You Are The Only Exception:Ch 29 {Part 2}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 29


I walked up behind Riley to see him staring down at his two laundry baskets, which were full of clothes. I saw him holding up a pair of boxer in one hand, and a towel in the other. He stared down at his baskets, as if it were rocket science to separate his colored, and white clothes.

"What are you doing?" I finally asked.

"Sorting?" he sort of question, with a smile on his face.

"Put your whites in one washer, " and he did as I told him. "and your colored clothes in another washers."

"That's it?" he asked, as he started putting his colored clothes in one washer.

I grinned. "Yep, and you put your detergent up there." I pointed to the top of the washer. Riley nodded, and poured out some in the cap. I glanced over at Miles to see he had already started both his washes. He noticed me looking at him, and glanced up. He flashed me a smiled, and walked away to the tables in the back.

I started putting Riley's white in another washer. He put his quarters in, and added detergent to the other load. "Wow. That was boring. I hate laundry."

I laughed. "I didn't know doing laundry was suppose to be fun."

"It is when your helping me." he grinned.

I shook my head at him, and headed toward the back, where Miles was. I sat opposite from him, and Riley slipped in beside Miles.

"So..." Riley started. A short silence followed, he turned to Miles. "What's your reason for coming here?"

"Live on my own." Miles stated.

"Ah, cool. So, it like, wasn't because of Everett?"

Miles turned to Riley, and arched an eyebrow. "Uh, no. I just want to get away from thing back home. I'm trying to better my life. There's too many bad memories back home." he whispered the last part out.

"Right." Riley whispered back.

I decided to change the subject. "Riley, " I hoped he heard my soft voice, which he did, since he looked up at me. "Everett's past... tell me about it." I looked into his eyes, and waited.

Riley looked over toward Miles. "You told her?"

"She has a right to know."

"But still! That was his past..." he trailed off, and ran a hand through his hair. He finally sighed. "Yeah. It is. Miles' brother, the blame, the sex, partying, even the pot." he stared at me, waiting for my reaction. Or searching my eyes.

"You were right." I whispered, looking toward Miles. I felt my throat tighten. He was right,... so why didn't Everett just tell me himself. Instead I have, or had to heard it from his past best friend.

He nodded his head. "He was a dealer for a short time. Like two week? I think."

"Right." Riley agreed. "I remember that. I stayed away from him during those weeks. I wanted nothing to do with that."

"I'm surprised they didn't beat the shit out of him, or brand him even." Miles furrowed his brows, as if confused.

"Wait. He dealed drugs?" my eyes widened.

Riley sighed. "Yeah, like when he first started college." he mumbled.

I felt a lump build in my throat, my stomach turned, and I couldn't breathe.

"So, he just stopped?" Miles, seemed interested in this.

"Yeah, kind of. He ran out of pot to sell so he stopped. And what do you mean about the whole, beating him up, and branding him?"

Miles' eyes flickered to me. "You remembered what happened to my brother, when he quit selling?"

"Oh shit." Riley looked concerned now. "He... I mean- he looked horrible that day. More than horrible."

"Yeah, but Jared's group broke up. So I think Everett's in the clear."

"Jared?" I butted in.

Miles looked at me now. "Yeah Jared. The big 'Boss' as his dealers use to call him. But I heard they disbanded like years ago."

"Everett got them from someone secretly, so he wouldn't get into all that drug deal slash gang slash thuggish stuff." Riley informed us. "You never know though. It's been awhile." Riley mumbled. "Shit! Jared, right?" Riley jumped up off the bench.

"Yeah." Miles looked kind of scared, and to be honest I was too.

"He's in prison, as of last month!" Riley informed us.

"Are you sure?" Miles didn't seem to believe him.

"Very." he assured us.

"Well, now I can breathe again." I laughed... well, sort of.

Miles chuckled. "Alright, enough talk about this. Hey, did you tell Michelle about tomorrow?"

"Not yet. Michelle, would you like to go to the skate park with us tomorrow?"

I gave them a questioning look. "Where at?"

"Either downtown, or somewhere quiet." Miles replied.

"I think that one skate park that no one goes to. You know the one I'm talking about?"

Miles nodded. "Oh yeah, the one on the edge of town?"

"That's the one. So what do you say?" There attention back on me.

"Sure." I smiled. "I didn't know you guys skate boarded?"

The both grinned. "Of course we do! I don't wear tight pants for nothing."

I chuckled at Riley. "All you need is suspender, and pull your pants up to your belly button, and you'll be Steve Urkel." I winked at Miles.

He blushed, but laughed. "You really think you can win this teasing game?" He smirked, and the blush that was on his cheeks a few seconds ago, was instantly gone.

"Y-yes." I stuttered in a small voice.

Miles leaned forward. "I don't think so." he whispered.

