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Grace's P.O.V.


As I sit there, I'm a boring, yellow fireball. Then I burst, filling the skys with color, purple, green, blue, red, it'd be a lilac sky. They'd see how beautiful I can be. I'd see how beautiful I can be. The colors. So many of them.

But I know I'll never. I fold up my poetry and throw it out the window.

It's 7 in the morning on my birthday, the only time on the 4th of December when I'll be alone.

My mum bursts through the door with a cake, it says happy 16th! On it.

I Smile at her, she's always so sweet.

Ever since my dad left, she hasn't been the same, but twice a year, on our birthdays, she is bright as a star.

I see her eyes twinkle as I take the small cake,"Thanks mum."

She smiles and leaves me.

Jason walks in with a gloomy look on his face,"Happy 16th sis," he says sitting down next to me and putting on a face smile. I frown at him.

He is never like this.

I put my hand to his forehead.

He isn't running a fever, but the dread in my stomach wasn't helping anything.

Jason yawns before standing,"I'm sorry little sis, but I have to um.. run some errands!" He says quickly.

I frown.

I see him run towards the forest.

I growl, setting down my things.

I grab my notebook and headphones. Deciding to skip school to follow Jason on his 'errands' I think bitterly.

I hate that he lied to me. He knows I can tell when he lies.

I growl putting on some music and place my notebook under my arm and I follow Jason.

Jason looks around him before slipping behind a tree.

I frown when he doesn't come out. I climb the tree above me, looking for him. But I just come to see a giant grayish wolf.

I hold in my breath, hopping the wolf won't smell me. I watch if run, for some reason I feel like following, but I stay at the edge of the forest,"Where is my brother?" I ask no one, with tears in my eyes.

I put my things down where I'll get them later.

All of a sudden there is a large black wolf entering the forest. I watch his go. He's graceful. I follow this wolf, I feel a strange pull towards it.

I make sure not to make any noise. I silently hop through the trees as the wolf speeds up.

I watch as it meets up with five other wolves. The grey one from before and a few others.

I watch him. My eyes Get wide as I watch the black wolf sniff the air.

He smells me.

My foot slips and I fall from the high branch. I land on the ground with a thud.

My back aches from impact.

Then I come back. They have surrounded me.

All I can think is, They are going to kill me!

I look at the large grey wolf, his large blue eyes piercing into my skin. They felt like daggers digging into my skin.

I gasp as I feel something piercing my side. The red colored wolf was clawing at my side where I had torn my jacket.

I scramble back in fear. Just to meet the chest of the black wolf.

I look up slowly. His dark green eyes. They look so familiar. They look like, Aiden's.

My heart quickens. His eyes look at me with knowledge, like he knows who I am. But knows so much more than I do.

I trembling in fear,"Please don't hurt me," I whisper clenching my eyes closed and curling up into a ball.

I hear a whine and I look up to come face to face with the black wolf.

I let out a screech and scramble back just to fall on my face.

My face hurts from falling. Blood runs from my lip.

The black wolf growls. With that, climb into the trees, I run, branch by branch deeper into the forest, the wolves on my heels.

I miss a branch and fall, I grab the branch, my feet dangling.

The wolves look up at me.

I begin to let tears stream down my face,"Why is this happening to me?" I whisper.

The red wolf growls.

I look down and the grey wolf is barking at her, making her back down.

The black one looks me in my eyes.

I'm so scared. My body trembles, and I know I can't hang on much longer.

The dark green eyes calm me. My body seems to relax suddenly.

But then I look up just as my hand slips, then I'm falling.

My heart drops, dread filling me.

I land in the middle of them. The black wolf grabs my leg and drags me, I sob out,"Please don't hurt me! I'm begging you!"

The black wolf stops as I beg.

My mascara is all down my face. The black wolf comes to my face, looking into my eyes,"It's time."

I hear in my mind. I frown looking around,"Who s-said that? Help! Help me!" I scream.

"Shush little sis, it's gonna be alright." I hear.


The voices come as if they are reading my mind. The wolves stare at me as if they are the ones causing the voices.

"I'm sorry this has to happen to you sweetheart."

"Aiden? Wha?" But I can barely think when a bolt of pain jolts through my body.

I screech at the pain, a screech that could break glass.

The wolves whimpered and whine, all except the black one, who is comforting me.

I can move I'm in so much pain. I begin to faint.

The black wolf whines loudly,"Grace!"

I Smile a the black wolf nudges me to keep me awake,"Stay awake! You can't close your eyes."

I Smile, letting my eyes shut,"I'll be okay," I whisper.

Everything go's black.

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