A Cabin In The Woods

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Roy's wife woke him up by shaking his shoulder gently. The kids were asleep, the last of the fire burning down to mere soft embers...
"Honey," his wife said. "I think something's knocking on the porch."
Roy frowned but when he listened, he heard it too. He rubbed his eyes and determined, he grabbed the axe for good measure before opening the door.
A little boy, no older than ten, was there. He looked up with wide eyes.
"What are you doing?!" Roy snapped. The boy ran and, thoroughly angry, he chased him.
The kid was faster and he obviously knew the woods better (they were only there camping, for gods sakes!), but when he stumbled, Roy pounced on him. He'd never actually hurt a kid, by he was angry, after all.
"Why were you knocking on my porch?!" Roy snarled. The boy flinched.
"My-my uncles told me to." he stammered.
This surprised Roy. "What? Why?" he said, with slightly less malice.
The boy looked him straight in the eye and said quietly, "To get you out of the house."

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