Ch. 26

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Everything ended quickly once Cassy was able to call for back up. There were surprisingly no casualties, although if looks count, I'd be dead by now.

Once the fight was over Cassy's dad made sure things were taken care of, and that the dark magic books were all desposed of.

Now I am sitting here in Cassy's living room, getting glares from everyone, well almost everyone.

"Katherine, what the hell was that!" Scarlett yelled.

"You guys are acting like I killed her! She's fine! And I didn't turn her either! I'm not that much of a monster." I defended.

"In her defense she did also ask me first. I was still just surprised.... and well it did hurt." Laine mentioned.

"See! I asked for her permission first. She knew what I was going to do!"

"Still, Katherine. One seconds longer and she could have been changed. That kind of think is hard to control let alone reverse." Lance sighed.

"I would have found a way. I know I may seem like a bitch in front of you guys, but come on. We needed to think fast and I would have never done it if I wasn't sure it was going to work. You believe me right Cassy?"

Cassy sighed. "Yes, but that was still pretty risky and scary. Why didn't you tell anyone else at least?"

"With dark magic on their side I was worried they would hear someone's thoughts and ruin the plan."

Mason rubbed his hands on his face. "I'm still in shock by all the events that unfolded."

"I'm still pissed." Scarlett growled.

I rolled my eyes. "I promise to never put your girlfriend in harms way again."

Both Scarlett and Laine's face became red.

"Wha- she's not my girlfriend you asshole! Just because I'm pissed at you for hurting her doesn't mean anything!"

I hummed. "Yeah, sure smells that way. I mean seems." I smirked.

Her eyes widened in shock and her face darkened even more.

Laine now seemed confused, but everyone else also understood what I was talking about and tried hiding their grins.

"So, am I forgiven now?" I asked.

Everyone nodded eventually, although Scarlett was still frozen in shock.

"Great. In that case, Scarlett I leave Laine in your hands, and everyone let's get out of here."

Everyone began filing out and Scarlett came to her senses.

"W-Wait! I can't-."

"Bye!" Everyone said, continuing to leave.

As soon as Cassy and I got home I immediately hugged her tight.

"Woah, Kat. Are you okay?" Cassy asked.

"I was scared. They took you and I didn't know what to do. I hated that feeling."

"Aww, Kat." She turned around in my arms to face me. "It's okay, I'm fine. You seemed to handle the situation pretty well on your own. I was scared too, but I knew you'd come for me." She smiled softly.

I sped her to the bed and buried my face into her neck.

"Is it over now? Can we finally like our lives like a normal couple?" I asked.

She let out a small laugh. "I think we're far from normal, but hopefully."

I just stayed quiet, taking in the sound of her heartbeat.

"I like this cute side of you." Cassy said. I could tell she was grinning.

"Shut up." I couldn't help but smile as well.

Bonus Scarlett's POV:

How could they just leave me like this?! I'm in complete panic mode. I can't believe I marked Laine as my mate! When did that even happen? We've hung out a lot as friends do, and I love spending time with her, but when did my feelings get this deep? Oh, God. What if she hates me after? There's no way she's thought of me like that!

"Scarlett? Are you okay?"

I snapped out of my thoughts. "Uh. Yeah, I'm fine. How about we take you home?"

She slowly nodded, her eyes never left mine.

As we got to her house, I was still trying to debate whether to tell her or not. Then I remembered her thoughts on the conversation about her potential mate the day before. She was upset that she wasn't told about it, but she also thought it was weird. I'm so conflicted.

"Hello?" Laine asked, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh, sorry."

"What's up with you? You're acting weird." She moved closer to me on her bed, staring at me with a look of concern.

"Um. Well. How do I even say this? I'm sorry, Laine."

"For what?"

I looked down at my hands since I knew I wouldn't be able to say anything if I were looking at her.

"Well... for allowing you to be put in harms way.... and for sort of...." I may have mumbled my words at the end.

"And for what? I couldn't hear you." She pried, trying to lower her head closer to mine to hear.

"I marked you. I don't know when, but in everyone else's mind you're my mate." Even though I was looking at my hands, I shut my eyes from nervousness.


"Geez... At least take me to dinner first."

I instantly looked up at her in shock. She was already looking at me, bitting her lip and with red cheeks.

"W-What?" I managed to say.

"You said you marked me, I assume that means you like me... and well.... since the feeling is mutual. Are we going to go out or not?"

I probably looked like an idiot when I rapidly began nodding, but she laughed and made it worth it.

"Okay. Um. So, we'll go out. On a date. Yeah. Great." I nodded once more and got up. "I'll uh, see you tomorrow." I nervously rubbed the back of my head.

Laine narrowed her brows. "Why are you leaving?"

"Um, well, with everything that happened today I thought you'd want to be alone?"

Laine laughed. "You're so cute, but that's literally the opposite thing you should be doing after a day like this."

Laine proceeded to make her way into bed, opening the covers and patting the area next to her.

"Please stay?" She asked.

Damn I'm weak. I got into bed and faced her. My eyes trailed down to her bandaged neck.

"Does it hurt?" I asked as I gently rubbed the bandage.

"A little. If I don't think about it I don't really feel it."

"Are you thinking about it?"

She laughed. "Well, yeah. You just asked me about it."

"Do you want me to take your mind off of it again?"

Laine grew confused, but before she answered I brought my lips to hers in a short kiss. Not even a seconds later I quickly turned around.

"Good night." I said trying to calm my heart.

I felt Laine's arms wrap around me as she buried her face into my back.

"Good night."

I could tell she was smiling.

A/N: Well everyone the story is just about over. I will add just one more after this and bam I'm done. Sorry if these last few chapters seemed a bit rushed, I was honestly running out of ideas. I have a lot more future stories in mind, I am currently working on two but they won't be out for a while. If you haven't checked out my other story, give it a go! Thanks for sticking with this story for so long despite the inconsistent updates! I honestly really appreciate it! ❤️

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