"Hey!" We both turned to Riley. "You have a boyfriend!" he pointed at me. "Stop flirting!"

I swatted his hand away. "It isn't nice to point. And I know, so stop. And I'm not flirting!" I blushed.

"I just saw you! Getting your flirt on, right in front of me!"

"I wasn't!"

"Sure." He pursed his lips, and narrowed his eyes at me.

"I really don't know how to flirt." I mumbled embarrassed.

They both stared at me, and my blush grew. "And you." he turned toward Miles. "You like her, don't you?"

Miles scooted out of the both, and stood up. "Shut up, man."

"You do! You have a crush on Michelle!" he pointed at Miles this time.

He swatted his hand away also. "I said shut up."

"Aw, you like Michelle." he cooed. "I never heard of you having a crush before."

Miles stood behind Riley, as he started laughing. I chuckled at both of them. "Hey man, do you know what time it is?"

I gave Miles a quizzical look. He smirked at me, and mouthed 'watch this', and I nodded. Riley looked down at his phone, still trying to recover from his laughing. "It's looks like seven."

I saw Miles' hand getting ready to grab Riley's boxer from behind. "Nah man. It's murphy time."

I busted out laughing. Riley's face was priceless, his boxer from behind now bunched up above his jeans. Miles sat down beside me, and we both sounded like hyenas. We both looked toward Riley, who was now picking, and pulling out his wedgie, which made Miles, and me crack up more.

Riley started smirking, even though he didn't want to. "You bitch. I'm going to get you back."

They both headed towards their washers, and I smiled. I felt my phone vibrate, and fished it out of my pocket. I answered without checking who it was. "Hello?"

"Hey." I heard Everett say.

"Hey Everett." I started smiling.

"You look lovely Amy Jane."

"W-What?" Is he ghost dialing?

"Thank you, so do you, you clean up good. Also It's so nice to hear that, but hey, I love it when the kids call me Coach Jane." I heard a voice say. Coach Jane's i'm guessing.

He told me he would call me if something changed. He told me! My vision blurred, and I tried so hard to blink back the tears.

"This is going to be a good first date, I can tell already." she laughed, and I heard Everett chuckle. I heard shuffling, and another voice taking their order. Then their conversation began again. "So, do you have a girlfriend?"

Everett laughed, and I'm guessing his phone was in the pocket of his shirt. "No, I don't."

I gritted my teeth together. "Son of a bitch." I whispered harshly, and ended the call. I scrolled through my recent calls, but I never received one from him. And he tells me to trust him. "Stupid, lying, asshole..." I murmured to myself, and set my phone on the table.

I heard the boys coming back. "Hey, you okay?" Riley asked.

"Yeah." I lied. "Too much laughing." I gave them a fake smile, but Miles didn't seem to buy it.

"Right." Riley laughed. "So, do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?"

"Yeah that sounds good." I nodded.

"I'll get you like at noon-ish?"

"Yeah, I should be finished with my appointment by then." I heard a washer stop, and I figured it was Riley's since, he cursed under his breath.

Miles sat back down in front of me. "Are you seriously okay?"

I smiled in his direction. "Yeah, yeah. I'm super." I flashed him a huge grin, and he seemed to fall for it. I should've listened to Miles. Stupid heart.


I heard Riley yell, and I laughed. "I'm coming."

"You too bitch, your wash finished!"

I chuckled. "Says the guy that can't do laundry." Miles muttered.

"I heard that!"

I looked at Miles, and he looked at me. We looked towards Riley to see him glaring at us from over the washing machines. And that was the beginning of our laughing fit.

Time passed by quickly. Riley soon parked in front of my house. "Okay, so the plans that I pick you up at noon. If that changes I'll let you know, or I'll have Miles come pick you up. I don't think Everett's coming."

I smiled at him, and nodded. I tried to push away the feeling that I've been holding in for Everett, but I felt my eyes begin to sting. Oh great. "Sounds good, I'll see you tomorrow." I said quickly, and climbed out of his car. "Bye!" I yelled from me porch.

I didn't wait for a reply. I quickly unlocked my door, and went inside locking it behind me. I ran to my room, and set my tote at the foot of my bed. I threw off my shoes, and climbed in bed. I set my phone on my dresser.

He hasn't called me all night. I mean it's ten, shouldn't their date be over. Maybe he know, that I know. I felt a tear escape, and sighed with relief when I knew my Mom wasn't here. I don't know what I would do if she walked in on me crying. I haven't did this in awhile. It's a good thing the sky is crying with me.


I woke up, and squinted my eyes away from the sun. "Good your up already!" My Mom exclaimed. "Go shower, your appointments in an hour."

"Alright." I assured her.

