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Just wanted to thank SuperheroesAndSprite 'cause she's been so awesome to me. If you guys don't already know her (which I highly doubt) then please show her some more love because there's never too much of that, haha :P

I stayed at home for three whole days.

I turned off my phone, my internet, everything.

My only source of entertainment was the TV, the dog, and a few books I found that I had long forgotten about.

I spent the first day cramming food inside my mouth while watching whatever there was on TV, with the dog cuddled beside me, and food wrappers surrounding me like some kind of plastic barrier . I woke up early as usual, and stayed rooted in the couch in my boxers, only moving to get more food or use the bathroom. I even woke up the next morning in the couch.

I was tired, grouchy, and smelly from spending a day without taking a shower.

So on the second day I took a shower, cleaned the apartment and pulled out my workout gear. I ran on my treadmill for an hour, did countless turns of pushups and sit-ups, and even tried some planks for a change.

After I took a second shower that day, I changed into my comfiest clothes and read a book. It was relaxing, and a lot more distracting then all the other activities I'd done. I never once thought of the stress I was going through the past few days. I just read until I finished the book, then picked up another.

Never once did I leave the house, the only times I opened my apartment door was when the delivery guy came baring food and when Tom and Rob checked up on me.

"He came by the café," Tom had said to me.

"Who?" I asked.

"Actually, all of them did. Devin, Ian, Jake, they were worried about you since you practically disappeared off the radar."

"It's only been a day," I said.

"I know..."

That didn't seem to help with my isolation plan. It made it worst since I began thinking of Jake all over again, and of Devin and my years of crushing on him.

And Ian?

When I asked Tom, he just shrugged. "I was just as surprised, I mean, he didn't even come with Devin. He came alone, which was the weirdest part."

On the third day, I sat on my desk and just thought.

I thought of me.

I pushed all thoughts of Devin and Jake out of my head and just thought of me.

I thought about my parents, how I was the only child and how that made it easy for them to practically abandon me. I thought of school and all the people who knew me there and if they even remembered me. I thought of what I would do after high-school. I considered taking a gap year, and which majors I was interested in taking once I was accepted in university.

Then I thought of the dog, and I spent a long time thinking up names but none of them seemed to fit that I wondered if I should just give up all together and just never give him a name. But I knew that wasn't healthy, not for me or the dog. Heck, I was surprised he never ran away from me due to the lack of care. I vowed that I would find a name sooner or later, and that I would never abandon him like my parents did to me. Leaving me with nothing but their money.

On the fourth day, I finally managed to get out of the apartment.

The first thing I did was go to the café.

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