Chapter 6: Superwoman

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Chapter 6: Superwoman

(Author's Note: Picture of Mason above [You'll know who this is later] if the picture is not visible please let me know.) -Bri*

Brittany's POV:

For the night Ally was assigned to just watch the door outside. Mainly because she was caught talking to me. My shoulder hurts really bad and it hasn't stopped bleeding. It's not pouring blood, but it's letting out too much, that's for sure.

"So your name's Britt?" He asks.

I look at him as I let out deep breaths. I haven't moved from my position because every time I try to change position pain shoots up my shoulder.

"Yeah, you?" I ask. I really don't care at the moment, but if I'm going to befriend this guy, I need to be a bit nicer than I have been.

"Mason. I hear you've got a bit of a situation you're in." He chuckles.

I scoff and lean my head back, "Yeah, and it never seems to end." I glance up at the window and see it's starting to sprinkle again. Good. Hopefully it will storm again.

I stare at the bars and see they could be bent if I had my Wolf; the metal looks weak enough. There's just two problems. One: My shoulder is injured. Two: My Wolf isn't currently "available."

I get an idea and ask Mason, "What Pack?" It's kind of like an undercover question to ask another Wolf.

"What?" He asks.

I scoff, yeah, definitely human, "Never mind."

>Kira? I call out of hope that she will answer.

>Kira, please. I need your help, I can't get out of here without you. I beg. Then, I get an idea.

>We need to find Talon, he could still be out there. I know you can hear me. Is it the virus holding you back? Please Kira, I'll fight it with you, but we have to get out of here tonight. They're going to kill us and you know it! I yell at her.

I get no answer and I start to get angry. I slam my fist on the ground, with my left hand of course, causing Mason to jump.

>Kira! I yell in my head. I start to get upset and I can tell my face is probably red. I start to feel a familiar rising in my chest and that's when it clicks. Anger. Caleb said that one of the hardest things to concur with the virus was emotion. I have an older version of the virus, so I may be able to get Kira to work around it.

"Hey uh, you okay?" Mason asks.

"No," I snap, standing up and going over to the window as I try to ignore the pain, "I'm not."

I grab a bar with my good arm and swing my foot up, wedging it against the concrete and pushing with my foot while pulling with my arm. My eyes are screwed closed and I'm instinctively holding my breath; I shouldn't do that.

"That's not going to work." Mason say's in a singsong voice.

"Come on!" I groan as I pull harder.

"Lady have you lost it? It's not going to ben- How the hell are you doing that?" He gasps.

I don't open my eyes as I just keep pulling. About a minute later and I hear a snap causing me to fall backward. When I do so I let out a shout when my arm hits the floor.

"Are you Superwoman or something?! Oh my- Your eyes!" He freaks. I scoff at him. Humans; I mentally roll my eyes. My eyes are probably glowing the color of my Wolf's. I don't know what color they are because, come to think of it, I've never had the time to study her appearance.

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