I heard my door close. I made my way towards my shower. The cool water on my back felt soothing on my aching muscle. I dried myself, and threw on some shorts, and a shirt. I let my hair air dry. I soon remember something, and walked out into my room. My eyes spotted something on my nightstand.

I instantly went for my phone. And to my disappointment, I didn't have any message, voice mails, or phone calls. I felt my heart slowly breaking. I thought of calling him, and soon I held my phone to my ear. It rang once, and then heard a beep, telling me the person hung up on me. "No, no, no, no." I whispered, and placed my phone back on the dresser. "This can't be happening to me again." I whispered, and buried my face in my hands.

"Michelle, hurry!" I heard my Mom yell from down stair.

I grabbed my phone, hoping, and praying he would call me later, or even text me. I ran out of my room, and down the stair. I slipped on my vans, and ran out the door.

I sat down next to my mom in the waiting room. I rubbed my sweaty palm together. "Do you think they have my results back?" I whispered to my mom.

"I'm not sure sweetie. They said your doctors not in today, but that they wanted another test from you."

I nodded my head. I was nervous for this appointment. And worried, sad, angry, and everything in between. My thoughts always trailed off to Everett.

"Michelle..." there was a short pause from the nurse. "Martinez?" I stood up, along with my mom. "Hello dear."

"Hi." I replied shyly, with a smile.

"Right in this room, you can have a seat up here." She gestured for me, to sit on the gurney. My mom sat down in the chair next to the computer desk. The nurse looked down at her papers. "It seems that your just here to take another urine, and blood test."

"Oh, so the other results haven't came in yet?" my mom asked.

"I don't think so, I'm still new here." she gave us a sheepish smile. "She'll be here next week, but as soon as she get's your result she'll set up another appointment."

"Fine." I laughed, when my mom sighed.


I groaned. "My arm hurts."

"I wonder why." A sarcastic tone in my moms voice.

"That's not nice." I pursed my lips at her, and climbed out her car.

She laughed. "Oh look, Miles' is here." she waved at him, and then looked at me with a don't-you-have-a-boyfriend look.

I don't know,... do I? I hated questioning myself. "I'm going to the skate park mom."

She sighed. "Fine, don't come home late though. And be safe!"

"Always mom." I waved at her, and opened Miles' passenger door.

"Hey." he grinned.

"Hey." I smiled back.

He dropped his smile, once he saw my arm. "What happened?" he asked as we started backing down the drive way.

"Doctor." I nodded.

"Ah, that's right. You went like that?" he looked down at my clothes.

"Yeah." I laughed, "It wasn't too cold today, and my shorts are longer than yesterdays, so I was good." I nodded again.

It was silent in the car after awhile. Not that I didn't want to talk, I just wanted to pass up Everett hotel. He still hasn't called me, and I had a feeling he wasn't going too. I was praying to God, that he was going to do this to me again. I swallowed the lump in my throat, and sighed.

"I like this song." I stated after awhile.

"Alright." Miles smiled at me, and turned it up a bit. "This is the perfect time for me to hear you sing." he was now grinning.

"You think I'm pretty without any make-up on." I sang, and smiled at Miles. He was still grinning, as he drove. "You think I'm funny when I tell the punchline wrong, I know you get me, so I let my walls come down." I started laughing as he rolled the windows down. "You brought me to life, so now every February, you'll be my Valentine." I stopped, and turned down the music slightly. I shook my head, these lyrics were hitting my soft spot right now.

"You've been looking down since yesterday. Is something wrong?"


"And don't you dare say no, or any other smart ass comment."

All I could do was smile. Even though Miles didn't know me too well,... he sure was getting too. "I'm fine."

He looked at me, then back at the road, and then back again. He finally sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. "You know you can tell me anything. Right?"

I nodded. "Right." I smiled, and gave his hand a squeeze that was on the gear shift. "New song!" I exclaimed.

Miles laughed, and started searching the radio stations. He finally ended up handing me his iPod that was connected to his radio, and I began flipping through his songs. I smiled, as I spotted a song, and pressed it.

I placed his iPod in a cup holder, and soon the sound of a drum came on. "Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone, cause today I swear I'm not doing anything." I laughed when I saw Miles' facial expression, he had put his sun glasses on and was bobbing his head to the beat. "Throw my hand in my pants, nobody's going to tell me I can't." I started laughing again, when Miles grabbed his crouch. I covered my face with my hands.

"I'm guessing new song?"

"Yes." I smiled while biting my lip.

I noticed a familiar guitar in the background. "The Script." he smiled, and set his ipod back down.

I'm still alive but I'm barely breathing, Just praying to a God that I don't believe in." I tapped my hand on my knee, and looked out the window. "'Cause I got time while he got freedom, 'Cause when a heart breaks no it don't break even." I had changed out the 'she' in the lyrics, for a 'he'... well, for obvious reasons.

