You Are The Only Exception:Ch 36 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 36


I stepped into the door that was open slightly, and soon cover my mouth with my hand. I felt like I was going to hurl right there. It smelled of sex! And soon I found myself getting mental images…

Ew, stop Michelle, before you upchuck on the floor. I silently begged myself for a few seconds, before Mason broke my chain of thought.

“What‘s wrong?” He tilted his head to the side.

I looked up from the wooden floor to see him sitting on the bed. I swallowed hard, and spoke. “Nothing.” I shook my head slightly.

He let a small smirked touch his lips. “Then what‘s with the hand over your mouth.”

“Uh,” I slowly let my hand slide down to my side. I tried my hardest to hold my breath, or something, but I couldn’t.

“Continue.” He lifted one of his eyebrows, while his smirk was more prominent on his lips now.

I let out a huge sighed, and stepped back, so I was standing in the doorway. “I‘m sorry, it‘s just” I gestured around the room, and mostly to the bed, to which he was sitting on. “ it just really freaking smells in here, and, ” Oh no, I gagged slightly.

“Shit.” I heard him mutter under his breath. He jumped off the bed, when I started backing out, and into the hall.

“Michelle, what‘s wrong?” I felt a hand grab my upper arm, and turned to see Miles looking at me, concern written all over his face.

I snatched my arm back, and gave him the slightest glare. Damn you stomach.

“Michelle?” He tried reaching for me, but I stepped back.

My hand went over my mouth. “Jason?” I whispered, and turned, but wasn’t surprised when bumped into his chest. I knew he would follow me, I mean he’s not that heartless.

He grabbed my free hand, and pulled me down the hall. I heard Miles shout something, but I couldn’t make out what he was saying.

“In here.” Jason whispered, and pushed my slightly into the bathroom, that was down the hall from the bedroom, we were in.

As soon as I saw the toilet, I ran, and kneeled down in front of it. “Oh, god, I hate this.” I muttered, before emptying my stomach.

“What the hell did you do!” I turned to see Miles yelling in Jason’s face.

“Nothing, it‘s morning sickness.” Mason shrugged, and looked back down at me.

“But, it‘s not even morning.” Riley’s voice came in.

I spilled the last of my contents in the toilet. “Idiot, it doesn‘t have to be morning for her to have morning sickness.”

I pulled away from the toilet, after flushing it, and moved around until my back hit the bathtub. All three of the boys looked down at me, and each of the had the same expression on my face… concern.

I mentally rolled my eyes. Like they give a rats ass about me.

“Michelle?” I looked to the speaker, and saw it was Riley. “Are you okay?”

I sighed. “I just threw up. How the hell do you think I am?” I looked back towards Jason, to see him walking towards me. He pulled me up without asking question, and put something in my hand. I looked down to see a new tooth brush.

I said a quiet thank you, to which he only nodded to before going back out into the hall, closing the door behind him. I brushed my teeth twice, and finally rinsed with some mouth wash before I was finally satisfied with my mint-y breath.

I pulled open the door, and was instantly pulled out of the bathroom, and down the hall some, and rounded a corner.

We stopped at another door. “Go inside, I’ll be back.”

I nodded, and stood in the middle of the room, not sure if it was safe to sit down on the bed, or not. At least it didn’t smell like sex.

“You can sit on the bed you know.” I jumped, and turned to see Jason holding a bottle water, and a pack of crackers.

“I, um” I looked down at the bed. It was neatly made, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t-

“It‘s clean, I only use the other room for sex.” I looked over my shoulder to see him smirking at me, I finally sighed, and sat on the edge of the bed.

“Am I suppose to believe you?” I muttered.

“Kind of.” he chuckled. “I don‘t like my bed dirty.”

Ah, so this was his room. A nice king size bed was in the middle of the room, with a dark blue comforter on top, with a few pillows next to the headboard.

“Here, I know you probably don‘t feel like eating right now, but I think it‘ll help with the stomach pain.” He nodded to himself, and shoved the bottle water, and crackers in my arms. And I finally noticed the feeling in my stomach, queasy-ness, and a slight ache.

“Uh, thanks.” He mumbled something under his breath I didn‘t catch, but I‘m pretty sure it was something like, ‘sure’.

“Look, ” he started as I opened the crackers, and nibbled on the corner of it. “I‘m not bi or gay, or anything. I promise.”

I shifted so I faced him. “No judgeme-”

“I‘m not.” he said sternly.

“Okay.” I whispered, slightly scared.

His eyes softened the slightest. “Do I scare you?” he whispered.

“Yes.” My voice so soft you could barely hear it.

A heavy sigh left his lips. “I‘m sorry.” He ran his hand through his dark hair.

I nibbled some more on my cracker. “’kay.”

“I‘m giving Everett until the end of July. That‘s one week from now.” He sighed, “After that, I‘m shooting him, you know that, right?”

I swallowed. “I think you mentioned that,… once.”

“Good.” he nodded.

“But you don‘t have too.” I whispered.

