chapter three

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"AHAHOAHAKJAIJ" the girls scream as they start breakdancing.
"oh! looks like we have ran into a problem. 😬" kai cenat said while scratching his head
"don't worry! i-i'll fix it!" kai cenat continued, as little droplet of sweat dripped down his face.

a few mins later.

kai cenat mumbles aggressively as he tries to fix the boat

"this is bad....." skibidi whispered.
"this is really bad...." she continued, but this time her voice was louder
"what if we can't fix it? we'll be stuck here forever! oh! and what if we-" skibidi panicked, but then got cut off by her sista
"hey hey, take it easy there skibidi, im sure we'll be able to fix it! you just need to be patient sis!" alpha sigma said as she gave her sibling some reassuring pats on the shoulder.

for the next 5 minutes, skibidi, alpha sigma and gyatt just sat there in silence and worry. While kai cenat struggled to fix the boat.

"hey dad how did the boat even break in the first place-" alpha sigma asked.
"it must've crashed into something" kai cenat answered.
"maybe it crashed into that" skibidi suggested as she pointed at something.
"at what-" kai cenat said in confusion but then quickly shutted the fuck up when he looked over to where skibidi was pointing at.

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