You Are The Only Exception:Ch 31

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A/N: That's Riley btw... my end of the page author's note was looking insanly huge today. lol :P Also Eliza... I know this isn't freakishly long, but I promise the next one, hopefully, will be! ;)

~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 31


I felt the bed shake from someones weight. I shifted, and brought the covers over my face. The bed shook again, and I almost groaned.

"Michelle!" someone yelled.

I jointed up, and knocked heads with someone. "Ow!" I yelled, and groaned. I opened my eyes to see Riley holding his head. I rubbed my forehead. "What's wrong with you?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

He looked up at me, and opened one of his eyes. "Don't you have school today?" His forehead revealing a huge red spot.

I looked up to see a frowning Miles in the doorway. "What did you do?" his eyes on Riley.

Riley turned around. "I thought she had school."

"Well she doesn't, it's her senior skip day douche."

Riley turned back to face me, and grinned sheepishly. "Well, it's time to wake up them."

"I'm up." I threw the covers off me, and I knew both of them heard my stomach grumble. I looked down at my stomach, and placed a hand over it. I looked back up to see Miles giving me a small smiled before walking away.

"Does he know?" A scowl plastered on Riley's face. His eyes were hard as he stared at my stomach.

"No." I whispered, and pulled my hand away. I was about to stand up but he pulled me back down.

"I don't think you should keep it." I heard him say.

I turned to face him, as my eyes widened in shock. "Wha-"

"That doesn't mean I want you to get an abortion, or that I'm telling you too. I'm just saying that having a baby at your age is crazy."

I stared at him and nodded my head. "Well there's not much I can do now, is there?"

"Fucking bitch." I heard him murmur. He sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for you, I really am, I just wish you didn't get pregnant until after school... or a few years from now would have been nice."

I softly chuckled at his remark. "I know." I sighed. "But we were safe."

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Really?"

"Yes." I stood up, and began pacing. "I mean, I went to Everett's after Miles, and me went to grab coffee."

"And?" he followed me out of Miles' room.

I looked at him from over my shoulder. "What do you mean and? I went to his room, and, " I leaned against the counter, as Riley sat down at the table. The smell of pancakes causing my stomach to growl again. I soon remembered what we did on his couch. I laughed sheepishly. "Who else is hungry. I'm thirsty too."

Just as I said that, Miles stared at me, and I soon noticed he set the table, and three plates full of pancakes, and cups of orange juice were there also.

"No, no, no, no, don't change the subject, what happened?" Riley demanded.

"We, we uh." I blushed, and sat down on the other side of the table from them.

"Leave her alone dude, what's done is done. He doesn't wanna be apart of her life, well that's his problem. He's the one that's going to be missing out."

"I just wish I knew what was going on in that head of his."

"You, and me both." Miles said under his breath.

Riley sighed. "Well, Michelle what do you plan on doing now." he cut a piece of his pancakes, and shoved it in his mouth.

I bit the inside of my cheek. What do I plan on doing? "I don't know. There's not much I can do." I took a sip of my orange juice. "Oh, and by the way Miles, my mom was using sarcasm yesterday. She's pissed off at me, but more pissed off at Everett."

"But wasn't she excited?" he questioned.

"Yeah she kind of is, but... she might not show it, but she wants to kill me. Literally kill me. But like I said there's nothing much I can do." I muttered.

"So, you don't ever plan on telling him." Riley asked, as he narrowed his eyes.

"Well, I do I just don't know when. When a good time to tell someone semi-great news?" I plopped a huge chuck of pancakes in my mouth.

"Yesterday?" Riley guessed.

"Dude, Everett left before the doctor came back in." Miles told him, while shaking his head.

"Okay. Today?"

Miles sighed. "He has a girlfriend."

"Right, right. Wait, what?"

I sighed, and and started eating again. "Yeah, you know that teacher slut?" Miles chuckled.
"Seriously!?"... I slightly nodded, and turned my attention back to my pancakes.  "Okay, so I suddenly have to be somewhere. I'll see ya'll at the skate park."

"Hey! Don't do something stupid!" Miles yelled.

"It's not stupid, and I just want to talk that's it." Soon the door closed, and silence settle. The last thing

"He's going to do something stupid, you know that right?" I told Miles.

"Yep. It's already noon, so you might want to start getting ready, cause like Riley said were going skating." he smiled.

I grinned, "Alright, since I'm finished anyway." I pushed my plate towards him.

"What the hell." he mutter in fascination. He stared at me. "You weren't kidding when you said you were hungry."

I sheepishly laughed. "So I'm going to go shower, or something."

"Oh, right. The bathroom is in the hallway on the left."

"And now that you say that, I really have to pee." I quickly dashed off, ignoring his laughing.


We soon reached the skate park, and I dress in shorts, and a t-shirt once again. I don't know if I was the only girl that loved dressing this way. I just like being comfortable.

I climbed out of Miles' car, and soon was swarmed by my friends. "Who the hell does that!" Rikki soon yelled.

"Hi to you too." I glared.

"Sorry." he sighed. "Hi. So, he doesn't know?"

"No, and there's a chance he never will." I sighed.

"Well go that jackass doesn't deserve you. And you!" he pointed at my stomach. "Are you stupid? I can't believe you!"

"I'm sorry jeez. What do you want me to do!" I screamed.

"Hey, hey. Shh." I felt a hand on my hip. I looked over my shoulder to see Riley. "There's is nothing she can do, and she's not about to have an abortion."

Rikki sighed. "I know that, I wouldn't want her to have to choose that either." Rikki looked at me from under his long eyelashes. "So can Derek, and me beat him up now?" He grinned.

"No." I laughed.

"I think I beat you two to that."

I gasped, and turned around to stare at Riley. "Riley." I gasped.

"Hey it's not like I tied him up or anything, besides he got a few good punches on me." he grinned.

"Yeah, but you..." I sighed, and shook my head.

"So, before I stalked out his door he did say something. Well all I could make out was, that he was doing this for you."

"What?" I whispered.

"Well that's stupid." Derek snorted. "What's he doing for her? Giving her heart attacks, that's what."

I opened my mouth to say something, but got cut off. "Karma's going to hit him like a frait train."

Again, I opened my mouth. "Maybe, but he's not sleeping with that chick. He told me that much."

"For now." Rikki, and Derek said simultaneously.

I rolled my eyes. "Didn't we come here to skate?"

All both turned to glare at me. "You're not skating." Rikki glared.

"Yeah." It was Derek's turn.

I turned to look at Riley. "I hope you're not going to tell me no."

"Nope." he grinned, and slid his board to me with his foot.

I grinned. "Michelle I swear if you fall I will have a heart attack." Miles said from behind the three goons.

"I won't." I smiled.

Miles reached us. "Who's the idiot that gave her a board?"

Both Rikki, and Derek pointed at Riley. "Hey! She wanted to skate."

The all sighed, and walked away muttering. "Idiot." I heard one of them say.

"I heard that!" Riley yelled.

"You were meant to!" Yelled Miles.

"Okay, now that they're gone, help me." I grabbed his shoulders, and began standing on the board.

"Michelle," I heard him whispered. "I think you should tell him."

I looked up at him. "How? He'd just hate me more."

"He kinda has a right to know."

I stood on the board, and sighed. Riley began pulling be in the direction of the boys, and I saw Sam was there. "I don't know... I need a perfect time."

"How about his birthday?"

I looked up at him. "When's that?"

"In two months." He smiled.

"Wait, what's today?"

"Uh, May third?"

"Seriously?" I gaped.

"Yeah." he laughed, and help me off his skateboard.

"I have like a whole month left before graduation. Wow."

"So are you getting him anything."

I bit my lower lip. "I don't know."

