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part five,
22:40- ;

I rummage through my closet to find a dress to wear, not wanting to keep Hansol waiting outside for long. Something sexy he told me to wear.

After a solid five minutes of searching for an outfit I stand in front of the mirror in a tight, long sleeved black dress, pairing it in a pair of high black heels with thick ankle straps. Rushing to my bathroom connected to my bedroom I quickly take out my straightener and run it over a few strands that got crinkled in my sleep. Lastly I apply a small amount of eyeshadow and mascara to my tired eyes.

Sighing I grab my phone off of the charger and walk over to the window in which Hansol came through. I quietly open it and look down to see the brunette sitting by the trunk of the tree, building a sculpture on the ground with the rocks he collected. I giggle at his child like self, causing him to look up at me with the sudden sound.

"Are you ready?" He asks, whisper-yelling. I nod and swing one of my legs over the edge of the window sill. It was more high up than I thought.

"How am I suppose to get down?" I yell in the same tone, starting to get paranoid. Hansol stands up, craning his head to look at me.

"Jump, I'll catch you" he says as I give him a weird look. I don't think him catching me would work out very well. Plus the thought of being so close to him made me nervous. I shake my head slowly at the boy, gulping. "I'll make my own way down" I mumble.

Quickly I take of my heels and softly drop them onto the grassy grown, almost hitting Hansol. Then grabbing the tree branches I slowly pull myself onto the tree. Breathing a sigh of relief that I didn't fall I slowly start to descend down the tree, my hands shaking at the thought of falling.

I look down at Hansol to see his gaze on me, although not my face. When he realizes that I'm staring at him he coughs and looks away quickly, covering his mouth with his fist. I laugh to myself and continue making my way down.

Jumping onto the ground I let out a huge sigh of relief as I kneel down and put on my heels. Standing up I wobble, almost loosing my balance as the heels dig into the dirt. Hansol grabs my waist to support me as I blush at the sudden contact. He looks me up and down, taking in my appearance.

"Well you certainly followed the dress code I gave you" he mumbles, looking up at me through his eyelashes as I pull away from him, coughing lightly, calming down my blazing cheeks.

"C'mon lets go" I smile as he guides me to the main road, we walk behind the trees to remain unseen by any windows. Who knows when father would be going to grab his nightly glass of water.

Making it on to the hard ashfelt I relax at the thought of not sinking into anymore grass. Hansol shows me to his clean gun metal colored Jeep, opening the door for me as I huddle inside.

"I like your car" I say, my voice croaky from not speaking loudly in a while. My hands run over the undisturbed leather as I shiver from the cold.

"Thanks" Hansol replies, getting in the other end and turning the heater up as he rubs his hands together, blowing into them.

"Here give me your hands" I slowly obey and put my hands in front of him. His large ones surround mine, bringing them close to his mouth as he blows hot air into them, rubbing his hands over mine to keep them warm. I blush deeply at the contact, although Hansol seems unaffected at his gesture. Resting my hands back on my lap he starts the engine and we drive down the street.

"So who's party are we exactly going to?" I ask, realizing that I had practically no idea where I was going.

"We are going to my good friend Joshua's house, he also lives in Gangnam so I decided to tag you along." He winks before looking back to the empty road.

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