The Alpha

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Aiden's P.O.V.

The Alpha.

Don't you wish you could make every pain that the one you've loved forever, not even knowing it, make the pains go away.

I watch her body go limp with the pain.

My body aches for her.


I look at her face and immediately go back to the moment I found out she was my mate.


I'm joking with James and Jake, the twins, about chicks when Jake pushes me into this white haired girl.

She huffs as she falls back, away from the lockers, I catch her the last minute before she falls.

Suddenly, I look at her face. My entire body tingles, and my heart races.

She shivers in my arms. I hear Jake gasp.

I quickly drop, her, running. I sneak a glimpse at my mate before I head into next period. That's when I know I've found her.

End flashback

I'm pushed back into reality when she begins to stir.

I quickly change, along with the others. I throw on a pair of jeans and look down at my mate.

Her eyes open,"Aiden?" She croaks.

I Smile at her voice.

She shivers,"Why do I feel weird?"

I kiss her head, making her freeze, oh yeah, she doesn't know anything yet.

She begins to cry,"There were so many wolves! There was a grey one that reminded me of Jason and then... then there was this mean red one.. and a black wolf with green eyes. He's seemed like he knew me. And more," she whispers,"I felt so attracted to him. He seemed so much.. like you."

She looks at me.

I smile and stroke back her frizzed white hair.

Her brother growls a deep growl at me,"Get your paws off my sister!"

I growl back, look down at my mate for a moment,"Hold on for just a second sweetheart."

I turn back to Jason,"Its my mate for gods sake! Can't I at least have a second with her!"

Jessica growls,"She's not your mate sweetheart. I am."

I throw her a glare,"No your not. Grace is."

She laughs,"That ugly girl?"

Then something happens none of us expected to happen.

Grace screeches,"HELP ME!"

My heart drops at the pain she is having to bear.

After 7 hours of being 16 a werewolf is to endure hours of pain before they can fully change without pain.

I quickly run to her side,"Oh, my sweet Grace. Its going to be okay, just take deep breaths."

Grace takes a deep breath, just to release it in a screech, her bones cracking.

Suddenly, I realize what's happening.

Only one type of wolf screeches and goes through this pain when the changing comes.

The others realize it as well.

"Alpha," we all breath together.

She screeches a her hair begin so trail down her neck.

GraceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang