaving between the fruit.
A man stood next to me, listening intently to the words of the snake. He stole a few glances my way, his smile bright as he caressed an apple in his hand.


But all of my attention was on the angel behind me. His golden wing shimmered in the light, his white robe dancing with the breeze. The look on his face brought on feelings that didn't exist in Heaven. Longing, pain, sorrow. He gazed at me, his golden eyes brimming with unshed tears.


He rebelled, declaring his love for me above all else in Heaven and Earth. He chose me, and so began his downfall.
I chose him too. Despite the fact that I had a husband, despite the fact that I was made specifically for Adam, I refused to be with him. They wanted me to submit to him, to be his good, obedient wife. But that was never me.
My heart belonged to Lucifer, and in choosing him, I was doomed.
The Throne cast me out, cursing me to never remember. I fell to earth, my memories slipping away from my grasp like sand. Lucifer broke Heaven's rules, rallying behind him the angels that refused to live under Adam. He cast him out too, the man I loved most in the world, my fallen angel. Heaven's gates shut behind us with a resounding boom, the cries of the fallen angels echoing between Hell and Earth.

But unlike me, Lucifer was cursed to remember, to never forget why he was kicked out of Heaven.

To always look for me, but never find me.

In loving each other, we defied God.

And so we were abandoned, one to earth with no memories, and the other to Hell with never-ending pain.

My heart broke at the thought of Lucifer, my beloved, braving exile alone as he looked for me for a millenia. He never gave up, never believed in anything other than our love.
How could I forget him?
How could I leave him behind?
But most importantly? How did I forget myself?

I was the first woman.

The one who refused to be anything other than an equal. The one who never fell for the snake's charm and promise of knowledge beyond belief.

The one who dared to love the brightest angel in Heaven.


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