What Is Mine

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Author's Note: Sorry it has taken me so long to update! I've gone on a reading binge for the past couple of months. I hope you all enjoy!


Tommy's POV:

I stretched my leg out across the couch. My skin felt stiff and tight as I stretched out the healing wound. The television casted shadows across the room in the darkness. I kept the news on since I got up, and Jimmy was nowhere to be found.

That bastard left me alone here.

He wasn't going to get far without me. Leaving this house with that scar on his face was a suicide mission. Somebody would call the cops and he'd be arrested. Jimmy would take the bullet for me if he got arrested. I know he'd confess to everything, and they'd stop looking for me. Jimmy was weak.

He probably went out to find Julie. That would never happen. So many people lived in those cities, and tracking her down would be impossible. I only knew she was in the hospital because of the news. I asked a few vague questions and I was able to locate her room.

I chuckled at the thought of them coming together. She has probably tried to tell Jimmy about my visit and he shushed her before letting her explain. I heard him do the same thing to her when I was planning on taking Julie. I lied on my bed and I could hear them through the house's thin walls. I didn't need to threaten Julie, because Jimmy wouldn't let her confess my plans anyways.

The dull throb in my leg was taunting me. Not only did I lose Julie, but Jimmy actually acted tough for once. Dad dragged us into the backyard when we were young and made us train and practice with the rifles he had. Never in a million years did I think he would turn the gun on his family.

Now he was gone. He probably left me in the house to die. Shooting me wasn't punishment enough. He planned on leaving me in this house to die because I stabbed Julie.

I took a deep breath when I thought about slamming the knife through Julie's chest. I had done it to so many girls, but something was so different about watching her struggle and scream. I never wanted to kill her. She made me so angry when she locked Carrie and herself in my room. She listened so well with Jimmy, but she put up a fight with me.

I knew I wanted her from the first time I saw her. Dad dragged her unconscious body home that morning. He made Jimmy go outside before he brought her up to his room. I saw her bobbing over Dad's shoulder. I was supposed to be outside feeding the chickens, but I couldn't help myself.

She was lying across Jimmy's bed. Dad had taken off her sweater and shoes, so she was curled up under a blanket. I had sat on the edge of the bed and moved her dark hair off of her face. She stirred in her sleep when I touched her. Her eyes barely opened and her hand shot out from underneath the blanket. Her slender fingers wrapped around my arm. She had muttered a few words under her breath before her grip loosened.

I doubt she remembered the moment, but I did. She was so vulnerable and I knew she was going to mold herself into our family perfectly. She had to be mine.

Carrie wasn't the same. She cried and screamed. She wouldn't listen to me and do what I said like she was supposed to do.

I got up off of the couch and dragged my leg to the room I had been sleeping in. I was going to have to go and get Julie. We both may be a bit beaten up, I saw the cops pushing her in a wheelchair, but my plan was going to work. Julie and I would be able to move into this house together.

I could walk around in Alcombey during the day to try and find her. Jimmy couldn't do that. I was going to find her and bring her back to the house. When Jimmy finally gave up looking for her, he would come back and I would kill him.

I dug through the closet until I found a backpack. I stuffed some of Steve's clothes into the bag. I grabbed some of the money that I had taken out of Jimmy's bag when I was stuck in the garage while Jimmy was in the house with Steve and his girlfriend.

I put on a sweater and pulled the hood up. Carrie may have given a description of me, but it was pretty vague. Tall, brown hair, and brown eyes. Lots of people I have seen fit that description.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed a few of the bottles of pills I have been taking. We never took medication at home, but it was unbelievable how it dulled the pain.

Next, I dragged myself into Jimmy's room. I opened up all of the dresser drawers in his room, emptied them out, but never found the gun. I tore apart his closet, but there was nothing. He must have taken the gun with him. The thought of Jimmy killing somebody was hilarious. He always volunteered to pin victims down while Dad or I did the work. I guess if he could shoot me, he could shoot anybody.

I did find one thing sitting on Jimmy's nightstand. The keys to the truck.

Crossing through the living room, I turned off the television, and went into the kitchen. I pulled out all the knives I could find and shoved them into the backpack. I filled the remaining space of the backpack with food and water bottles.

I struggled to get down the steps of the porch. I had to lean against the railing to try and keep the weight off of my bad leg. The wind whipped by me and the cold bit at my skin. The truck was still tucked behind the garage and out of sight from the road. I used my cane to help me walk without wobbling.

I threw the backpack into the passenger's side seat. I turned on the ignition and the engine roared and the dashboard light up.

Julie was finally going to be mine.

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