He turned to look at me. “But my Dad, and-”

I cut him off. “Live up to your own expectations. Fuck what other people want you to do, or what they expect you to do.”

He stared at me in shock from my outburst. “Your right. You‘re absolutely right.” He chuckled slightly at the end.

I nodded, and took a huge gulp of my water, to soothe my throat.

“But I‘m not changing my mind. I probably won‘t kill him.” he shrugged. “So, are you ever going to tell him.” He stared down at my stomach.

“I,…” I was, I really was going to, but since he found his new someone, I’m not sure anymore. I don’t think I would want him to feel like he’s stuck with me because of the baby. I shook my head, finally.




“Who is she?” I asked talking the attention away from his question.

“His high school sweetheart.”

Oh great. Seriously, how the hell does that happen! How do you find someone after years of being separated. “That close, huh?” I shoved two crackers in my mouth, not caring if I looked like a pig.

“Yeah,” he mumbled. “ like they never stopped dating.”

My heart sank even more. Now, I really couldn’t tell him. I don’t want him to feel stuck with me because of the baby, I want us to be a family. I… Oh god, I think I’m going to cry. Damn you hormones.

“I…” I quickly wiped that single tears that always does the opposite that you want it to do.

“Look, I‘m sorry.” He mumbled.

I slightly chuckled. “What are you sorry for?” I shoved my crackers in my mouth.
He sighed heavily. “If I never brought you here, you would have never know.”

“Well, ” I swallowed my crackers. “it‘s better than being lied too.”

“Yeah, I guess.” he mumbled.

I nodded, and quickly took a swig of my water. If only I had some cheese, for these crackers. Or some ham. I could make myself a lunch able.

My thoughts were cut off short when I heard a slight noise come from Jason. Sure enough, he was hunched over, elbows on his knees, with his face buried in his hands. “Jason?” I whispered.

“I‘m fucking sorry.” His voice quivered slightly.

What? Where’s the tough man from a couple of hours ago… or a few minutes ago.

“Uh, Jason, it‘s fine.” This was slightly awkward, what the hell do I do?

“No, nothings fine. My life is fucked up.” His voice cracked at the end.

I finally stood up, placed my crackers, and bottle water, on the bed, and crouched down in front of Jason. “Jason.”

He looked up, his eyes watery, cheeks stained with his tears. “I never wanted to do any of this shit.” he whispered to me, his eyes searching for something in mine.

“Then stop.” I whispered back.

“I can‘t.” he shook his head.


“I told you why!” he snapped at me.

“Well, then that‘s a stupid reason.” I muttered.

“You wouldn‘t understand.”

I sighed inwardly, I just wanted to strangle this guy. “Then help me understand.”

He suddenly leaned forward, causing me to freeze in my crouching pose. I felt his forehead resting on my shoulder, relief flooded me instantly.  “You thought I was going to hurt you, didn‘t you?” he whispered into my neck, his hot breath causing goose bumps  to appear on my neck.

“No.” I gulped lightly so he wouldn’t notice.
“You‘re too easy to read. You‘re lying.”

Damn. “Fine, I did think it.”

I felt him shake his head. “I‘m such a monster.”

“Everyone has monster inside them.” How lame did that sound, I mentally chuckled.

He pulled away, enough to see my face. “That sounded so lame.” he whispered.

I couldn‘t help it. I laughed. “I know, but it‘s true, isn‘t it?”

He shrugged. “Yeah, I guess.”

Suddenly the door to the room flew open. I jumped almost falling on my ass, but I was glad I didn’t because it would have hurt badly.

“Thanks.” I murmured to Jason, whose hands wrapped around my upper arms to keep me in my crouching position.

He nodded, “Your welcome.” he whispered.

I looked up to see him looking over my shoulder, to the person that barged in. He stood up, and held his hands open for me, I reached up and grabbed them, he pulled me up effortlessly.

“Everett.” Jason nodded over my shoulder.

“What the hell‘s going on?” I sense the anger in Everett’s voice.

“Nothing ma-”

I heard footsteps closing in on me. “Come Michelle.”

I felt his arm wrap around my elbow. “Everett-” I sighed when one of them cut my off. How rude is that?

“Nah man, let her decide for herself.” Jason grabbed my other elbow.

“Let her go.” Everett’s grip tightened.

Are they seriously going to play tug-o-war with me.

“Let her decide.” Jason’s grip tightened. I guess our friendship build a little.

“Jesus dude, just let my girl go.” Everett growled, and jerked me hard his way.

I gasped, and he quickly let go. I processed what he said though. Like hell I was his girl, and I definitely wasn’t going to be a sideline girl.

“Shit, Michelle I‘m sorr-” Everett tried to reach for me, but I stepped back, and grabbed Jason’s arm with both my hands. I couldn’t help but think of how muscular he felt.

I shook my head at Everett. “You hurt me.” I whispered.

Jason grabbed my arm to examine it, and I couldn’t help but look at the same time he did. It was red,… bright red. Dang, how hard did he grab me.
“Michelle I‘m sorry, it‘s just that ass makes me fucking angry.” He gestured to Jason with one of his hands, while the other he ran through his hair.

