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Your pov:

  "Hey Alyica," I greeted her.

The girl closed her locker, facing at me with a smile. "Hey. I was wondering we go to the park after school. Maybe we can bring Eleanor," she offered as she wiggled her eyebrows. It warmed my heart that she mentioned Eli, wanting my little sister to come, it was touching.

I frowned and shook my head. "Today is my first day for my job." Her face lit up, "really?? That's amazing!" Alycia engulfed me in a hug, wrapping her arms under mine, she lowered herself so that her head was tucked in the crook of my neck. I hugged her back and chuckled, she seemed more excited than me.

Camila's pov:

      What the hell.

"What the fuck are they doing?" Normani pointed out, making a 'ee' face. We followed her gaze to see Y/N basically being suffocated by Alycia.

  "Y/N looks like she doesn't even want to be there. Like she doesn't like it." The girls faced me. "Why do you care if she likes it or not?" Lauren asked, I froze in place and opened my mouth, but nothing came out, my eyes just glanced at all of them in silence.

"Hey spoiled brats." I turned around, seeing Raven with her classic smug look she put on everyday, it didn't look good.

  "What do you want," Ally spat, eyeing Raven with a dirty look, this made Raven's smirk bigger. "So aggressive little one. I was just checking up on you guys. All I can smell is jealousy?"

  "Excuse me?" That was the last emotion we'd feel as we stared at the rotting couple, they didn't need to feel flattered by the stares, the stares were judgmental after all.

"You glaring at the lovely couple isn't helping. You're so obvious it hurts."

  "Us liking Y/N? That's fucking gross." Lauren pretended to gag dramatically, she despised Y/N, I could not see her with Y/N at all, never in a million years. "Maybe, maybe not. I'm just saying ladies. You don't have to get all defensive and whatnot. I'll see you girls later." Before she walked off, she sent a playful wink, walking straight to Y/N and Alycia to probably tell them our little interaction.

"She's so weird and shitty," Lauren insulted Raven under her breath, it was noticeable that she was annoyed.

Your pov:

   "Hey Mike." I knocked on his door before entering  his office. He looked up from his computer as he stopped rubbing his temples, Mike smiled, pushing his keyboard away. "Ms.Y/L, glad you can make it. Thought you wouldn't show up," Mike joked. He lazily got up, walking to one of the shelves near him.

"So, I need you to print 50 copies of this, staple them, and deliver them as soon as possible. Once you're done please come back, I have plenty of more stuff to be copied and printed."

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