He couldn't be doing this to me again. Right? I mean, he said he was going to marry me this summer. He said he loved me. He wanted only me. No one else. He made love to me...

I felt tears threaten to fall. I felt Miles grabbed my hand, and squeeze it. I turned my head to look at him, and they soon spilled over. But that didn't stop me from singing. He gave me a small smile. "What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you, and, what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're ok."

"I'm falling to pieces yeah, I'm falling to pieces." we sang together, which made a real smile appear on my face.


I was glad Miles had never asked me anything. And another part of me wanted to tell him everything that was happening. I sighed, and climbed out of the car.

I heard a skate board, and turned around to see Miles already riding his. He stopped in front of me, and smirked. "Ever ride one before?"

"I'm a klutz. Do you want me to die?" I let out a small laugh.

He laughed through his nose. "Of course not. Here." I set my tote on the ground. "Put one foot here." he tapped the back of the board with his foot, "And another here." and then pointed to the front.

"I'm so going to fall." I mumbled.

"No you won't" he whispered in my ear, as he held one of his hands out of front of me. I gripped it, or more like gripped his thumb, and his hand close around the back of mine. I placed my other on his shoulder. "Now step on carefully." I did as I was told.

I put one foot on the back, and the skateboard started rolling. I let out a small scream, while Miles started laughing. He stopped the skateboard with the tip of his shoe. "I told you!"

"You won't, I promise." he smiled, and waited for me to try again.

I sighed loudly, and gripped his hand harder. "If I fall, I swear..."

"Just try again." he chuckled, finding it amusing.

I stepped on the back again, and then the front when the board didn't move. Suddenly Miles began tugging me forward. "Miles, no!" I laughed.

"See your doing it." excitement filled his voice.

He started pulling away from me, and I tried gripping on to his hand tighter, but couldn't. His hand slipped away from mine, and there I was, skate boarding on my own. As soon as the board was about to stop, I put one foot on the ground, and tried going faster. To my own amazement I didn't fall. But I did just off laughing.

"Oh my god! Did you see me Evere-" I stopped short, and stared up at Miles. Into the those green piercing eyes. "I-I" I started. "I''m sorry." I whispered, and put a hand over my mouth.

I sat down on the hard concrete, and pulled my legs towards my chest. I rested my forehead on my knees, and sighed.

I heard the wheels of a skate board coming toward me. I felt Miles sit down beside me on his board. "So." he started. "Tell me what's happening."

I wiped away that one stubborn tear that had to fall. "Nothing." I tried to laugh it off.


"It's just..."

"Were getting closer."

"He tells me to trust him, and everything, but... He did it again." I let out a humorless laugh, and looked up at the sky. "I should have listened to you." I whispered.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." Silence loomed in the air, and we soon heard another skate board approaching us.

"Yo!" I looked up to see Riley grinning, but it was soon gone.

"She needs to know." Miles immediately said.

"But. I." He stared between us, and finally sighed loudly. Riley sat down in front of us on his board. "Fine." he ran a hand through his, and looked me dead on. "He did it again, didn't he?"

I didn't think I could answer, so I was glad when Miles did. "Yeah, he did."

"Shit." I heard Riley whisper. "I've been meaning to tell you. I didn't think the two of you would get serious. I mean last year he told me he just liked you. But he changed this year."

Somehow I found my voice. "What are you saying?" I stared at him with wide eyes.

"Last year he found out you didn't believe in love, or anything like that. So he thought that maybe he could change your mind. Obviously he did."

"Was I some kind of game then? An experiment?"

"Yes." I felt my stomach turn, and I stood up. "In the beginning yes, but he's fallen for you, Michelle. He's fallen hard." I heard him stand up.

"Obviously not!" I yelled.

"Michelle, I swear I don't know what's going on. Especially in that head of his."

"He hasn't called me at all." I whispered.

"Me either. Michelle, I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "It's okay." I laughed. "You were right." I smiled at Miles, who stared at me. As if he was searching for the answer in my eyes.

"How stupid could I be." I whispered.

"I never said he didn't like you in the beginning Michelle. Once he laid his eyes on you he was hooked." Riley whispered. "Maybe he has a good explanation."

Right. "Enough of this." I sniffled, and wiped my stray tears. "Aren't we here to skate."

"Uh, yeah." Miles stood up, and gave me a small smile before walking away, towards a group of guys who had already begun skating.

"I'm sorry." Arms wrapped around me. "I'm so sorry, Mel." I looked up at Riley, and couldn't help but tear up again. He pressed his lips to my forehead. "I'm so sorry." I wrapped my arms around him, and let the tears fall.

"I hate him." I softly said.

"I know."

"How am I going to do it at school?"

"Ignore him, like you do most of the time." he chuckled.

I let out a small laugh. "Okay."





Fan even!


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