Home Sweet Home

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Author's Note (sorry this is a long one): I hate that I can't update that often, but I'm so swamped with homework. I take all of my free time to write (either this story or Rats or Harold's Haunted House). I want to thank all of you for reading and being patient with my slow updates. 

In other news...

I just got Netflix and I saw that there's a Shadowhunter show. Mortal Instruments and The Infernal Devices are some of my favourite series and I was completely disappointed in the movie. Do I dare watch the show? Please help!

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy!


Carrie's POV:

I paced around the kitchen as I waited for Jacob. He was bringing Julie and Hunter from the hospital. I fiddled around the kitchen, moving things from one side of the counter to the other. I kept peeking into Hunter's room to make sure it was okay. There was a white crib with a mobile of fish dangling above. The walls were painted light blue and there was a few dressers I got from a second-hand store.

I rarely ever leave the house. A crowd usually swarms me, and if they're not hugging me, they're asking me questions that I didn't want to answer. Jacob is usually working, so he can't visit me very often. I can't wait to have Julie in the apartment so I won't be so alone.

There was a knock on the door and I ran over. Julie had Hunter swaddled in her arms and Jacob was pushing her into the apartment. I got down onto my knees and grazed my fingers over Hunter's thin, dark hair.

"I'm so glad you two are here," I told them.

"Thank you so much, Carrie," Julie said. "This is so nice of you."

"No, thank you for coming."

"I'm going to go get their bags from the car," Jacob said.

Jacob's lips lifted into a smile and I couldn't stop mine from doing the same. The blue in his eyes seemed even brighter today. I couldn't stop the heat from rushing to my cheeks. I looked back down at Hunter so Julie wouldn't notice. Her mind was still warped and I know that to her it would seem like I was cheating on Tommy.

The thought sent a shiver down my spine. If I had to spend my life with Tommy, I wouldn't even be alive for a year.

"How are you feeling?" Julie asked me.

"I'm okay," I said. "A bit sore, but it's nothing I can't deal with. How about you?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm good."

"Can I hold Hunter?"

Julie kissed Hunter's forehead before handing him over to me. I haven't held Hunter since we were in that awful house. He had grown a lot in the last month and I held him carefully in my arms. Julie reached up and fixed her headband. Her bangs had grown too long, and the rest of her dark hair was pulled back. She looked like she had lost a lot of weight.

"Are you hungry?" I asked. "I can order a pizza or something."

"No, I'm okay," she said.

The door opened up again and Jacob came in. He had Julie's bags thrown over his shoulder. Julie looked over her shoulder at him.

"Where do you want me to put these?" he asked.

"Her room is the last one on the left," I told him.

Jacob nodded his head and walked down the hallway. I bounced Hunter in my arms and watched him suck on his fingers.

"How bad were the reporters with you?" I asked.

"They were crazy." Julie giggled. "They swarmed the van. I'm surprised Detective Cameron didn't run over one of them."

"Yeah, Jacob has no patience with them."


I looked up from Hunter and over at Julie. Her dark eyes narrowed at me. I swallowed, feeling a lump in my throat, and looked back down at Hunter. I can't believe I let his name slip like that.

"His first name is Jacob," I said quietly.

Julie had her teeth dug into her bottom lip. She was nodding her head and letting her eyes scan over everything in the apartment.

Jacob came back down the hallway. Julie watched him intensely as he stood beside me. Hunter was giggling and he started to kick his legs out. I held on tighter to him so that he didn't slip.

"Are you girls going to be okay?" he asked us.

"Yeah, we should be good," I said.

"Good. You have my number if you need anything."

"Thank you."

Julie's eyes were still narrowed as she had them locked on Jacob. I don't know if he saw it, but he let his lips curl into a smile. If Julie was still defending Jimmy then they must not get along well. Jacob has no patience for anyone in that family.

"I hope you enjoy it, Julie," he said. "You should feel safe here."

Julie let out a deep breath and dug her fingers into her eyes. There was an awkward silence before she raised her head.

"I'm so sorry for all of the trouble I've been," she said. "I should have been more helpful."

My heart started beating faster in my chest. I felt like I needed to shake my head to clear my ears. Julie was stubborn about defending the family. I never thought I'd hear her say that.

"We know what you have gone through is traumatic," Jacob said. "We don't blame you."

"Do you know where they are?" she asked.

"No, unfortunately. We had a lead in Albuquerque, but it got us nowhere."

Julie nodded her head and twirled her finger around one of the strings from the hood of her sweater.

"What would happen to them if they were caught?" she asked.

"I would personally make sure that they are locked up forever," he said. "You don't need to worry."

"Good to know."

Jimmy's POV:

I could barely see my reflection through the dingy bathroom mirror. I combed my hair so that it was covering the side of my face. Luckily, my hair was thick enough to cover the scar. I pulled the hood of my black hoodie up. I was careful not to move my hair out of place.

My eyes had been glued to the TV all day. They were talking about Julie's release and were interviewing a bunch of psychologists. They were all discussing how we've warped her mind, but they don't understand. Julie belonged in our family. The outside world had taught her a few bad habits, but I was able to fix those.

I crept down the hallway, the floorboard creaking under my feet. When I passed Tommy's room, I peered in to see him fast asleep. I slowly made my way into the kitchen and I grabbed the keys to Steve's car.

The cool night air bit at my skin as I quickly made my way into the car. I turned the key in the ignition and all of the lights on the dashboard light up.

I was going to find Julie. One of the reporters said she was in a town called Alcombey. I had no clue where that was, but I was going to find out. I needed my family. 

Truth Comes SecondHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin