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Carlo's POV
I groaned as I heard my phone buzzing who the fuck is calling so early in the morning. I reached out to my phone and picked it up.

"Who's this" I replied scratchily.

"Good morning Mr. Holland, sorry to disturb your sleep, I just wanted to inform you that Mr. Romano has gotten back to me and he's willing finalize the deal" Ms. Stone responded happily.

"That's great" I replied not wanting to show my excitement.

"Okay then see you at work sir" she answered before hanging up.

Now I need to get to work, I'm so fucking tired. I thought before finally getting off my bed. I went ahead to prepare my self for work and headed to work as soon as I was done, I drove myself today because I gave Merkel the day off.

"Good morning sir" the doorman greeted.

"Good morning" I responded making his eyes widen in shock.

I took the elevator to my office and settled down getting my phone out to call Tiara.

"Hey Carl" she responded off the phone.

"Hey princess, how has your day been" I asked.

"It's been alright, I have no lectures today so I'm just taking the initiative to study a bit" she commented.

"That's good, so when are you finishing your University program" I inquired.

"In about a month and a half actually I'm so excited" she stated.

"Just wanted to check up on you, I've got to get back to work, I'll drop off at yours when I'm done later this evening" I informed.

"Okay no problem, I'll be waiting" she said and I could hear her grinning.

"Alright then" I said as I hung up. I went back to work and work did not go by in a breeze, I was getting annoyed because the work was not ending and it was already 10:31P.M and I couldn't wait to see her, fuck it I'm just going over to head to Tiara's place.

I got into my car and drove off to Tiara's place, I rung the bell when I got there and she opened the door she's in fitted shorts and a top bra fuckk.

"Carl OMG it's so late, I thought you weren't coming again"

" baby girl" I said as my eyes swarmed around her body.

"Come in, how has your day been?" she asked as she started walking towards the couch. That ass

"Fucking busy, it's just been hectic" I said sitting down with an exhale then I felt her come closer.

"Come here baby it's been a long day for you" she said placing my head on her breasts, I started calming down almost immediately.

"Ah fuck yeah"

"You like that?" she asked but I was too into this to reply so I just nodded, she started massaging my head and it felt good. "Do you want to sleep here or do you still have plan on going home?" she proposed.

"I want to stay here" I replied, I felt like a baby she was taking care of, I need to put a ring on her finger.

"Are you hungry?" she asked again.

"Yeah a little bit I haven't had anything other than coffee" I answered.

"Carl!! why?" she ordered.

"I like how you treat me" I said ignoring her question.

"Let me make something for you" she said about to stand up but I held her down.

"Carl let me go you need to eat something, or I'll stay here and lecture you about the side effects of taking too much caffeine" she threatened.

"Okay fine take my comfort away from me" I said as I removed my head and lay on the couch.

Tiara was gone for what felt like ages I had already gotten out of my work clothes and I was in only briefs, so I went over to the kitchen to see what she was doing and I found her humming while warming some leftovers and chopping some vegetables.

"Tiaraa I'm tired of waiting" I whined as I went over to her and hugged her waist from behind my friends or employees cannot find out about this side of me.

"Carl OMG are you naked" she said laughing

"I'm not, I'm in briefs"

"Are you trying to seduce me" she said glancing up at me.

"I'm actually not, I'm just trying to get comfortable but don't be shocked if you feel something pressed against you"

"Get away from me you psycho" she said laughing as she tried to push me off but I held on to her tightly.

"Did you receive the dress I sent" I asked.

"Yes I did, I forgot to tell you, it's realllly beautiful" she grinning from ear to ear.

"That's good"

"Well the food is almost ready, wait in the sitting room I'll bring it to you" she said wiggling me off her. I dragged my tired body to the sitting room and lay on the couch, after about five minutes Tiara came out with the food, its scent filling the sitting room making my stomach grumble.

"That smells good" I complimented.

"Thank you" she replied with an angelic smile, she handed the food over to me and explained to me how excited she was to go to the event as I ate.

"I'm going to bed" she said yawning.

"Alright I'm just going to put the dishes in the dishwasher and I'll join you" I said pecking her forehead before standing up. I walked up to the kitchen did the dishes and went ahead to join Tiara.

"Hey are you still awake?" I asked gently not wanting to wake her up if she was already asleep.

"I'm awake, come lay with me" she replied sleepily, I got under the covers and assume my former position resting on her breasts.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

"No" she said immediately. Ouch

"Why not don't you enjoy my company?, don't you like me?" I asked confused.

"It's not that, I just don't want to be asked to be in a relationship with someone when I'm sleepy so when someone asks me how did he ask you am I supposed to reply oh when I was on the brink of sleep" she replied clocking her eyebrow as I could feel her chest go up and down due to how fast she was talking.

"Okay then if I set up something and ask you again will you say yes" I then asked.

"I'll consider it, now get to sleep" she replied.


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