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Story by @FaithfulDemon666

14 year old Terry Fellman was being left home alone with her little sister Della and little brother Lloyd for the first time. Lloyd had fallen asleep in minutes and Della was in the living room playing a video game. Terry decided that she would just go in her room and listen to music until her parents and older brother got back home from the movies. But after putting in her earbuds and starting the music, terry heard a faint voice say "Terry where are you" she pulled out her headphones and walked into the living room "Della?" She said. Della sighed and said without looking away from theTV "I didn't call you" Terry assumed she was hearing things and walked back into her room. After starting the music again, she heard the faint voice say "Terry come to us" Terry shrugged it off and then realized she forgot to make Della the sandwich she'd asked for earlier that day. "Della I'm gonna make the sandwich now!" She yelled as she walked into the living room, Della was gone. And Lloyd wasn't sleeping on the couch anymore. Then Terry heard her phone chime. "Where could they be!" She yelled as she ran back to her bedroom to grab her phone and call her parents. She checked the entire house, but all the lights except the living room and her bedroom light were off and Della and Lloyd were gone. She dialed the number and her dad picked up

"Dad! Della and Lloyd disappeared!" Her dad just chuckled and said "Terry sweetie what are you talking about? Della and Lloyd are at the movies with us!" Terry dropped her phone in shock, then her dad said "we'll be back soon" and hung up 15 minutes later terry saw her parents car pull up in the driveway "Thank god", she thought, " I hate being in this house alone". Then she felt a finger tap her back. Terry turned around and saw two small children staring at her. Then they said"Terry, we found you" Nobody ever saw Terry again.

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