Jack The Ripper

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She screams vigorously as he lashes the naked woman in small dices of bloody remain. Her blood runs like water in the gutter, and the sound of water dripping was intensely ear-splitting. She was screaming for her life as he slashed and hacks every inches of her body. She then died silently after he sliced her throat open and watches the blood pour out of her neck running from her nose. The first victim of the night... And along comes the second one. A fair and beautiful woman with the most striking features one has ever seen, but Jack is really furious tonight, even the most beautiful of God creature couldn't stop him doing this; this was his job and he loves it. Slashes after slashes are like drugs to him as he watches his victims bawls telling him to stop.
She was just another prostitute who didn't admire her life, the way Jack saw it they deserved to die a bloody and tragic death. Whores after whores, he slaughters the. Without a little compassion. Slash! Cut! The shiny knife pierces through the woman's soft and fragile flesh; he does the same to all of them: cut their throat out, hacks through the bones and watches them see death slowly, choking them in their own blood. Watching gallons of rosy red rushing out of their inside pouring down the gutter. He leaves the scene of crime, as if he done nothing wrong, scatter's the pieces of body, hands, arms, legs and the organs and intestine all over the corner of the night street. He disappear from the crime scene so ambiguously leaving no trace or evidence of himself involved in tragic death.
Jack returns to his bedroom apartment in London, after having killing about 15 whores that night, a personal best for him. It was a very long night for him and he was exhausted along side tiredness. He washes off the little amount of blood on his black coat. His black hat perfectly placed on top of his drawer with his darken gloves beside it his knife, sharp and long, bathed with blood. His shoes placed at the door preparing for the next slaughtering.
He sit in a chair staring at the mirror across his bedroom, looking at the person back at himself, he was a handsome devil, with deep blue eyes that can attract any type of woman to him; his red perfectly shaped lips that will always be toxic to the ladies. A masterpiece of a man god ever created, but sadly his mind is very mental insane. His dark black hair just above his shoulders, gelled back. Muscular he was, with arms of steel and a smile of pure gold.
But he rarely smiled, only when he's hacking and slashing; it fulfill him with contentment, but not for long. He will never stop slaughtering. He stalks him victim in the shadow of the night, disguising him along the night is the fog. He will pounces on them like an animal and it's prey, he's a vicious just like one.
Night after night in the street of London, Jack the Ripper is dressed in completely black. He lurks I'm the fog of the night carefully watching his victims, excitement runs in his vein wanting to kill, the silver steeled knife firmly in his left hand awaiting for the perfect moment to strike.
The faceless predator finally swoops on its defenseless prey, Jack stabbed the woman continuously as she screams for her life "HELP ME, SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" But no one was around, only the anonymous murderer.
Jack is hacking with great strength through the woman's fragile's body, stabbing her in her heart and face, he ripped her wide open and cuts out her organs and left her skinless.
Many murders still happen but the killers were never found, could it be that Jack the Ripper is still alive and breathing after 100 years now.
Maybe Jack is still lurking in the darkness, hiding behind every corner....waiting for his next victim.
You could be next....he could be waiting to brutally slaughtering you, ripping your inside out, hacking through your bones into pieces, cutting through your flesh, stabbing your endlessly.

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