Chapter 12: Occide

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Chapter 12: Occide

(Picture above [you'll know who this is later]. If it's not visible please let me know.)

-----Brittany's POV-----

We come to a halt in a darker part of the mines, hiding behind a large rock, and staying completely still just in case. I think it took a turn a good ways back, but we kept going just to make sure.

"I don't think I got your name." I tell her after a couple of silent minutes.

"Jenny. You?" She asks with a shaky voice.

I hesitate...

"I know a lot of people who would kill to get ahold of the Slaters..."

"Haylee." I reply, picking an average name.

She nods and asks, "How did you get down here?"

"I have a home that is connected to the mines. I heard you scream and I.. Got lost." I reply.

"I'm sorry you got lost helping me." She replies.

"Don't be." I reply with a sigh. I can hear Keith now...

"How do we get out of here?" She asks me.

I shake my head, "Our best bet is to just keep walking, we can't stay here. Next time you see a Wendigo, don't move. Just let it pass. Never run unless its already seen you."

"Okay," She replies, "My brother should be looking for me. I left our camp on my own, I wish I never did." Tears begin to gather in her eyes and I take her hand in mine, which seems to help her. She wipes them away and I let out a sigh.

"I have a brother too. I lost him for a long time, but we managed to find each other. How old are you?" I ask.

"Seventeen." She replies. I shake my head and silently curse my father. She's so young, even though she doesn't look like it; she looks twenty.

I nod and help her stand on wobbly legs. "I'll help you get back to him when we get out of here, okay?"

She nods and sniffles, rubbing her nose. I relight the lighter and we start walking. About ten minutes later, we come up on what looks like old railroad tracks. I decide to follow these, hoping they lead to an exit.

I shiver and rub my arms, wishing I had a coat. Jenny steps closer to me and shivers as well. About thirty minutes later I spot an old crinkled map laying on the rocks, with a small rock on top to hold it down. I walk over to it and see the danger zones marked on it.

"Where are we on the map?" Jenny asks.

I shake my head and stare at the elaborately sketched map with red zones all over it. "I can't tell," I reply, "Our best bet is to just keep walking. Staying here is just going to get us.. well, lets just keep going."

-----Jax's POV-----

Its been a few hours and I still haven't found that girl.

"Immature group of teenage-mindset idiots.." I grumble under my breath. I track her wet footprints into a deeper part of the mine. Looks like she picked up a friend. I roll my eyes and keep going.

After a good mile I come to a sloped opening leading out into the snow. I climb the slope, avoiding a few sharp rocks, and see a mess in the snow. It looks like they got in a fight with something. There's a little blood on the ground, red, so it's human.

There's more tracks, but their boot prints and much bigger. They're dented into the snow much deeper, they were carrying something, or someone. They're more than likely men, Werewolves too, because their tracks that are farther away, before they saw the girls, look to be much heavier than the average humans in the first place.

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