Chapter 13: Arena

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Chapter 13: Arena

Brittany's POV:

"Get off of me you son of a-!" I scream repetitively at the two men, which are on each side of me, clamped onto my arms. I kick and hit but it does nothing to the Werewolves. I swear every word in the book, but I doubt it hurt their feelings any.

Two large doors open and I'm shoved in. The doors slam shut behind me and I look up. The place is huge. It's concrete floor and concrete wall on all four sides. On each wall is a huge set of double doors, one set I just came out of.

Spread out through the place are a few crates that come up to my waist. There are three metal train carts that are hollowed out on the two ends, making something like a tunnel. Each cart is a good ten to fifteen feet from the other.

What is this?

I look up and see a huge group of men, only a few women, standing about twenty feet above. It's kind of like I'm sitting in a huge en-ground pool and they're standing on the edge, looking down. Hades smirks down at me and I glare, standing up.

I feel around behind me and grab the handle of the door, but as predicted, it doesn't open. On the ground is dirt, blood, and black blood. Don't tell me this is what I think it is.

I look up and see a bunch of pipe lines named with water and gas. Each pipe line leans down into the, I guess they call it, Arena. This place looks like a factory. Written on one side of the wall, in what I hope is just red paint, is: Occide. Written in the same format on the other side is: Slaughter. So that's what Occide means.

Hades throws something down, landing about five feet in front of me. A machete? Why is he?.. Oh no.

He gives some kind of signal with his hand and one set of the doors on the far right opens, causing the Wolves to start getting excited and yelling. Six Runners come out and I quickly grab the machete, running for a railroad cart. Luckily all of the yelling threw them off a little. I jump up, throwing me right leg over, and crawling onto the top.

I stay prone on the top and stay as quiet as possible. This works for now and I just listen to them below. I stay like this for a few minutes, debating what to do.

"Now this doesn't fly, does it boys?" Hades calls and everyone goes silent. He pulls something from his pocket and lights it. A small firecracker. I stare up at him, as if daring him to.

Sure enough, he throws it down and onto the cart I'm on. I scramble up and it goes off, causing the Runners to scream and look up at me. One crawls up and I kick it in the head, knocking it off before it can even get up all of the way.

I still refuse to come down, then suddenly Jenny is quickly shoved through the same door I came through. The Runners see her and shift their focus in her direction.

"You son of a b****!" I scream as I jump from the cart, landing hard enough to hurt my almost healed wound, and run to Jenny. I shove her towards a cart, after looping around to get away from the Runners, and she gets the hint to climb, me following her.

"Oh come on, Slater! This is the easy part!" Cody yells from above.

This time, when one almost climbs up, I swing the machete, successfully taking off its head. Come on, focus. It's just like when I was with Keith in the simulation. Except without Keith. And this is real.

"Haylee!" Jenny screams and points, tears running down her face. I step in front of her and kick the Runner in the stomach, making it fly off. I can tell it's her brother that takes care of this stuff. I guess it was kind of a good thing Keith forced a gun into my hands.

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