First Day

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Ok, so I'm going to update this story earlier than expected. I'm not really doing anything right now plus this is a helpful way to cope. I'll be making this chapter longer than the first two so enjoy!

Chapter 3: First Day

Crimson sat at a desk not too far away from the Sheriff's office. It's been about two days since she was given the job as an investigator and she was quite taken aback by what she heard.

So the Sheriff explained how multiple investigators have quit their job after given the assignment to investigate an abandoned school over at Window's Lane(I'm not really being creative with these names...sorry).

She was told that there have been reports of noises and activity going on inside the building. No evidence of graffiti was found and no reports of people walking inside the building have been covered. So far this investigation was a failure for the Police Department.

The Sheriff has been getting really irritated over this case and is close to giving it up. Crimson, though, has only just started.

"So when do you want me to go down there?" Crimson wondered as the Sheriff stood behind her. He shrugged in response.

"Soon. I'm not sure of the exact day yet." He replied dryly.

Crimson nodded her head and continued looking at the papers she was given. She noticed something quite intriguing.

"Hey, sir? What's this about anonymous deaths in the building before it was run down?" Crimson wondered again.

The Sheriff raised an eyebrow.

"That? Oh that was about 15...20 years ago. Kids and adults had started disappearing and we got reports of people walking up on the remains of them. Not a pleasant site." He stated.

Crimson cringed at the thought.

"Wow...well that's..." She trailed off.

The Sheriff nodded. She continued looking.

"Hey, Sheriff? You mind if I walk down there today? Just to look around. Nothing major." She stated hoping he would approve.

The Sheriff thought for a minute.

"Uh, sure. Be careful down there. There's no telling what's there." He stated firmly.

Crimson nodded while already getting to her feet. "Don't worry sir. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for anything."


Crimson walked down the sidewalk to the school not too far from the Police Department. She brought a note pad and pen with her to write down anything she thought was interesting.

She had somewhat of a worried expression.

She didn't really know how bad of a condition the school was in. She made sure not to go anywhere that was hazardous to her health. Well...the school probably is hazardous all together.

She turned a corner and caught the school in view. It wasn't all that run down but of course that was only the outside. She gulped as she took a step down from the sidewalk and into the direction of the school.

' It's ok Crimson nothing bad will happen. ' She told herself mentally. ' It's just an abandoned building. What could happen?'

She asked herself only to have her mind filled with horrible answers.

She could fall in a hole, break something, injure herself, get cut somewhere, get infected, etc. Thinking like that made Crimson stop short of her destination.

She slowly looked up realizing she was standing right in front of the entrance. She gulped for the second time that day and took a deep breath before taking a bold step forward through the entrance.

She took note that it was definitely dusty in here. She looked around seeing that it wasn't as bad as she expected but it was still a potential safety hazard.

She looked around just to see what the building's condition was in terms of walking around and how big it was. It was general big but nothing major.

She walked down the hallway and turned right. Crimson didn't touch anything just yet. She didn't have any equipment so decided to refrain from coming in contact with anything.

She stopped when she came to a classroom. She looked inside and saw a few chairs and a desk. Assuming that it was the teacher's desk Crimson looked at it to see if there was anything on it. Not that she could tell from the foggy window. She backed away from it and continued in a different direction looking and stopping at certain rooms.


After some time, Crimson thought it was time to go. She grew tired and hungry and so far no luck in finding anything. She really didn't know what she was expecting to find anyway.

Crimson turned a corner followed shortly by another. She walked down a hallway and stopped when she saw it was the wrong way.

That's weird. She could've sworn she came this way.

Crimson shrugged and turned around. She turned the corner and walked down a hallway followed by a series of hallways.

Crimson grew confused.

Didn't she just make two turns? Where did the hallways come from?

Crimson brushed it off and continued down the hall making a couple of turns after.

Some time passed when Crimson grew annoyed. How long had she been walking? It almost seemed like this school went on forever.

"What in the heck?" Crimson wondered as she continued to make turns.

Something was off here. She didn't remember walking this far into the school neither does she remember it being this big.

Crimson stopped and looked around.

She all of a sudden felt like she was being watched.

Was someone following her?

Crimson turned around and saw no one there. Now she was getting creeped out.

What was going on?

She didn't care as she started running in the opposite direction. She turned the corner almost falling in the process.

What scared her even more was the fact that the feeling of a presence behind her never left.

Crimson ran faster down the hallway dodging some debris in here way. She saw what looked like an opening.

That must be the entrance!

She ran faster to the light that emitted through the opening.

As she flew out of the building nearly falling on the ground she turned back to the building breathing fast. She looked around frantically to see if anyone was there.

To no avail she saw no one there. She slowly caught her breath and looked at the building.

"What was that?" She pondered as she thought about the harrowing experience.

Never has she been so scared in her life!

Well she checked to see what notes she took, surprised that she somehow managed to keep ahold of the thing during that ordeal, and headed off to the direction of the Police Department.

She was gonna need some major rest when she got home.


Ok, so this is a start. Not as long as I was hoping but this is just a practice story. Just to see how it goes. I kept falling asleep when I got home so I didn't publish this as fast as I thought I would but it's still kinda early. I'm still working on homework for school and am really tired from a long day so I'll catch up on this tomorrow. I might just type up another story while working on this one. I don't know yet. I wanna mention one more thing before I go. I do write fanfictions so if you guys have anything thoughts on that lemme know. See you later. Bye!

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