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part three,
12:08- ;

It has been three days since my tutoring session with Hansol, and I couldn't get the fact that he was so amazing beautiful out of my head.

I was simply attracted to him, no feelings, just attracted to the way he rested his head on his palm and smirked at me, and the way he smiled with his eyes and scrunched up his face when he laughed.

Flopping onto my bed I think, I have only met him once so why does he have this huge affect on me. I roll my eyes and grab my phone. Grabbing the rubber out of my pocket I contemplate texting the number. What would I talk about? What happens if he's this huge asshole who just flirts with girls for fun? I decide against it and rest my head on my pillow.

I need to stop over thinking this before I go insane. I throw the eraser and my phone on my nightstand and get up to go for a run. I need to clear my head and staying cooped up in my room isn't going to do me any good.

I throw on a pair of workout leggings, a sports bra, a loose t-shirt and my nikes before going downstairs. Making sure to grab the house keys on the way out, I plug in my headphones and make my way through the long front garden. When I reach the road I make my way down the street, jogging at a reasonable place.

I run for what seems like forever until I reach a cute coffee shop on the corner of a street. The smell of the coffee attracts me inside and my eyes scan across the bunches of flowers, wooden tables and crisps white booths.

Making my way to the counter I take note of the menu before deciding on a simple cappuccino. I send a smile to the bored girl on the other side of the counter as she chews her gum and doesn't return the smile.

"Just a cappuccino please" I ask as she types into the register. I change my weight on my feet and search around for my purse.

"That would be $4.50" she replies in a bored matter, adjusting her apron as she opens the cash register. I continue to look around for some money when it hits me that I left my purse at home, not thinking that I was going anywhere or going to buy anything.

"Oh god, I'm sorry I-" I start to say before a hand comes in front of me and places a simple $5 note in the counter. I turn around to find a silver long haired boy, whose hair was tied up in a simple ponytail. He wore a white shirt with a dark blue flannel over the top and dark jeans. "I got you" he says sending me a angelic smile.

"Thank you for that" I smile back and turn around to hide my blushing cheeks. His smile rubs on to you and I find myself not being able to stop smiling. I grab my coffee and take a seat at a booth, nodding at the silver haired boy as I walk past.

I get comfy and sip my coffee in silence, looking out the window to see the cars zooming past.

"May I join you?" I look up to see the same boy holding a coffee as he sends me yet another dazling smile. I nod silently, not trusting my voice as I worry about saying something utterly stupid.

"What's you're name?" He asks, holding eye contact as he sips his latte.

"Hana" I swallow, sending the boy a smile hoping that I'd come across more friendly than the quiet girl who can't speak.

"Lovely to meet you Hana, I'm Jeonghan" he spoke so smoothly I was jealous. He extended a hand which I gladly shook.

"T-thank you for paying for my coffee"

"It was my pleasure, anything for a pretty lady like you" that's when my cheeks really started to burn. Smiling I looked down at my coffee, taking sips until it was slowly all gone.

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