"Michelle!" I heard Sam yell my way. "I hate you, but I can't help being excited, it's so wrong."

"I know, I know." I rolled my eyes.

"So, " We sat down on the concrete, and watched the boys. "what do you hope it is?"

"I don't know." I told her honestly. "I mean I can't keep my hopes up right? I had a miscarriage already." I was scared. This was the only part I had of Everett left. This baby, and the necklace he gave me around my neck.

Maybe I should give it back. So he can give it to the coach.

"Have you ever wondered if she was black mailing him?"

Shocked, I turned to stare at her. "How? We were careful, and she didn't work there until a week, or so ago. She's got nothing on me."

"That's good."

The sun was setting, and my stomach was growling, yet again. "I'm hungry." I pouted.

"Alright, well where do you guys want to eat?" Miles asked.

"Pizza!" Sam yelled.

Miles looked down at me, as if asking confirmation on this. I smiled. "Pizza." I nodded.

"Pizza it is!" He jingled his keys in the air.

It was a good think Derek, Sam, and Rikki came with Riley. I sat in Miles' car humming along to the song on the radio. "And she will be loved." I sang.

"She will be loved." Miles sang with me.

I laughed, and covered my ears. "No." I couldn't stop laughing. He made his voice purposely off pitch.

He grinned, and grabbed one of my hands. I began shaking my head. I looked down at our hands, and stared. Miles noticed this, and pulled his hand away. "Sorry."

"No, no." I laughed, and grabbed his hand again. A pale pink now tinted his cheeks.

He stared down at our intertwined fingers. A blush now stood out on his cheeks.

"Your blushing." I smiled.

"Wouldn't you if your crush held your hand?" he countered.

I knew he liked me, but him saying it was still shocking. "Yeah." I remembered the feeling Everett did every time he held mine.

"Good." he laughed.


We sat down at a table, or should I say corner booth. Something had caught my eye, but I shook the feeling off. I sat down next to Miles, and the rest of them surround the semi-circle table. I heard a familiar chuckle, and prayed that it wasn't who I thought it was.

I was about to turn my head, but stopped when the waitress came. "I'll have a Dr Pepper." I said, as she asked for my drink.

I looked over to the table that I heard the familiar chuckle from. "God." I whispered.

"What? What's wrong?" I heard Miles whisper.

"Oh." I heard Riley say.

"Well this is great." I heard Rikki mutter.

"Should we leave?" Sam asked in a hush tone.

"No, I'm good." I shook my head.

I need to talk to him, as soon as the coach left to the bathroom I stood up. I ignored the calls from behind me, as I reach Everett's table, he finally looked up, and stood up quickly. "Michelle." he gasp. He looked in the direction of the bathroom, and the back at me.

"Are you scared to be seen with me?" I laughed bitterly.

I saw him swallow hard. I shook my head at him, and suddenly the necklace around my head felt like lead.

"We need to talk." I whispered, as I pushed passed him.

I heard him follow me outside. I began pacing on where to start. Should I just blurt it out, or? "I'm sorry."

I spun on my heel. "Excuse me?"

He looked up at me. His eyes looked red, and underneath his eyes were dark circles. "I said I'm sorry. I should have took the news differently. I don't expect you to forgive me, but what I said to you was out of line."

Ignoring what he said last. I nodded showing him I heard what he said. "So you don't want to be with me then?"

"I do, more than anything. I'm just wrong for you. I see that now."

"Your not making any sense." I whispered.

"I'm doing this for you."

"So you don't love me anymore?" I found myself asking question that'd only I'd ask in my head for the past day.

He ran a hand through his hair, and looked me straight in the eyes. "Yes, I love you deeply."

"Then why are did-"

"Like I said, I'm doing this for you."

I was more confused than ever. "Do you love her?"

He knew I was referring to the coach. He laughed humorlessly. "No, not like I do you. I'll admit she's cute, but I never touched her, and I never will, and like I said she just wants to make her ex jealous."

