Making Plans

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Zach POV

I wake up and I hear crying. Where am I? I look around and faintly see a small shape. I almost immediately recognize it as Lily.

"Lily?" I ask scooting out away from the cold wall into the blackness.

"Uncle Zach?" She scoots closer to me and I grab her and scoot back to the wall.

"What's wrong, baby?"

"I'm scared." She says getting back on my lap. I notice she's cold so I wrap my sweater around her, leaving me in a t shirt.

"It's ok baby 'cause I'm scared too." I say.

"You are?"

"Yeah but it's ok. You know why?"


"Because we are gonna be just fine. You remember when Mommy, Daddy, me and you when to that amusement park and you were scared to ride that big roller coaster?" I ask.


"Well it's gonna be almost exactly like that. Mommy and Daddy are provably looking for us right now."

"Really?" She asks.

"Yup." I just hope for her sake its true.

Cecilia POV

"Goddamn it!" I scream and throw random objects around.

"Mom! Calm down!" Drew yells at me. He unsurprisingly overpowers me. I'm sure a five year old could over power me quite easily. He pins me to the floor as I cry. How can I let this happen to my baby? I'm supposed to protect her, not potentially get her killed. He keeps me pinned to the floor for probably thirty more minutes until I stop crying.


"Yeah?" I wipe my face off looking at my son. I'm embarrassed because of my outburst.

"Is Dad dead?" He asks. I look down at the floor. Some wife I am, hardly bothered by my husband possibly dead on the floor while I throw the equivalent of a temper tantrum. I sit down next to my husband on the floor. I feel for a pulse. Thank God I found one.

"He's alive." I say. I patch up my husband's wounds. The only thing that you could hear would be me trying to fix the damage that could have only been a blunt force object to the back and then to the head. When and of Andrew wakes up, there is no telling what condition he'll be in.

"Mom?" Drew says.

"Yes?" I look at him and he looks so afraid. I want nothing more than to take away all of his fear, take him somewhere and shelter him from this. This has got to be hell for him.

"What are we going to do?" he asks me. I feel a fire burning in me that I haven't felt in years. It's the want, no the need, to kill. I look up with hate burning in my eyes.

"I'm getting my daughter back."


Hope the chapter was worth the wait guys. Sorry. To the side is a picture of Drew. I love hearing your thoughts please share in the comments! Xxx

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