“That‘s your excuse.” Jason snapped, as he massaged my elbow.

“Michelle I really am-”

I finally let out a sigh. “It‘s fine Everett really, no damage done.” I gave him a small smile.

“Alright, ” Jason pulled his hand away from my elbow, and clapped his hand. “Why don‘t we go get everyone something to eat? Eh, Everett?”

“Sure, whatever.” he grumbled.

“Alright, I‘ll bring you back a burger.” Jason turned his attention to me. “Is that fine?”

I smile, “Yeah, but I don‘t want-”

“Lettuce, onions, or tomatoes, with curly fries, and a cherry dr pepper.” Everett cut in.

I stared at him. “Uh, yeah.” I rubbed the back of my neck. Talk about an awkward moment, I didn’t even think he would remember what I like or disliked. That was somewhat impressive. “How do you still remember that?” I laughed lightly at the end.

“You‘re my girlfriend.” He smirked at me.

“Uh,” Is he being stubborn, or does he have idiot syndrome. “were, is more like it.”

His smirk instantly dropped. “Uh, yeah, right. Sorry.”

“I still need to talk to her Everett, so if you could.” Jason pointed to the door.

“Right.” Everett closed the door on his way out.

“What‘s up?” I turned to see a pained expression on Jason’s face.

“How are you so calm with him. Don‘t you want to rip his head off?”

I almost laughed. Almost. “It doesn‘t matter anymore.” I whispered.

“Sure.” He nodded.

“So, do you like Amy?” I asked trying to change the subject.

He smirked slightly. “Is it hard to believe?”

“Nope.” I popped on the ‘p’. “I think she likes you too, you know.”

“Really?” He laughed sheepishly.

“Yep!” An excited voice bubbled out from me.

“Well, good. ‘Cause I really like her.” He smiled to himself, as his gaze was focused on the floor.

“Okay, now go and bring me food. I‘m starving.”

“Right away.” He walked towards the door, and let his hand rest on the door knob before he looked over his shoulder, to me. “You‘re really easy to talk to Michelle. So, thank you for that.” He smiled, a real smile, and I couldn’t help but smile back.

Before I could tell him anything, he was out the room, and the sound of the door shut echoed the room slightly.

I sat down on the edge of the bed for a few seconds, before falling back, and soon enough my eyes were drooping, and they soon finally shut.

“Just a small nap.” I murmured.


“Michelle!” My eyes shot open, and I saw Jason hovering over me. “You need to get up love, I‘m sorry but we have to leave.”

He pulled me up, and I soon found myself on my feet. “W-why?” I stuttered.

“I can‘t find Everett, Riley, or Miles.” He said in a rush.

I felt my face pale. “What?”

He grabbed my hand, and started dragging me. “They texted me, and told me to meet them on the outskirts of the town, so that‘s where we‘re going.”

I nodded. “Okay, where‘s Amy?”

He shrugged. “She‘s probably at her house. She‘ll be fine.”

“Okay, okay, so where are we meeting at?”

He pulled grabbed under the couch for something. “I already told you Michelle.”

I sighed inwardly. I was so tired. “I know, but like is it in the woods, or-”

“An abandon store parking lot.” He stated quickly.

I nodded. “Are we leaving?”

“Yeah.” He muttered, and thrusted something in my arms.

I looked down, and froze. A gun, he gave me a freaking gun. “Jason.” I whispered.

“Just hold it for me, okay? You won‘t need to use it, but I might.” He whispered the last part out, and I couldn’t help but almost scream.

“This is insane.” my voice low.

“I know, now come on.” He grabbed my hand against.

We were soon speeding down some dirt road. He was driving insanely, I looked at the speedometer, to see the needle between 100, and 115. “Jason.” I whispered, and looked up to see him glance at me from the corner of his eye.

“I‘m sorry.” He quickly took one of his hands off the steering wheel, and grabbed on of mine, and gently squeezed it.

How was it he was this, mean, anger, scary, and hateful person that kidnapped me, turn out to be a sweet, kind, and gentle person underneath. He had a wall build up, and I broke it down in less than a few hours.

I gripped the gun in my other hand, what if I did have to use this? I don’t want anyone getting hurt especially not Jason, he doesn’t deserve it.

But Everett probably thinks he does, but he doesn’t know anything about Jason. Wait, I don’t either, but from what I collected about him today he has this tough guy act going on, but underneath that, he’s just a big softy.

And he doesn’t need anymore bullshit. He deserves to live his life, the way he wants, and like he’s been telling me he doesn’t want to do this.

I squeezed his hand back. I hope nothing bad happens, at all.



Lmfao, that Coors Light commercial with Ice Cube. “Did you just snow on me?”

So, there’s about two chapter left!? )’: Ahhhh, I’m going to cry on the last chapter :/

And to all my True Blood fans! I literally almost died last episode, it’s getting so intense! I just want Sookie&Eric to be together :)

Add my story even!
I <3 each of you that do! J


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