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Your pov:

"I'll see you later." Tyler and Andrea waved off to walk to their class after dropping me off to my current class. I walked straight inside the girl's locker room inhaling a mix of bath and body perfume and sweat. Wasn't the best mixture.

  As I continued walking to reach my locker, I was met by the five girls were talking amongst themselves and changing. I kept my head down subtly avoiding their presence. 


I opened up my locker, but almost immediately heard loud laughter coming from my right side.

I slightly shifted my eyes to their direction but keeping my head facing straight. They weren't looking at me, but I couldn't help but start growing insecure. I just couldn't wait for this class to be over.

In a swift motion, I quickly slipped my shirt off, leaving me in a regular bra. Using one of those techniques where you change your bras without fully taking them off, I somehow managed to change my regular bra to a sports one without flashing anyone.

   The gray lockers stacked together didn't fit nicely with the white bricks in the room. It constantly felt dull in here.

I reached back into the locker to grab a shirt for gym. Before I could put it on, I was rudely interrupted when the shirt was grabbed from my grasp.

There was Lauren, teasingly swinging the shirt side to side while it hung on her index finger. I was left bare in front of them. The uncomfortable feeling only got worst when Lauren and the other girls just stared at me with a smug look.

Lauren's eyes trailed from my face down to my stomach. Realizing what she accidentally did, her smirk faded away, and shot her eyes back to meet mine.

Rather than words spitting out from her mouth, her mouth was left slightly opened — maybe somehow stumbling upon her thoughts.

The girls only behind her, almost mimicking Lauren, just stood there staying quiet.

The bruises.

"Give me that back." I effortlessly grabbed it back from her. Lauren blinked a couple of times, regaining whatever state she was in. Her eyes glanced down to my stomach once again then my face.

My body was covered badly. I knew that. But it was something that was manageable, even when it was throbbing every 15 minutes or so.

Lauren turned around, muttering out a "let's go" to the rest indicating them to follow her. The girls hurried up putting their stuff away then followed her out of the locker, while I was left standing there alone in utter confusion.

I huffed out a bit frustrated and pushed back my hair, fixing it to put it in a ponytail.

"Talk of the town." Andrea caught up with me in the hallway, she seemed out of breath. Did she jog to reach up to me?

"What're you talking about?"

I continued walking in the hallway with her by side. I tried avoiding people's gaze that were surprisingly still glued to me ever since the incident.

  "It's more of who than what." I furrowed my eyebrows and fully stopped myself in place, now intrigued,

  Nodding for her to continue, Andrea looked at me dumbfounded on what I was doing. I sighed, "well—who?"

She let out an ahh once it clicked her, making me mentally hit my brain to regain some brain cells. "The 5 girls. Lizzie saw the whole interaction between you guys at the locker room. Apparently, hear this—"

Andrea leaned closer and I reciprocated. She cupped her hand near her mouth. "-the girls were gawking you."

  Out of reflex, I pushed Andrea away a little too harshly. "Uhm ouch." She rubbed her arm with a pouty face. "Sorry! I didn't even realized I did that."

Andrea reassured me it was okay, but I still felt guilty. The news just shocked me. Gawking?

"That must be the stupidest rumor ever." Andrea gave me a wtf look before linking her arm into mine, leading us down the hallway.

"Have I ever told you a false rumor before?" She challenged. "Yes, you have,"

Her face changed when it hit her that I was right. "Oh. Point is, I think the girls are starting to feel guilty and were eyeing you. Think about it! It's how they cope being in the close-"

   "I think that's enough daydreaming. Them beating me up because they're supposedly in the closest definitely does not justify the fact they fucked up my ribs." I cut her off.

Andrea rolled her eyes, nudging her side to my shoulder. I looked down at her to meet with her eyes already looking into mine. "Just thinking positivity. Better than hearing another beat down that involves you."

  "And that's why you're my friend." I finished up after she said those words.


"Hubba hubba. How does it feel to be today's topic." Emma patted my stomach gently, but I couldn't help but wince at the slight touch. I immediately pushed it off.

"Speechless, really."

"Kinda sad I didn't get a little sneak peak," Emma spoke as she looked up at me flirtatiously.

"Uhm-" I fiddled with the hem of my shirt. There was no thought going through my head. I was completely dumbfounded as what she said. Her flirtatious look quickly faded into a smile, scrunching her nose while she held in a laugh.

"I'm just joking Y/N. Lighten up." She nudged my shoulder. "You're so tense. Come on let me take you somewhere," She said once more, grabbing my hand to drag me to her secret destination.


Lauren's pov:

The girls and I sat outside at one of the tables outside of the school just conversing about random things that I didn't seem interested in. There was one thing that I wanted to talk about, but I know it was something the girls didn't want to talk about.

"Y/N looked busted," Dinah joked, catching my attention. The rest of the girls just lightly laughed.

"It looked painful. Did you see her skin? Mostly yellow and purple." Everyone looked at Camila.

"She has a point," I justified. Camila sent a soft smile my way for agreeing, but I just looked away.

"Don't tell me you're going all soft."

"I mean, you'd be a psychopath if you didn't feel slightly guilty, Dinah." Ally was right. I didn't like Y/N all that much, but seeing those bruise, it just made my stomach churn in an awful way. Dinah sighed out as she looked at everyone.

"Of course I feel bad. I don't know — I guess I feel conflicted about all of this."

We were all puzzled on what to think about this whole situation. A rumor came out that we were practically undressed the girl with our eyes.

Shitty rumor if you ask me. Not everything is about how her body looks. 

She was more than that

I mentally shook the thought off. Guilt was eating me up, and I hated the feeling. I was starting to feel things that were all too unfamiliar.


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