Chapter 17

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A knock at the door woke Jared. Angel was still curled up in his arms, her head on his chest and an arm flung across him in sleep. He didn't want to wake her, so he sent out his senses to see who was at the sitting room door.

'Alex? What is it?' he asked through the pack link when he realized who it was.

"I'm sorry to disturb you, Alpha," the other boy said through the door before Jared could stop him.

'Ssh!' Jared quickly sent out. He glanced down at Angel as she shifted slightly. She looked like she was still asleep, so he quietly continued. 'Angel's sleeping. Use the link.'

'I'm sorry, Alpha,' came the contrite reply. 'Tommy sent me up here to let you know the other Alpha would be here in forty-five minutes. He thought you'd want to greet him when he arrived. Tabby sent me up here with Angel's clothes, also. She wanted to bring them herself, but I was afraid she'd just barge in here without knocking.' He snorted before adding, 'If she could have figured out which rooms were yours, anyways.'

'Thank you, Alex. Just leave them by the door and I'll get them for her,' Jared said before disconnecting the link. He glanced down at Angel again to make sure he hadn't disturbed her but was not surprised to see her eyes open, and her watching him.

"Tabby sent Alex up here with my clothes, huh?" she asked as she stretched.

"Yes, how-"

"I heard Alex telling you if she could figure out where we were, she would have busted in without asking," she said as she sat up, making sure she took the sheet with her.

"Heard Alex?" he asked, confused before realization dawned on him. "Oh, yes. The bond. I take it you can connect to the rest of the pack through the link now, huh, Little One?"

"If that's what you wanna call the voices in my head now," she laughed before she pushed him out of bed. "You told him you'd bring me my clothes, so go get 'em, tiger! Or I'll just sic Tabby on you!"

Jared pushed himself up on his knees and looked over the edge of the mattress at his mate as she laughed where she sat in the middle of the bed. A mischievous glint showed in his eye as he prepared himself to launch at her. Push him off the bed, would she? He'd show her!

Angel jumped up and ran across the room as Jared went flying, landing where she had been only moments before. Laughter bubbled out of her throat as she watched him turn his head and look at her, an evil grin on his face. She knew before he even opened his mouth what he was going to say.

"Running from me, again, Little One?"

"Of, course, Jared! Aren't we all taught to stay away from The Big Bad Wolf as children?"

Jared burst out laughing as her question hit him. "I suppose you are correct, Little One. Is that why you always ran from me before? You could tell I wanted to eat you up?"

"You've already done that once this afternoon, Wolfy. If we want to meet the Alpha, we don't have time for you to do that again."

Jared pouted as she turned and headed towards the bathroom. His pout quickly turned to a groan as she dropped the sheet she still had wrapped around her to the floor before she entered the other room. He was just about to follow her when her voice reached him.

"Now, go get my clothes so I don't have to wander around the house naked!"

"But, I like you naked!" he called out to her as he quickly retrieved her clothing and followed her to the shower, where he found her waiting for him.

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