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Ian left.

He stared at me at first. His lips parted, they moved as they formed words that I could not hear over the sound of my heart beating so rapidly.

He was talking, shouting, shaking my shoulders, touching the side of my face with gentle strokes he should have reserved for someone else.

Then he stood and stumbled over furniture before he got to the bathroom.

I waited, touching my lips with the tips of my fingers but I couldn't feel anything.

My lips were numb.

Then Ian stumbled out of the bathroom, using the back of his hand to wipe something off his lips.

The same lips that were on mine just moments ago.

He looked at me and I swear the way my heart was pounding should not have been normal. I placed a hand over my heart in hopes of steadying it but even I wasn't stupid enough to believe that would work.

Ian said something. It looked like a question by the way his eyebrows pinched together and the lines on his forehead grew more prominent, but I could only hear a muffled version of his voice at the back of my head.

He moved closer to me, just a few steps, his arm stretched out in surrender, yet I still flinched back.

He winced, picking up his jacket and the rest of his belongings.

That's when he left.

The sound of the door slamming shut brought sound back to my ears. An overwhelming wave I was too tired to tame, so I stood up with my hands over my ears and walked to the bathroom.

I picked up my toothbrush and turned on the tap, the sound of water crashing against the porcelain sink felt almost calming in my daze. I brushed my teeth, I brushed my tongue, I even gurgled some mouthwash, swishing it around my mouth for as long as I possibly could.

I finally managed to get rid of the taste of him, but nothing could erase the memory.

The worst part was, that even when the guilt grew too heavy that I fell asleep leaning against the bath tub, I still couldn't help but remember how good he felt. How much I enjoyed every second while I betrayed my best friend.


I woke up and my back ached like I had just run a marathon without a stretching and was now paying the price.

I scanned the bathroom, running a hand down my face as I slowly stood up to start my day.

It took a shower and a change of clothes until I remembered what happened the other night and I instantly felt dizzy.

Hurriedly, I dashed to the living room area. Maybe it was just a dream, I thought. A really vivid dream.

My eyes landed on the coffee table and I felt so light headed I thought I would faint, but I quickly shot an arm out to press against the wall just to steady myself.

The bottles of alcohol were still there.

Ian kissed me, I thought I liked it, and now I had another secrete to hide from my best friend.

Just perfect.

I found my phone sometime later, and hesitantly switched it on.

I was still in denial over the whole thing. Why would Ian kiss me anyway? Why would I kiss him back? It didn't make sense.

When Ian's name popped up on my screen, I knew it wasn't some hallucination. It was real. It happened.

"We need to talk."

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