Chapter 3: One Step Ahead Of You

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You're my Best Friend. If you fall, I will pick you up ...after I stop laughing, that is.....

Chapter 3: One Step Ahead Of You

"Aaron! Get back here" I yelled chasing him all around the house.

"No freaking way" Aaron yelled back.

You see, my crazy best friend decided that it would be funny to look into my secret box which he found under my bed. Don't ask me how he got under the bed. Well, you must be wondering what this box must be containing, right?

It actually has all my embarrassing photographs, which I hid from mom so that she could refrain from showing them to who over comes over to our house.

And whoever means whoever, literally.

She had once shown the plumber my photo where I was grinning with orange teeth and a messy, spaghetti covered face and sitting only in my UGs.

I mean seriously?

Even though I was just five in the photo, it was TOO embarrassing!

And coming back to the situation in hand, Aaron was running with one of my photos which captured quite and embarrassing moment.

Apparently, when I was seven, I had wanted to chase a rabbit. So, while chasing it, I saw it going down a hole. I followed it down but got stuck in the hole. And that was the day when my mom had decided to dress me in a skirt. And being my parents, they first clicked a photograph and then helped me out.

In the photo, you can only see the lower part of my body, with my skirt barely keeping anything hidden. It is too embarrassing. And now, Aaron was running, laughing so hard that I actually wondered why he wasn't out of breath.

"Aaron! Get back here with the photograph!"I yelled chasing him. He was about five metres ahead of me.

"Never!" He yelled back.

Ugh! I have to do something. Otherwise he would never give it back to me. What can I do? What can I do?

Come on Alyssa! You can come up with something!

I searched my brain for an idea when suddenly the bulb in my mind flickered on.

I suddenly stopped chasing Aaron and dug my hands into my jean pockets to find my phone.

I pulled it out and grinned to myself as I thought of the plan.

After a minute, when Aaron realized that I wasn't following him, he too stopped and turned around. He had this confused expression which turned into and alarmed one when I gave him my evil grin.

"Aaron? Will you give me the photo?" I said taking a step towards him. He took a similar step back.


"You sure? 'Cause this is the last time I'm asking you" I said taking another slow step towards him.

"Ooooo. Someone's trying to sound intimidating" He whistled.

"Okay then, don't say that I didn't warn you!" I said and with that, I ran the opposite way. After a moment of confusion, he began to follow me awkwardly.

I quickly took out my phone and dialed a number which was quite familiar to both of us.

After two rings, the person picked up.

"Hello?" the person spoke.

"Hey, Agent Tom? Is it you?"

"Oh hey Agent Jerry! It's been a long time since you last called. What happened?"

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