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part twenty-four,
20:07- ;

He sat across from me, fingers intertwined and his jaw clenched, staring at me straight in the eyes as I gulped nervously.

I just told him I was dating Hansol.

"How long have you been seeing him?" He spoke, voice wavering as he tried to keep calm.

"I'm not sure, it all kind of just happened" I shrugged, feeling a sheen of sweat form on my forehead from nerves as Father continued to stare at me.

I could tell he was trying to hold back from saying something, but chose not too for the fear that I would run away again. I was scared to tell him, of course I would've been, but I had to do it if I wanted to see Hansol again any time soon.

"Well if you are happy, I'm happy" he sighed, letting his head drop and his gaze fall to the floor, a look of defeat across his face.

"R-really!" I stuttered, standing up from my seat in shock, heart beating a million miles an hour.

"You're turning into a woman, I need to let you have some sort of freedom" he looked up, a strained smile across his aging face as he studied my shocked expression.

Before I could say anything he continued, "but if he hurts you, I swear to god he will never see daylight again."

"Don't worry Father, he won't let you down" I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face as I ran over and enveloped him in another hug, something that I had been doing a lot lately. My Father finally approved of Hansol.

My fingers were intertwined with Hansol's as he swung them both up and down, continuing to walk along the side of the road back to the Park Mansion.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy in my life" he smiles widely, side glancing at me with a look of pure admiration, making my heart flutter and butterflies form in my stomach.

Giggling at his words I covered my face with my spare hand, trying to hide the deep blush across my cheeks, not that he could see in the dark night.

"I'm serious Hana" he said, laughing at my expression. I sighed a sigh of happiness, purely content within the moment.

"I agree, I feel pretty good right now" I smirked as Hansol scrunched his nose and eyebrows, eyes squinting as he smiled widely.

"I think the fact that your Father allowed you to date me is just unimaginable" he said in disbelief, squeezing his hand tightly over mine.

"I know right, that was the last thing I expected him to do when I told him" I laughed, looking up at the stars and attempting to make out constellations as we walked into my street.

"How did you like the movie by the way?" Hansol asked, nudging me with his elbow slightly and bringing me back to reality as I brought my gaze away from the sky.

"I loved it, thank you for taking me" moving closer into Hansol's side I took in his warmth, a chill running over me from the winter air. He removed his hand from mine to wrap it around my waist, holding me closer as we walked through the gate to the mansion, large trees surrounding us as we walked down the pathway to the front door.

"How are you handling things?" I asked, reluctantly moving out of his side to look up at his face, watching him play with his lip.

"You mean, money wise?" He raised an eyebrow and looked down at me, and I realized I never got the chance to let Father obtain a job for Hansol. I nodded at him, side smiling him as I stopped walking, taking his hand in mine again as he stood in front of me.

"Well I've applied for a few jobs and so far I've only heard back from one. It's at another small record store in the city, good pay, nice environment, I think I might take it." He smiled, and I could tell he was already excited to be working again, especially at a place like this, something that suited him so incredibly well.

"That's great Hansol!" I smiled widely, truly happy for him. I couldn't stop the dark red blush forming on my cheeks when he leant down and grabbed my cheeks on his hands, placing a delicate sweet kiss on my forehead, before bringing me back to his side as we continued to walk up to the front door.

The house was warm compared to the harsh winter weather, instantly warming up my nose and hands as we took off our jackets and coats, placing them at the door. Loud voices could be heard from the living room, Father must have guests over.

"Come with me" I side glanced Hansol, taking his hand in mine yet again and guiding him to the direction of the voices.

Seated in the living room was my Father and another man with graying hair, he laughed with a deep husky voice, as if he had been smoking all of his life. Next to him Soonyoung was seated, not taking any notice of Hansol and I as he spoke to a girl next to him, with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes that could be seen from miles away, a foreigner.

"Oh Hana you're home?" Father smiled as he turned around, finally taking notice of us. I nodded, walking further into the room and bringing Hansol with me. I watched him gulp, still not comfortable in my Father's presence.

"I'd like you to meet Mr Kwon and his son Kwon Soonyoung" he spoke, since when did he enjoy the company of Mr Kwon? I thought he despised him?

"Lovely too meet you Mr Kwon, Soonyoung" I bowed to his father and nodded my head in the direction of Soonyoung, still not entirely happy with him for some reason.

"I'd like you to meet Nicole" he moved his hand and placed it on the back of the blonde girl, who stood up and bowed at us. She was beautiful, and I found myself growing insecure as the seconds passed.

"Hello" she smiled as she spoke in English, a British accent heavily noticeable, Soonyoung nudged her slightly in the side and spoke to her in English, in which I didn't understand much of.

"Oh apologies, annyeong hashimnikka" she smiled, bright white teeth shining in the light as she bowed again. Soonyoung stood up beside her, placing his hand on the small of her back as he looked between us.

"Nicole is an exchange student from London, she's going to be staying with my family for the next two months" I nodded at his words, and from the corner of my eye I could see Nicole smirk slightly, as she looked Hansol up and down for a bit longer than necessary.

"Pleased to meet you all" she spoke in Korean, the smirk still not leaving her face as she spoke to us, not taking her eyes off of Hansol.

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