One Step Closer

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Author's Note: Here you all go! Hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your votes and comments. They mean a lot to me :)


Jimmy's POV:

I clicked the door to the truck shut before creeping across the lawn. Emily had warned me that they kept a spare key under the mat just in case they needed anything during the night. I lifted up the worn out and faded mat. The key was under a layer of dust and ants. No one must have taken them up on their offer in a long time.

I slipped the gun in my pocket and unlocked the door. I kept my hand over the gun in my pocket before entering. I was ready to shoot at any moment if necessary. If they were still awake, I didn't want Steve or Adam seeing me enter with a gun. It would destroy any element of surprise I was trying to achieve.

The door creaked open and I down on my lip. The sound echoed into the clutter house. I stayed standing still, taking a quick look to my left and then a quick look to my right, to make sure that the coast was clear. The only sound I could hear was the faint sound of someone's snoring. It was much like Dad's. I only ever heard the noise when I got up in the night to get a glass of water, but it always seemed to rattle the house. He'd be upset at me for letting this all happen to the family.

My grip tightened around the gun. The sweat was building on my palms. I took another look around the kitchen and I saw a knife block sitting next to the sink. A stream of moonlight seemed to be illuminating it.

A gun was way too loud. What was I thinking? If I shot Steve then Adam would come running in no time. I have no clue what weapons he keeps near him. I pulled three of the knives out of the block and let go of my gun. I would need it just in case if Adam came running after me with a knife.

I tried to tip-toe my way over to the bedroom she pulled me into one day. Each creak the floorboard made was making my heart pound in my chest. If someone woke up right now, I'd have to kill them on the spot.

I almost never took part in the killings at home. Tommy had so much enjoyment in killing, and I hated it. I hated hearing their screams and pleads. Dad always kept a close eye on me. He seemed to think that I would let them go. I volunteered to do the dismembering once they were dead so that I wouldn't be the ones finishing their screams.

Luckily, Emily and Steve's door wasn't closed. I gave it a slight push open and I could see Steve lying on his back and Emily curled up in a ball to his right. They were before fast asleep. Steve was the one snoring.

I grabbed one of the knives in my right hand and held the rest of them in my left. I curled my fingers around the handle until I felt like I had a secure grip on the blade. Taking in one deep breath, I swung the blade down into his chest.

I have cracked enough ribcages open in my life that I knew exactly where the heart was and I knew I hit his. Steve's eyes flew open and he reached for his chest. He opened his mouth to scream, but only a faint scream came out.

Emily's body shook and I watched as her eyes opened. She was in such a daze that she didn't notice what had happened. When she saw the blade protruding itself out of Steve's chest, she scrambled to get off of the bed and fell on the floor.

I ran over to her and grabbed her arms and threw her down onto the bed. I wanted most of the blood to stay in the same spot. It would make it a lot easier to clean up.

Emily started screaming. I grabbed her pillow and shoved it over her face. Her screams were muffled and her body thrashed around on the bed. My hands had the pillow pinned down to either side of her head. I leaned my body down on hers to stop her from trying to free my grasp. I looked over my shoulder to see if I could see Adam anywhere. Emily's screams must have woken him up.

Emily was clawing at my arms with her nails. I knew suffocation took a long time, and I'd rather stab her to get the misery over with, but if I reached for one of the knives she'd start screaming again.

Her muffled screams got softer and softer. It seemed like it was taking forever for her to stop breathing. Once she stopped moving, I counted down from a hundred until I removed the pillow. I've made that mistake before and Dad made sure I'd never do it again.

I lifted my body off of Emily first, and was relieved when I didn't see her move. I kept the pillow pressed against her face, but I pressed my head against her chest first. There was no beat. I lifted the pillow up and Emily's face fell to the side.

I pulled the knife out of my pocket. Adam was the last one to kill. It would be the quickest and less painful way for him to die. I went down the hall, opening every room until I say a lump lying under a heap of blankets. Adam rolled over when he heard the door open.

"Em, what happened?" he groaned. "Did Steve hit you again?"

He lifted his head up off of the pillow. I held the gun out in front of myself and fired. The noise caused my ears to ring and I watched as Adam's head exploded. Blood and brains splattered across the walls. Tommy thought I couldn't aim, but I knew I couldn't kill him so I settled for his leg.

The house fell quiet and I knew I was one step closer to recreating my life with Julie.


My back ached as soon as I was done digging the hole. I let out a deep breath and wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. I picked a spot out behind the house. It was far away, but not too close to a tree that I'd be battling with the roots.

I made my way back into the house and went straight to Steve's room. His blood was pooled in the middle of the bed, but it was still trickling down the side of the bed and onto the rug. I needed to leave the knife in so that the mess would be easier to clean up.

I struggled to get Steve up off of the bed. I really wished that Tommy was able to help out. I threw a blanket out on the ground and rolled Steve onto it. I tied it up above his head and grabbed the bottom. I dragged him to the backdoor. I had to lift him up to get him out of the door and outside. I dragged him down the steps one by one. I continued to drag him over to the hole before I rolled him in.

I repeated this step with Adam. Seeing his head made my stomach twist. We almost never used a gun on any of the people who were trespassing. I wasn't used to seeing a brain so messily spilled. I grabbed a blanket off his bed and rolled him onto it. I scooped up handfuls of his brain and dropped it on top of him. I did this a few times until I couldn't see anymore. I dragged him out to the hole and rolled him in on top of Steve.

Emily was a lot easier to deal with. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. I carried her petite body outside and placed her down on top of Adam and Steve. I was happy to see that her eyes were closed.

I picked up the shovel with my newly blistered hands and began piling the dirt in on top of them.

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