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So guys, this chapter is dedicated to @GoldenApple1 because they told me they liked my story. :D To be honest that made my day. You have no idea how much it means to check an see the little 1 comment thing. It really makes me unbelievably happy. Thank you guys for reading commenting vote exedra. Much love~ Kat


Zach's POV

Cecilia has now been gone for four days. Four days. I have no clue as to where she is or even if she's still alive or not, it's agonizing. She's my best friend and the first day she was gone I promised myself that I'd find my little sister. She's the best thing that ever happened to me and I've gotta find her.

Andrew POV

Zach told me the entire story, everything. I know Cecilia is an assassin, I know that she and Zach are brother and sister, I know she was kidnapped, I know I'm in love with her. Yes, I am in love with Cecilia, granted I've only known her for a day, but everything that Zach told me about her just made me fall a bit more for her. I guess the correct term wouldn't be love, more like crush. Is a man my age able to have crushes? I guess they really have no age limit. Do they?

Zach POV

"So," Andrew says as we sit eating breakfast. "What are we gonna do to find her?"

"Nothing," he looks at me confused. "Yet. They'll contact us eventually to get what they want I'll trace the call. We'll go there, kick ass and get my sister."

"What if she's dead?"

"She can't be dead."

"But what if she is?"

"I'd know," He looks at me. "Have you ever had a bond with someone that was so special that you feel like you can feel their pain?"

"Yeah, my buddy overseas, he died. I swear I could feel the bullet go through his head."

"That's the bond I've got with my sister." I look into his green eyes. Attractive young man. Almost as if I had pressed a button to make it happen once I set up the tracing system, the phone rang.


"Is this Zach Anderson?" A gruff voice says. I start the search.


"I have your sister."

"Prove it." I hear scuffling on the other side of the phone.

"Say something." I hear him say to my sister.

"Zach?" It's my sister. Her voice sounds like someone shoved a white hot branding iron down her throat then forced her to began talking.


"Don't come here, Zach. Stay away." She's then pulled away from the phone.

"If you want her back then meet me at the address I send you tomorrow at five. Bring four thousand dollars, if you don't she's dead." Just before the phone disconnects I hear Cecilia scream "don't come Zach." The system traced the phone call I look a the address.

"Did you find her?"

"Yeah, let's go." I grab my keys and run to the car

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