Normal? I think not

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 This capter is kinda short, i'm running out of words and I need to take a break, so Ill be working on another one of my book. You can look at it if you want, it will soon be published. It's called Love Hurts. I am getting comlaints about Alex's POV being boring and only repeating what you already know. So I guess, sense ya know people have rule over what im writing *NOTE MY DAMN SARCASM* ill just do Alice POVS from now on and make the book shorter.

Song for this is Safe and sound by Taylor swift and the civil wars


I ran.


And ran.

I couldn't stop, until I got to where I need to be. I saw someone walking into the pack house, Jessie. Once she opened the door, I bolted in, gaining a gasp from her and others. But I didn't care. I was only focused on one thing. One voice. One person.


I was so focused in on his very faint scent, I barley acknowledged others in my path. My hands pushing people out of my way lightly. I needed to be where I thought he was. I just need to be by him, with him. My bare feet smacked against the floor, the cold marble sending shivers up my legs. The door to where his scent vanished burst open.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Tears of relief filled my eyes, as the luscious sound of the heart monitor filled my ears. My vision blurred as I made my way over to where he was silently laying, his breathing strong, and healthy. I smiled as tears ran down my face. Nothing else in this world, could make me happier than to see him. I felt like I could just lay down next to him forever, be at peace with him, and nothing could touch us.

I plopped down into a chair, my body shaking of exhaustion, my mind reeling from and over whelming day. My wolf, howling in joy, tears of her own streaming from my eyes. She spoke with wisdom beyond her, she spoke soothingly, calming me down.


You're going to be okay.

Breathe, and remember that you've been in this place before. You've been this uncomfortable, and anxious, and scared, and you've survived it.

Breathe, and know you can survive this too. These feelings can't break you. They're painful and deliberating, but you can sit with them and eventually, they will pass. Maybe not immediately, but sometime soon, they are going to fade and when they do, you'll look back at this moment and laugh for having doubted your resilience. I know it feels unbearable right now, but keep breathing, again and again. This will pass.

I promise it will pass.

I sighed and nodded at her words. She was right, I just had to breath and wait. I just had to be there for Alex. And I would be. I wouldn't leave his side.

And I didn't.

I sat there, hours passed by and I gained no movement from him, nothing, just the beating of his heart and his chest rising and falling at a soothing pace. Not too fast, and not too shallow. A smile tugged at my lips, I closed my eyes, thinking back to when I first heard his voice. I thought back at how I ran from him, how I tried to avoid him, but wanted to be so close to him at the same time. How I was stuck between wanting to be saved, and not waning to drag others down to my personal hell with me. And yet, he helped me. He helped me face death and fight it, helped me fight my dears. He loved me, and I loved him.

With the rain pitter-pattering on the window, the warmth of the room, Alex's scent, I was fading into a sleep. This time a peaceful sleep where I knew when I woke up, Alex would be there, waiting for me. He wouldn't leave me, and I wouldn't leave him. I was exhausted from today, my emotions draining my worth, my energy was burning, weakening. I gave a sigh an slumped into my seat, laying my head against my knees that were pulled up against my chest.

And when I would awaken Alex would be there. No way was he going anywhere without me. Our love was strong. Nothing could separate us.

Not even death.

Faceless {:Watty 2013:}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora