Chapter 16

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Sorry it's taken me so long to update y'all, but my Daddy's been having a lot of health issues and I've been uber worried about him. Here's the next chapter. There is a somewhat graphic sex scene in it, so if you don't want to read that bit, just skip down to the next line break and it picks up there. I hope y'all enjoy. And don't be afraid to lemme know whatcha think.




     Jared kissed Angel back, groaning as he felt her tongue tentatively touch the seam of his lips, asking permission to enter his mouth. He opened them and allowed her to explore the recesses of his mouth, lightly touching her tongue with his. When her hands tangled in his hair as she deepened the kiss even more, he reluctantly pushed her back.

      "Angel, are you sure?" he asked, his voice husky with desire.

     "I'm sure, Jared," she replied before standing up and pulling him up as well. "I've never been so certain of anything in my life. I want you to Claim me."

     "What about Alpha Williamson?" he asked her.

     "What about him? If he's my father, then I hope he's nothing like Robert. If not, oh, well. I've been without a family since I was eleven," she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to bring his head back down to hers for another kiss, but he stopped her before their lips could connect again. He knew if he kissed her they would end up in his bedroom finishing the mating process.

      "That wasn't what I was talking about," he laughed.

      "Then what?" she asked, confused.

      "He'll be here in," Jared glanced at the clock, "about four hours."

      Angel looked at him, disbelief evident on her face. "How long are you expecting it to take?!" she exclaimed.

     Jared just grinned wolfishly at her.

     "Um, Jared," she said, swallowing lightly as her mouth went completely dry, and she took a step back from him. A shiver raced up her spine as memories assailed her. A soft, shuffling footstep in a dark room. The sound of a heavy door shutting behind her as a hand landed on her trembling shoulder. The sound of heavy breathing as hot fetid breath blew onto her ear as the man on top of her used her body without her consent for hours.

     "Yes, Little One?" he asked, concern lacing his voice and his grin dropping as he saw a flicker of terror creep into her eyes. "Angel? What is it, Little One?" He gripped her by the shoulders as she trembled before him.

     "Angel, honey, it's okay. No one is going to hurt you here. You're safe," he told her as he pulled her into his embrace and rocked her side to side. He just held her as she fought her way out of her nightmarish memories. When he felt her stop trembling, he raised his head from the top of her head and looked down at her.

     "Are you okay, Little One?"

     Angel took a deep breath and met his eyes. She could see that he was scared, but had a feeling that she didn't frighten him, but rather what he guessed she had been through. Nodding her head, she raised a still shaky hand to her face, ashamed that he had seen her panic attack.

     "Yes," she said as she wiped the tears that had leaked out as she remembered her previous experience with a man. "I'm good. I just remembered something... unpleasant for a minute."

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