Ch. 18

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When Laine and I made it to English, I got to finally get a look at one of her stalkers. He was a vampire and his hair was black and styled with a bowl cut. He didn't look at me, but I knew he was aware of my presence.

I went ahead and took a seat next to Laine, which made her look at me for a moment.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh. It's nothing." She shook her head, facing the front of the room.

"Wow, Laine! So quick to give up my seat, huh?" Heather said as she walked in. I didn't really pay attention to them since I was trying to resist the urge to hit my head against the desk. I don't miss high school at all.


"Oh, no need to apologize."  I'm not sure what Heather did, but for some reason Laine heart rate speed up a bit. So I looked over at her and she had her face in between her hands. I'd ask, but I don't really care.

Durning the lesson I didn't pay attention at all. I mean why would I? I know all of this stuff already. The vampire never really did anything to raise suspicion. He sat a few seats in front of me and Laine, and never looked back. I'd say he was paying attention to the class, but it didn't look like it.

Next period Laine was supposed to have science with Cassy, but she's not here. So it looks like I'll have to skip College prep and stick around the halls, assuming one of Laine's stalkers is in that class with her.

And there was. This time it was a female werewolf with blonde shoulder length hair. I figured that if I was going to be out in the halls she'd be able to sense me. So, I though of an amazing idea to compel the teacher before hand, telling her I was supposed to be in that class since Laine was my 'guide'.

I didn't sit by Laine this time though, instead I sat in the very back. I didn't want to seem like I was guarding her. The werewolf actually looked at me with curiousity before taking a seat. In all honesty it didn't look like friendly curiousity.

Again nothing happened, so I accompanied Laine to P.E. which we both had. As I was waiting for the gym teacher to get my gym clothes, everyone else started to change. A few seconds later a girl handed me my clothes, so naturally I started to change. However I got a bit distracted when I felt way to many eyes on me.

"So, Laine, who are you going with to homecoming?" Heather asked. I wished I could tune literally everyone out, but they were right next to me. I just sat down on the bench and started putting my shoes back on.

"I'm not sure.."

"Well, it'll probably be you and Danny running again."

"Yeah, but as sweet as he can be, he can also be a complete ass. I mean remember last year?"

"Oh yeah, he's way to overprotective and his mood swings are off the charts." There was a slight pause, and me being done with my shoes, I got up.

"What about you Katherine?" Should've left sooner. Time to put on my friendly face.

"Dances aren't really my thing." I said with a shrug.

"What? Why? You have to go! Especially since it's your first time here! You have to make an impression."

"I'd rather stay at home and eat pizza."

"You can't do that! Laine, tell your friend she has to go!" Laine repeatedly opened and closed her mouth, looking between Heather and I.

"Well... if she doesn't want to she doesn't have to. I mean, I don't even think I want to go this year."

"This is our last year, you guys! You're both going! I'll make sure of it, and you can thank me later!" Heather said as she left the locker room.

"Sorry about her." Laine sighed.

"She can say whatever she wants, but she's not going to make me do anything. Anyways, why aren't you going? I'd figure you'd be all over this stuff."

"What kind of image do you have of me?"

I looked her up and down. "I call what I see."

She rolled her eyes. "Last year was just a complete shit show. I just don't want to go through all that again." She said while rubbing her wrist. I could tell I brought up a touchy subject, so I let it go and just walked out.

Much to my surprise, not really, the stares only grew as I got out. This was getting annoying. I looked at some of them causing them to look away. Lo and behold, I spotted another vampire and werewolf. A guy with spikey red hair and the other with brown and curly hair. When we made eye contact the curly haired guy started walking towards me, but the red head pulled him back and whispered something in the other's ear.

The teacher announced for us to start running. The vampires would match my speed, keeping the gym's length's distance from me. I wonder what's going through their heads. When we stopped I took a water break.

"H-how are you not- nevermind." Laine panted.

"So, how's it feel to get tired and sweaty?"

"What? There's not one time you've gotten tired or sweaty?"

"Hmm.. a few times I suppose, but I don't think it'd be school appropriate for me to talk about."

I've never seen her walk away so fast. "Hey, why you walking away?" I said when I caught up.

"You're so inappropriate." She shook her head.

"And what did I say that was so inappropriate? I meant when I'd fight others, you know, like me? Not really safe to discuss here. I mean for what I am is one reason and the other is violence. What's going through that dirty little mind of yours?"

Her face exploded. "Oh. My. God. I can't." She ran to Heather, and hugged her, trying to hide her face.

Getting entertainment is way to easy.

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