Chapter two: 6.14.12

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As Celeste was walking home from Cole's house she got a weird feeling in her stomach, like her dad would cause her problems as soon as she walked in the door. They had gotten into a fight the night that she left because he used a large chunk of her savings for ... you can imagine.

She was used to him causing a scene when she came home from a weekend at Cole's.

She decided to enter the way she left, through her window on the second story, this was something she had been doing since she was 8. There was a large ladder outside from when her dad decided he would try to clean the gutters himself and almost died immediately because, as any other intelligent human would know, you can't climb a ladder if you're shitfaced.

Eventually she made it to her driveway, and walked to the side of the house where her window and the ladder was, burning her hands on the heated metal from the hot sun on her way up.

The smell was the first thing she noticed.

It absolutely reeked of what could only be described as rotten meat, assuming her dad had attempted to make himself dinner and never got past thawing it. It was also considered that she left some food in her room but when she swung open the door to go downstairs she immediately knew that wasn't the case.

The smell only got worse the further down the stairs she went.

Cautiously walking all the way down the stairs, Celeste followed the smell to the living room, when she entered the room she saw something that she never thought would actually happen, one of her worst nightmares regardless of the person he was.
There lay her father on the couch, unconscious and beer in hand.

He was dead.

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