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CAUTION: For some annoying reason, the epilogue is coming before Chapter 39. In case you haven't read that chapter, kindly do that before the epilogue.

BEFORE YOU PROCEED, please read this 👇🏼👇🏼

1) I would love it if each one of you could comment, even if you're a silent reader. Just one comment would do so that I can atleast see who all my Cookies are.

2) Since most (like 200+) of you wanted the 10 years later, I'll be doing that. However, I might post some other bonus chapters of college, graduation etc too.

3) You may proceed with the Epilogue.... Enjoy😘


Love is blind. But Friendship is what closes its eyes.

10 years later

Alyssa's POV

"One last question before we end the show tonight," Ronald Wilson, the host of The Gossip King, spoke into the mic, looking directly at me with a small smile.

"Of course," I said into the mic right in front of me while I wanted to wind up the interview as fast as possible.

It was five in the evening and I was already getting impatient to finish my interview on this radio show.

I forced a smile and looked at the host who was delaying the question for a dramatic effect, making me groan inwardly.

"Allie, you have built such a big fan base ever since your first single came out and it keeps on growing as you keep dropping song after songs. What we want to know is that why is your face still a mystery. I mean, according to me, all your fans are dying to see who you are," Ronald asked me the question that many had in mind.

It was true. No doubt my songs had created an uproar in the world, I hadn't revealed my face to the world yet.

No one knew what I actually looked like and nor did they know that my real name was Alyssa. I went by the name 'Allie'. Though there had been many times when people did try to guess if my name was a short form of Allison, Alyssa, Alice, Alicia and so on.

I looked at Ronald and rolled my eyes. He gave me an amused look and gestured for me to speak into the mic.

Ronald had become one of my good friends ever since I ventured into the world of music, professionally.

The only reason he could see me and knew my face was because he had signed a contract about keeping my identity a secret from the public.

"Well, Ronald, it's because I don't want to lose the normality of my life. I don't want the spotlight just yet because I have a family to take care of. Maybe in the future, I might just give everything a go," I replied and he quickly ended the interview, promising the fans to scoop out more gossip about me, the next time.

Once the interview was over, I immediately got up. "I'll take my leave now."

"I'll see you soon," Ronald got up and gave me a friendly side-hug.

I grinned at him and rushed to the door. I heard Ronald calling me so I paused before turning back and giving him a questioning look.

The Invisible Best FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now