I gritted my teeth remembered that night. "Then why didn't you call me, you said you would call me if anything changed."

"I did call you." he tilted his head.

"No, you didn't." if he called his ghost dialing...

He sighed. "I did Michelle." I bit the inside of my cheek.

"And you said you never touched her, well that's a lie obviously. I saw you kissing her."

"No, I didn't." he was obviously being serious, or just trying to really piss me off.

"Seriously!" I yelled, and through my arms in the air.

He took a step towards me. "She kissed me."

"Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"Yes, yes I do." he whispered. Pleading in his eyes. "Michelle, I'm not good for you."

"And how do you know that? We've only been going out for a few months."

"Because I know. Everything Miles' has said about me is true. The drugs, sex, blaming, drug dealing even, and everything. Something about you changed me Michelle. It made me become this person who wanted to be perfect for you. But I'm not, I'm a bad person Michelle."

"How are you bad?"

"That's why I'm doing this, so you can be safe."

He wasn't making any sense. "Wha-"

"Just know I love you."

"Prove it. Kiss me."

His eyes widened slightly. He stepped forward. "I can't." he whispered, as he held my cheek.

"Then you don't love me." I pulled away from his grasp.

As I was about to walked past him he grabbed my wrist. He turned me to face him, and grabbed my face. "I do love you." he whispered before his lips pressed to mine.

Even though it was a swift kiss, it weaken my knees. He stepped back, looking as much out of breath as I was. "Everett I'm p-"

"There you are." I looked behind Everett to see the coach. "Oh, hey Michelle."

"Hey." I nodded, and gave her a small wave. Everett never took his eyes off me, as if savoring every moment we had left.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked, as she grabbed his forearm. I noticed a tattoo on the inside of his wrist. 'Jared' it read.

"Yeah, go wait in the car, I have to tell Ms. Martinez something important."

She looked between us, and nodded. It was a good thing I saw Everett's car parked on the other side of the restaurant. "Okay, see you tomorrow Michelle."

I nodded, and looked back toward him. I reached for my necklace, and piled it in my hand. "Here."

I grabbed his hand, and placed it inside, which closing his hand over it. "I-I gave this to you though."

"Well, you can give it to your new girlfriend now."

I started for the door, and was almost there when he stopped me again. He spun me around, and kissed me. "Here, as long as you have this..." he trailed off slightly. "Just know I'll come back for you, or if I have to I'll win you over again. Just wait for me." He whispered, before trailing a finger down my jaw. "Bye."

I stared off, as he ran to the other side of the restaurant. It was a good thing we were the only ones here, except for a couple of elderly people. I went back inside more confused than ever. What the hell is happening? I trailed off to the tattoo on the coach's wrist.

'Jared'. Something about that name was familiar. Like I heard it from somewhere. I sat back down in my seat. "What was that about?" I heard Riley ask.

"Uh, that he's doing this for me, and..." I trailed off. "Did you guys see the coach's tattoo?"

"Yeah, I wonder if that's her boyfriend?" Sam asked.

I saw Riley, and Miles exchange glances. "What?"

"Nothing, we were just wondering if..." Riley stared at me, and then back at Miles.

Miles sighed. "If she has anything to do with Jared. You remember the drug supplier?"

"Yeah. If so, then that's the reason she has Everett. Or maybe Jared's making her do it. Or she doesn't know anything?"

"So what does that mean?" I said looking between them.

"It mean they found him, and if they found him they found me." Miles voice was tight.

"Meaning, both Everett, and Miles aren't safe to be around." Riley stated.


"I don't think they have though, so I'm still in the clear."

"So, Everett's..." I trailed off once again.

Riley stared straight at me. "Everett's protecting you Michelle."

My heart was pounding so loud I couldn't hear anything. Then I suddenly remembered I never told him I was pregnant.






Add my story even!

On more thing for you guys that read this... Who else is a fan of Trueblood??? ;D

~Stephanie. <3

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