Wake Up!

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Omg so I still have writer's block but ima try to write because I don't think anyone cares.....soo yeah!


That's all I see. Pitch black. I hear nothing but a ringing sound. My head is pounding. Why....Why would Derek do that? REJECT ME! THEN HAVE SEX WITH SOME SLUT! Ugh, men!

".....Wake up. Baby, are you okay?" A voice that sounded like my mom's voice said after a while. "Sweetie your mother and I really want you to wake up. We love you too much to let you go." My dad said.

I can't...I'm sorry!
I tried my vest and my hardest to wake up or at least to move my hand. After what felt like years of trying I finally managed to open my eyes. The harsh light causing me to quickly close them again. I groaned. Ugh! Curse you stupid light. "Marcus close the curtains." My mother said, not too ling after I heard the sound of curtains moving against the pole they hang on. I opened my eyes, blinking a couple times to adjust. "Oh my god! Mind telling us what happened!!" Uh.....shit. I sighed and faced my parents. "Ifoundmymatetwodaysagoandthenextdayherejectedmethenhehadsexwithsomeoneelse. I guess I blacked out." I rushed out the first part. After a few minutes realization hit them both. "What?! Who is your mate?"

"Uhhhhhh.....Derek?" They both gasped and then my dad was super angry. "Okay then thank you baby." He walked out the room. Minutes later we heard a cock of a gun and metal clicking each other. "I DON'T CARE IF HE'S KING OF THE ALPHA'S I'M GOING TO KILL HIM FOR HURTING MY DAUGHTER!!" With that my mother and I ran down the stairs. When we made it down my mother grabbed a knife from my dad, "Hell yeah! Let's go make him eat is own dick see how he likes it!" Omg is this even my mom? I ran out the house after them. We all made it to Derek's house just as a girl was leaving the house.

Guess who it was?


Okay 349 words up there so yay! I'm so sorry if you didn't like this chapter but whatever!

So do you think she should accept his rejection?

Who is that girl?

What's gonna happen?!?


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