Nobody Knows

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That was what I was greeted with when I awoke. The grey walls of my room shined good morning as the sunlight broke free of the clouds, deciding to show its face to the world before the rain engulfs it. Sighing, I swung my legs over my bed. My bare feet silently hitting the black carpeted floor. My silent padding over to the bathroom was barley audible. Cold water greeted me as I stepped into my shower, and hurriedly washed up, carefully avoiding my wounds I received from yesterday. I wouldn't be able to move too quickly today, or else they would reopen.

Quickly pulling on my dark blue jeans and a black skinny hoodie, I slipped the hood over my head, officially hiding my bruises that covered me and my existence. I tip-toed down the stairs, all the while holding my breath and avoiding the creeks in the staircase. I didn't want to wake him. My father. I was having a hard enough time walking right now, with long, deep cuts running down my legs and stomach, I wouldn't want more right before I leave for school.

Grabbing an apple, I ran quickly to the door, closing it silently behind me. Pulling my sneakers over my socks and feet, I felt a little sprinkle coming down, misting me, masking me. Walking my way to school, I couldn't help but feel like I wasn't alone. As I kept walking, I slightly turned to look behind me, my blonde hair covering my face. Bad decision on my part. I winced and grabbed my stomach. But not before noticing someone was walking not a few paces behind me. Hissing through clenched teeth, I tried pushing my self to go faster. Again bad decision. My legs stretched, and I could feel the wounds reopen a little.

I whimpered slightly, wishing and hoping for the pain to end. "Hey! Are you okay?" Dammit. Though the voice was female, and the hand was gentle, I flinched away. She stopped, looking at me with worry. Peeking up at her, through my hair, I was instantly caught in hazel eyes. She had brown, wavy hair flowing out of her hoodie, skin sporting a natural tan, and a little taller than me. "Oh my god! Are you okay!? What happened?" I was confused for a second. Then I realized my hood has fallen back, exposing my face to her. Exposing my bruises and cuts.

I fumbled to pull it back on and started walking away, until she grabbed my arm. I winced again, and she softened her hold on me. Averting my gaze, I studied my sneakers. "Who did this to you?" she asked quietly. Since she has seen my face, I looked at her. Not bothering to answer, I nodded my head in the direction of school, and we started walking. She silently watched me, her eyes gentle not judging. "You can't talk... can you?" she asked after a while.

It's not that I can't talk, I just don't. Though its  not like I can explain that to her, so I just shook my head. "Um names-" She was cut off.


"Shit." She cursed. Looking behind me, someone was running up to us. Panicking, I whirled around and took off, speed walking. Jessie, hurried along with me, "Don't worry. That's my idiot brother Alex. Hey! maybe we can help-"

Shaking my head, I stopped. Fear coursed through me. If anyone found out about this, I would be dead. Already I put one person in danger, I don't need to drag another in with me. Her eyes softened, "Okay. Your secrets safe with me." I relaxed, some tension leaving my body.

"What secret?"

I froze.

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