Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The very next day I laid in my bed. I was waiting on my friends to come. My parents covered everything up to the point that it hid my wings. Black dirt was smeared lightly around my eyes. White powder was put around my whole body so that I would look pale of illness. My hair was soaked with water so it would seem that it was wet of sweat from the fever.
There was a soft knock on the door. Heritage came in and everyone came following after. Heritage teared up and ran towards me. She got on her knees and laid her head on my bed.
I wanted to make her stop crying. I wanted to tell her everything. The wings, being the hunted, everything. But I couldn't. I needed to keep her safe.
"Esme you will get better. I know you will I can feel it." Heritage said grabbing my hand. John came in to my other side. He grabbed my hair and fiddled with it. His eyes were closed. When he opened then they were filled with tears.
"You can fight this. I know you can." John said softly.
"I don't think so this time. I can feel it." I croaked tearing up myself.
"Well you know the saying you can never get rid of a pest." Lucian said. He voice was horse. I looked at everyone and all of them had unmoved faces. Their eyes were red where they had cried.
At one point I thought I was going to jump and say "I'm just kidding! Look at me I'm well and healthy!" But I wasn't about to stop my cover. It was for their safety no matter how it hurt them.
They all stayed with me for the whole day. We talked about other things as if I wasn't on a bed dying fighting for my life. Finally when the sun settled they all left but John.
"I believe you will get well. That I will see you out of this room and somewhere else. Perhaps traveling the world. I know you're going to get through this." John said holding my hand in his.
"I don't know what's going to happen next after this is over." I said adding some truth in it. He sat on my bed.
"I know one thing."
"What is it."
"That you are the bravest person I know and I know you are a fighter."
He closed the distance between us and kissed me. Soft at first and then the kisses became more passionate. I wanted to grab him and never let him go. I wanted to tell him everything. I knew I could trust him. I could take him with me too. No! What if he gets killed? I know my brothers can protect themselves but not John no matter what he says. I pushed him softly away.
"I'm so sorry! I don't know what got into me!" He said breathless.
"It's okay. Just please leave. I need some time. I'm tired." I said trying not to look him in the eyes. I knew if I did I would have probably told him.
He closed the door softly and walked away. I could hear his soft foot steps against the hard wood floor until they disappeared. From outside my window I could here their carriage leaving.
Xavier busted in and said,"great acting sis. Keep up the good work and you'll be dead in no time. What's wrong?"
"Nothing. But I just told a big lie that I'm dying when I'm not and made everyone I love cry. But I'm fine." I said sarcastically.
"Oh okay good. I thought for a moment I was going to have to do a brotherly thing." I rolled my eyes and he sat down next to me. He asked,"you want to talk about it?"
"Yes I do. I feel so bad leaving them. They are my family. I feel like I just lost part of me." I said softly. He put a hand on my leg and rubbed it softly.
"It hurts all of us Esme. Believe me. I'm hurting too."
"You don't have to come if you don't want to."
"But I do want to go. I want to kick butt with my little sister."
"I'm not that little." I said sheepishly.
"Oh really?"
"Yes really."
"Wanna bet?"
"You're on."
Max came in before we could shake hands. He said,"Are you ready to die?"
"If you say it like that, than no." I said.
"Would you like me to say it sweetly than?" Max asked annoyed.
"Yes please."
"Are you ready to die?" Max said with sweet sarcasm.
"Just because you say it like that doesn't make it nice."
"Just get up and let's hit the road. Do you have your stuff ready?"
"Not yet. Both of you get out." I sat up and shoved them out.
Once they were out I started crying. I didn't know if I was going to stop. I was hurt and I just hurt two important people. Why did this have to happen? Why couldn't it just disappear along with my birth parents?
I wiped the tears away and I put on a pair of pants and a buttoned up shirt. I tied my hair up and put on a cap. I looked at myself in the mirror and I didn't look boyish at all. I was hoping the disguise helped me look like a boy but it didn't.
I walked out the door and went to the library. My family was waiting for me downstairs. All we were carrying along was some money for shelter. My mother's eyes were red and my fathers face looked grim. But also they shown of many other emotions.
We said a silent goodbye and went our way. I guess neither of us knew what to say. We didn't know when we were ever going to see them again. We don't even know where we are going.
We decided to travel through the forest to get out of town and once we have left we would go to the road headed to the next city. From there we will head to an Indian tribe and stay there for a while.
I was riding on silver. We decided to take the horses. It would save is some time. When we left it was close to midnight. In less than 10 minutes we got to the road. We stopped galloping to give the horses a break but we rode along the road.
"Is this all we are going to do? Just ride? I don't think my trunk can take that." Xavier whined.
"No we are going to stop a few times along the road. At night we will camp in the forest. When we get to town get as much as you can. We couldn't take things from your home because than we carry something people from your town would recognize." Max said.
"Can I tell you something?" Brian asked.
"If you want to." Max responded.
"Why are you always so serious? Why can't you loosen up? It's like I'm talking to an adult instead of a guy my age." Brian said.
"Oh my gosh my point exactly!" I exclaimed. Xavier nodded in agreement.
"Well I am older than you by 100years and I've been through a lot." Max pointed out. We wore amazed expressions.
"But I thought the earth was built before 100years old!" Xavier exclaimed.
"Yes that's correct. I'm the newest of the angels." Max said as a matter of fact.
"Well if you're new, why aren't you all goofy?" I asked.
"Goofy?" Max questioned and smiled at my word use.
"Whatever you want to call it."
"Like I said I've been through hard times. We were at war at heaven. Wars in heaven are harsh. And unfortunately I started fighting on the wrong side." Max said grimly. It took us a second to process what he said and we stopped our horses. We started backing away from Max.
"I swear I want to redeem myself. Don't act this way." Max said.
"Why should we believe you!? You have been lying to us all this time!" Brian yelled. He was blood red angry.
"I should've known. But we fell for it like you wanted. Didn't we?" Xavier said bitterly.
"There was just one problem. My brothers were coming along with me. And somehow you want to get rid of them. That's why you were so persistent for only me to go." Everything fell in place. It was like a piece puzzle. All the pieces fit perfectly.
"Stop and just listen!" Max begged.
"Why should we listen to you!" Brian yelled. He pulled out something from his boot and it was a hand gun.
"Please stop and listen before you do something stupid." Max warned. He was grinding his teeth and his face was red. He sent waves of angry energy.
Brian pointed the gun at Max and hesitated. Than he pulled the trigger. The bullet flew through the air and Max caught it before it hit him. He crushes the steel in his hands and he threw something from his hands. I could not see what it was and we were pushed of our horses and slammed to the ground.
"I told you to listen!" Max yelled at us. He was walking towards us with a deadly aura.
Adrenaline started pumping through me like waves. I stood up and flicked my wrist. Max was thrown against the ground. Dust flew everywhere. I imagined squeezing his windpipe. I imagined him chocking to death. I wanted him to to die, for being a traitor. I wanted to kill his very soul and so that's what I tried to do. I looked for it until I found it. It was a dark purple cloud. Like fog after a rainy day. I could feel myself grabbing it. When I touched it memories started to flow through me and I took them greedily.
I saw one image. And that one image made me come back to my senses. I don't want to be a killer! I let go of the power that was boiling in me and backed away from him.
"Touch my family again and there will be no second chances." I said through my teeth. My brothers stood up and climbed on their horses. I got on mine and we went on our way. I could hear Max getting on his and following us from behind. My brothers didn't question me and I didn't talk to them for the rest of the trip. I wasn't in the mood for anything.

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