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Tom and Jesse were at my apartment about an hour earlier than I expected the, to be.

I was still asleep when my phone rang and I was definitely not ready.

"Hey, Nate!" Tom's voice was too cheerful as it echoed from my phone into my ear.

"Wha-?...Oh, crap."

I winced.

"You're not ready, are you?"


"I told you!" Jesse called from the other end.

I sighed.

"It's okay, we'll grab something from the café. You'll be ready by then?"

"Yeah, sorry. Thank you."


I was going to text Ian a head's up after I hung up, but I thought it would be funnier if I didn't. So I left my phone where it was originally on my bedside table and got up from my bed, as reluctant as ever.

I rushed as I packed my last minute necessities, while also trying to get ready. Definitely not something easy to achieve.

"Took you long enough," Jesse said when I finally slid into the van.

It was the mini van that Jesse and his band mates used whenever they had gigs a few hours away or whenever they "toured".

I rolled my eyes. "Good morning to you, too."

"Good morning Nate!" Tom turned in his seat to grin at me.

I scowled. "It's too early, Tom."

He smiled sheepishly. "Sorry. I'm a morning person."

"No shit," I grumbled.

"I take it you haven't had tea yet," Jesse commented.

"Aha." I sighed. "I didn't have time because your boyfriend here is an asshole."

Tom pouted and produced a styrofoam cup from god knows where. "Guess I'll have to drink this myself after all. Too bad."

"Asshole? Who said asshole? I meant he is an amazing human being."

Tom grinned and handed me the cup. "Only because you tried."

"Good to know my efforts are appreciated," I said, lifting the top of the cup to take a whiff of the deliciousness in my hands.

"Greatly appreciated."

I rolled my eyes and smiled before taking a sip.

"Isn't it too hot?" Tom asked, referring to the tea.

"I'm used to the burns by now."

"Creep," Jesse coughed behind the wheel.

I tossed him a quick glare before shooting Tom an innocent smile. "How long does it take to the camping space?"

"A few hours."

I raised an eyebrow. "You don't have a clue, do you?"

He blushed from his neck to his ears and I almost lost it.

"We'll be taking a lot of stops," he mumbled. "So I don't know. We'll get there by nightfall maximum."

I shrugged. "Alright. As long as we don't stay at some creepy run down motel in the middle of nowhere."

Tom cringed. "No promises."

"Why did I agree to this?" I groaned.

"Yeah," Jesse echoed. "Why did you, Nate?"

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