Ch. 3

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I was just chilling in my room with Cassy when my door swings open.

"Guess who ladies!"

"Hey Lance." Me and Cassy greeted.

"So Kat this letter was on the door." He hands me the letter and sits on the edge of the bed.

"Who's it from?" Cass asked.

I looked front to back on the envelope. "I don't know it doesn't say."

"I'm sure it's one of your fan girls." Lance teased.

I rolled my eyes and read the letter.

'Hey remember me? Hope you do because I certainly haven't forgotten about you. Just wanted to remind you that I'm still here and have been for the past 100 years... Although I'm sure you didn't know that.'

~ Sincerely your adoring stalker

I recognize that handwriting anywhere... Who ever the fuck this is has been watching me the whole time?! They've been close all this time while I'm out there searching far and wide.

"What's it say?" Cassy asked.

No point in lying I need her and Lance to be cautious as well. I placed the paper in front of them to read.

"Not this shit again. What does this person want this time? To kill you next?" Lance said.

"I doubt it they would've done it by now."

"Well what are we going to do then? This person wants something." Cassy said.

"We aren't doing anything the only thing this freak wants is for me to suffer so I have to deal with it on my own."

"Well actually it's you and me I'm not leaving you alone with this psycho running loose." Lance added.

"Neither am I! I was close to losing you once and I'm not letting you slip away again!" Cassy practically threatened me to agree.

"Guess that means more sleepovers huh?" I winked.

Cassy blushed. "S-seriously what are we going to do? Is this person a even guy or girl?"

"Not sure."

"Well whatever it is it has some serious issues."


All three of us just camped at my place for the night. I expected an attack, nothing at all or really anything other than getting another letter. Getting a letter just the next day surely means they are a hardcore stalker. Going outside and looking would be pointless because I'm sure they'd expect it.

'How sad you think of me as nothing but a monster. I killed those two for a reason so really you don't have the right to judge me until you hear my side of the story. Anyway I'm sure you would've done the same thing. I really do want nothing more than to just meet you and talk but I don't know when I'd want that to be and well I'm sure you wouldn't want to see me without wanting to kill me... I'm not out to get you just so you know. So you and your friends are safe from me. I just like having fun every once and a while. After all..... Well maybe it's to soon for that.... but until next time my dear.'

~ Your frenemy

Not sure whether to believed this person or not for all I know it could just be a trick... But then why after all these years would they just want to talk to me? They could've talked to me at any point especially when I was younger so why now? Why don't they just leave me alone? If they're so caught up on the fact I'll kill them they wouldn't try reaching out to me plus the vibe I'm getting says they are fairly stronger than me. But if a meeting is what they want that's what they'll get.

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