Chapter 7

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An hour later, Angel's head was spinning from everything she had learned. Her friends, with the exception of Tabitha, were werewolves! And Tommy's older brother was the alpha. She hadn't been able to stop herself from hoping that he was her mate when Tommy had been explaining about them, and she thought she'd caught Jared looking at her. But she'd brushed that off as being a childish fantasy. He was, after all, an extremely good looking man.

'He probably has tons of girlfriends,' she thought to herself. Jared was talking to her, but she wasn't paying attention. It was only after he called her name a fourth time that she looked at him, her green gaze locking with his blue.

Gods, but he could get lost in them, he thought.

"I'm sorry. What?" she said when she could talk again.

Jared cleared his throat. 'Man, she's got the voice of an angel. Makes sense that she'd be named Angel,' he mused to himself. Out loud, he said, "I've just received an email from a neighboring Alpha."

"Congratulations," Angel said dryly. "What's that got to do with me?"

"After the Mutt," he began, nodding at Tommy in acknowledgement, "found out your name yesterday, I was able to find a picture of you online. I sent it to Alpha Jordan, asking him if it looked like his sister. He had replied to an earlier email with your description-"

"Why would this Alpha worry about me looking like his sister?" she interrupted him.

"I was trying to explain before you interrupted me," Jared told her with a small smile. "As I was saying: after you ran off the other day in the forest, I sent out an email with your description to some of the closer Packs, hoping some one knew who you were, and why you had moved into my territory. Wolves generally introduce themselves to the Alphas whenever they enter a new territory, by the way. But anyways, Alpha Jordan replied saying that the girl I described sounded an awful lot like his sister. The only problem was that his sister was reported dead around eighteen years ago. When I found your picture, I sent it to him and he's just replied. He'd like to meet you."

"Are you trying to tell me that this ass hat might be my UNCLE?" Angel asked him after a stunned moment.

"I'm saying that Alpha Jordan believes it might be possible, and would like to meet you to see if its true," Jared replied, trying to be as diplomatic as possible.

"What happened to his sister that he doesn't know that I might be his niece. Wouldn't he know?" Angel asked, frowning.

"I'm not sure. He said she had been kidnapped, and a few months later, his enforcers told him she was dead," he replied.

"Oh, well that sucks," she said, succinctly. "Okay, another question."


"What are enforcers?"

Jared chuckled at the puzzled expression on her face. He kept forgetting that she wasn't raised in a pack. When she quirked a shaped eyebrow in his direction, he cleared his throat and apologized.

"I'm not meaning to laugh at you, I swear! I just-- you're absorbing all this information without even batting an eye, and I keep forgetting you don't know all of this stuff," he tried to explain. Clearing his throat, he continued. "Enforcers are the wolves we have that help protect the pack. They're kind of like our soldiers."

"Oh, well why didn't you say so?!" Angel said with a grin. "Okay, so this dude's sister got yanked, and the wolfy cops told him a few months later she was dead? See? That says the same thing you just did, but I understood MY description. That's all you gotta do!"

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