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December 31, 1799 Time- 11:00pm.

Every bone and muscle in my body ached from the pain that shot from my belly. I could feel it was time for the life I created to set foot on earth. I gripped on to the bed I laid upon. It was the only leverage I had. As the contractions shot through my belly one more time, thunder boomed through the cabin. Soon lighting tore through the sky. God was mad because of the sin I have committed.

Oh! But it was a beautiful blissful sin. One I do not regret or ever would.

The door burst opened and the silhouette of a man stood at the door. Lightning flashed across the sky illuminating his immortal face. His black charcoal wings hung behind him, soaked by the rain. He stepped into the cabin, I could hear the dripping of the water on to the floor. The lamp inside the room made his physical features more apparent. He wore an expression of worry and sorrow. It killed me to see that emotion in his deep blue eyes. His sharp features softened as he saw me. His face was clean, not a wrinkle to be seen. His body was strong and lean, but he can't protect us for what is about to come. The wrath we are about to endure is going to be worse than when Lucifer fell from Heaven.

"Belfire, she's coming!" I gasped as our baby trying to kick her way through. I held my belly in hopes of easing the pain but it was no use.
"Lilith we need to do this fast they're almost here dear. We have to hide her before its too late!" He panted frantically as he raced towards me. He propped me up on the bed and helped me position myself ever so delicately. His touch soothes me and fills me up with warmth.
My child how I wish we could be with you! But we can't! In order to keep you safe! For we knew that if a fallen angel and an angel from god could not come together and create a child! I'm so sorry for what we have done to you! But we will see you soon!

Tears ran down my face as the pain in my heart grew at the thought of losing her. We would never get to see her grow up. We created something so special and we will not be a part of her life.

She kicks harder and a scream bursts out of my mouth. Belfire comes to my aid and holds me close. He presses his face to my hair and hums a soothing lullaby. I grip on to him with all my might because I know now it is time.
"She's ready." I panted and then another scream bursts through my lips before I faded out of existence.
January 1, 1800 12:00am.
When I woke up, I could hear the faint noise of the baby crying. Everything near my vision was blurry. Disorientation made the world move around me, causing a huge cloud in my head. Why is there a crying baby?

The baby! Where is she? 

"Belfire let me see her before we take her."I whispered roughly. My throat felt like sand paper. Tears stung my throat as they began to rise.  
Belfire came to me and gently placed our child in my arms. She was wrapped in a soft white blanket that was made out of the finest wool. Her face was covered up to shield her from the brisk hair coming in the cabin. Immediately I could feel her power seeping out of her. It now made sense why angels should never bind in love. This baby could be our very own destruction.

I uncovered her face slowly in fear of waking her up. Her face was soft and round. It was so filled with innocence. How could someone so delicate as her turn bad? She opened her eyes and a gasp fled from my mouth. Her eyes were breath taking. They were a beautiful violet, a color that nothing in the world could match. Her lashes where long and curly and her hair was the most darkest shade of black. I could see her curls starting to form around her face. She was beautiful. She was too beautiful for the human eyes but in order to keep her safe she has to live among them.

I gave her back to Belfire as I stood up. The benefit of being an angel is that we heal fast and we do not have to feel pain for long. In the impact I didn't notice that my own wings had come out. They were as white as the snow that covers the ground with golden specks that shone like the rays of the sun.
I walked over to the small cupboard that the cabin had and fished out a necklace. It was a golden heart shaped necklace. Only her blood could open it. In here will be everything she would need to know when it's time. On the front was her name we had decided for her.
Her name raced through my mind like a symphony.
"Lilith it's time they will be here soon. We need to leave." Belfire urged me to move.
"Has Maximilian come yet?" I asked turning to him. I glanced at the necklace one more time before i met his gaze.
"He said he would meet us up at the house." He replied.
"Do you think he will be able to do it?"
"Of course he would. He will protect our little Esmeralda and when it comes to her time he will tell her everything and teach her what we couldn't. Don't worry we will see her soon. Come now darling." he reached out and grabbed my hand and I followed him out. The rain had stopped and now snow began to falling. We needed to hurry and get her to a safe place. I could feel the others fast approaching.
When we arrived to our destination we knew this was the home our daughter needed. It was filled with good people and she would have what ever she needed. We knew they would easily take her in. The love in their hearts shone through out the house.
Maximilian was waiting for us behind the bushes. I trust him to keep Esmeralda safe but as a mother I fear for my daughter. I hope when this is over she will be able to understand that we did this for her.
When we reach each other, I had Esmeralda in my arms. She had woken up not too long. She kept gazing at me, smiling. She had a beautiful smile. Her smile could brighten up the night. I stroke her face and she closes her eyes. How blissful she is.
Belfire came to me and said "How is she?"
At the voice of her father she opened her eyes. She looked up to him as if she longed to touch his face. I kissed her and so did Belfire. This was going to be the final kiss from us if the outcome is bad.
Maximilian said, "It's time."
"You know what to do right? Please keep her safe." I plead.
He knelt and grabbed my hand and looked deeply into my eyes. He said, "As a guardian angel of the heavens I promise with my oath will and honor that I will do everything possible to keep her safe."
"If you fail?" I asked
"I shall pay with my blood." He simply said.
I nodded my head and with that he took Esmeralda from my arms and started walking towards the door. I watched him take my baby to her new life. He knocked three times and whispered and incantation to her. This would protect her for now. With that he laid her on the steps and we took off into the dark sky.
I hovered for a second just to see if my baby was going to be safe. If someone was going to come get her out of the freezing cold. Seconds later a plump woman comes to the door and saw Esmeralda. She was one of the maids, I could tell by her black uniform.
"Mr. And Mrs. De La Dollores! Come quick! Hurry!" She frantically yelled inside. I caught a glimpse of a young woman and man rushing to the plump women. Two little boys were running behind them and stopped at the couple's side.
The young woman took Esmeralda into her arms. She pressed her against her breast to keep her warm. She turned away from the door and began to walk inside. Then the door closed and that was the last I saw of my beautiful Esmeralda.

StrainOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora