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Beauty's P.O.V.


You know that moment when you get the biggest surprise of your life, but you can't decide whether it is good or bad?

That's how this is.

Crystals? He's joking. Ain't no way in hell our hearts are Crystal.

Language. Intelligence says, apparently catching my passing thought.

I roll my eyes as James stands next to me, his hand on my waist protectively,"Does this put our pack in danger? Does it put Beauty in danger?" He asks, slowly, word by word, putting my into his chest protectively.

I roll my eyes,"James, we're going to be fine."

He growls, not buying it. I didn't really care. After all the crap I went through with Alpha Valley and the Starrynight pack, I didn't really have feelings. So most of the time I don't care.

Intelligence is pretty smart when she says,"Well, we have an idea of what to expect. The pack members memory of the last thirty minutes are erased so no one knows what happened."

I nod.

"We already know you are strength and Agility. And I'm positive I am healing and injury, and Beauty blindness and vision. So now we just have to figure out how to summon our abilities." Intelligence says talking to Grace.

Grace nods as Aiden holds her tired body. Her pure white hair flows in the wind.

I look up at James, before calling attention to me,"Let's wait till tomorrow. We've had a big day as it is. We need some time to settle into this pack house before we go off trying to figure this out," I say.

Grace and Aiden nod in agreement. But Intelligence groans, before giving in and huffing,"Fine."

I smile before squealing as James throws me over his shoulder,"Alright sweetheart, time to show you your new room with me!"

I roll my eyes as I'm touted Into the house. We walk down a narrow hallway, stopping at the end on the hall where a door lies,"Is that it?" I question.

He smile,"Yep."

James steps into the room, putting me down on the fluffy and bouncy bed. Its covered in floral bedding and the room is so plain,"This is yours?"

He coughs,"Yeah. I never felt like changing the bedding."

I chuckle, making grabby hands at him,"Cuddle with me!"

This time it's James's turn to roll his eyes at me,"This is my mate."

I smile, satisfied with the shivers that are sent down my spin as I lay in James's arms,"Let's play the question game. Maybe we can learn about each other?"

He nods, chuckling at how suddenly I said it,"Alright babe. What's your favorite color?"

I smile,"Black. What about you?"

He points at my face, I frown, but his words whisk me away,"Your dark green eyes. The color of them is my favorite."

I giggle,"Ok, your go."

James smiles at my reaction,"Alright. Where are you from?"

My smile fades. I look away, feeling the tears forming,"The Starrynight pack."

He gasps,"Your the abused pack member."

I nod, curling into him,"Yeah. But that's the past. What about your past?" I ask, completely trying to avoid my past.

James, holds me close,"Here. I'm from here. There isn't much about me. My parents are dead. What about yours?"

I shrug,"They dropped me off at the Starrynight pack when I was young. I never got to know them."

I look up at James, his eyes catch mine, together we lean in.

When our lips meet its pure bliss. There are fireworks that light up and send chills down my spine, making me shiver.

He grins, leaning in to deepen the kiss.

I pull back gasping for air. My body feels like it's been set on fire and put on a rollercoaster.

I smile back at James's happy face.

"JAMES! BEAUTY!" I hear Aiden call.

He storms into the room,"Not in my house!"

Oh no. James must have been thinking about the Naughty.

I growl at him but he fakes innocence,"What?"

I roll my eyes as Grace quietly sneaks her way in.

For a girl who can put a crack in the earth, she really is shy and polite, but a freaking ninja too.

"What's going on?" She asks.

I burst into a fit of laughter when James looks up as if someone had just pants him, and Aiden probably peed himself.

They frown at me,"What's so funny?" The ask in usion.

I instantly stop,"Never do that again. But you guys looked as if you saw a ghost!" I laugh and snort.

Grace chuckles,"Oopsy Daisy!"

I wipe the water from my eyes as I finish,"Gosh dang it. I was laughing so hard my eyes were sweating."

James gives me a weird look, one says,'What the hell?'

I shrug.

Intelligence slips into the room, leaning onto the door frame,"So what's with the gathering?"

I shrug, before realizing James is still on top. I feel my face heat up before pushing him off.

The others chuckle When James growls pulling me into his lap.

Aiden waves the other two out of the room then clothes the door, leaning against it,"So-"

James waves him out,"You too big guy!"

Aiden groans,"Ugh, fine."

Grace pulls him out.

"Bye guys! Have fun! I know I am about to!" Aiden shouts, slamming the door behind him.

I cup my mouth as I stifle a giggle.

James lays us down so my head is on his chest,"So.. Crystal hearts huh?"

I shrug, not really up to talk about this,"Yeah. I guess."

James, being the Idiot, continues,"You really didn't know?"

I groan,"No I didn't. Change of subject please?" I ask, burying my face in his chest.

James shrugs,"Alright. How about we just enjoy the moment?"

I nod. Enjoying the blissful shivers.

He looks down at me,"You good?"

"Yeah," I reply to the mind linked message. I don't really understand why he used the mind link.

He shrugs,"Cause I can." I roll my eyes chuckling.

He smiles.

I give him a simple but happy smile back and a warm,"Yep."

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